I think you should take it as a compliment, and I should take it as a hint that the most attractive woman I see all day occupies a 1x2 inch space on my monitor.
Sorry, it was the best I could come up with on such short notice. If you give me some time I can come up with more offensive things to say about the Dutch.
Your dairy products are of inferior quality and your windmills will never match up to those in Holland. Take that you socialist bastards. queue American theme music
Ahhh right .. that explains why you insult us by saying our windmills are better then our windmills . . :roll:
Yeah, I didn't catch that until I hit the send button. But your dairy products are still no good. And it's your fault Operation Market Garden failed.
That's not an insult .. we know we suck at military operations .. and who gives two shits about milk .. insult the queen .. .our tell me our XTC is average. . come on . . make my blood boil. . you can do it . .
The Dutch Queen swims out to meet the battle ships. The Dutch Queen isn't hung like a horse, horse's are hung like the Dutch Queen. The Dutch Queen has breath so bad, when she yawns her teeth duck. If I had a dog half as ugly as the Dutch queen I'd shave its ass and make it walk backwards. Then I'd hit it with a truck. The Dutch Queen is so fat she jumped up in the air and got stuck. The Dutch Queen is the missing link. The Dutch Queen voted for George W. Bush. Then she went down on his dog. The Dutch Queen is so fat she wore a Malcolm X t-shirt and a helicopter landed on her fat ass. The Dutch Queen is so fat, they had to baptise her at Sea World. That's all I can come up with, it's almost time for bed.
Yeah, I had to move a bunch of furniture before I went to work today. Have to do it again tomorrow. And for the record 2 of those weren't yo' mamma quotes. One was a Chuck Norris quote, the other one said the queen blows G.W. Bush's dog. Coincidentally, I don't even know if GW Bush has a dog, but for the purposes of this exercise I'm assuming he does. I'm out. Bedtime.
Uw windmolens zijn uitwerpsel. Uw koningin is een prostituee. Uw tulpen zijn onkruid. En u zou dit opmerken als u geen marihuana de elk van tijd rookte.