His exact post was: No links, no pics, no mention of any other site. I'm not trying to bust your balls about it but just for reference, those are the kind of things you should look for for spam.
Ok, well thank you. I'll keep an eye out for that but either way, replying to a robot and telling it to drink Draino isn't very helpful either.
Suppose it made me feel better to sit outside of your office and tell everyone who attempted to enter that they should drink Draino and kill themselves. Would it making me feel better (and it probably would for a little while) be enough of an excuse to allow it?
Ok, SORRY!!!! Lets make this a nicer place for visitors. Make a little room called "Jefe's Treehouse" where only nice things can be said, and one of the rules is that you have to deal on a genuine and personal level and be decent to each other. No kidding. It might even be fun. Of course most of the regulars here would never go there, because having a real relationship with people is the last thing that they can tolerate. As far as having you show up and make a scene outside my office - go for it. Having a token crazy person at your door is good for business.
I never even implied that only nice things can be said in here. You're taking it to the extreme to try and make it look ridiculous. I'm sure you understand my point. You can just not reply to me now and still look cool to the rest of the kids if you like. I'll understand.
I don't know. Maybe feel them out a little and see if they can take it before you head straight for the Draino bit. Give it a shot, see what happens.
I was thinking instead of adding the comments to the pics and videos. Why not ad a link that says something along the lines of. Want to comment on this video/picture. Please visit our boards. Then add a video comment suggestion section as well for the other sections.
I can see where you would think that is a good idea and I thought about that at first but opted to have comments on the other pages.
you guys are really over looking the big picture here, the main enchilada of the thread. I told a joke here, in 2002, and someone didn't like i, hence they called the police on me. Now i will always have that little mark on my record "Possible pedophile?" for being a smart ass, 5 years ago. Anyway carry on with your yammering, I'll never warn you ass felchers of anything, ever again.
There's no way in hell that some cop paid you a visit because of a post you made here. He might have used that piece of information to question you about something but nobody in here should worry that, if they post a joke, that they'll be questioned by the police for it.
Sorry, I didn't realize you were taking this as seriously as you are... So far as I know, you are being harassed by a ?uniformed officer of the law? that had a problem with something you may or may not have posted to an online forum five years ago? I'm glad to know that all of the real crimes in your area have been solved, so that the police can crack down on Internet jokes now. I seriously would blow this whole thing off. PM me with the details if you want, but from the sound of it, I'd say this guy is wasting both his time and the taxpayers money when he could be investigating, oh, I don't know, maybe an actual crime?
First of all Phatboy is probably referring to the posts made under my name after I posted my password before changing it and reclaiming the accounty and if anything comes of it he will look like the character out of dumb and dumber when it get's tracked back to his computer and I sue him and his two daughters and shit heap wife for all they got (hehhehe). Alright I'm assuming his wife is a shit heap. Now let me tell you the story of wee willy winkee that my grandmother used to tell me. One day my grandmother was out raking leaves and she was gathering all the leaves in a big pile on a blustery autumn day. The leaves were orange, gold and various shades of brown and a little green mixed in. She began to rake some of the leaves around a tree into a big circle so she could gather them up when she heard a faint... hey watch what you are doing there!! Well I never!! What an impolite old woman you are!!!! She looked to her right and to her left and didn't see anything and thought Oh! I must be hearing things! I had better go inside and sit down with some water! ...and it's not even hot outside! Then she heard the little voice again before she could turn and make for the walkway leading to the modest neat little house with the odd assortment of bed rooms leading in a chain from front to back with the dining and living rooms making up the other half of the house besided the attic and cellar used for making wine. The voice said no you big oath down here!! She looked down and saw a little man standing with his hands on his hips with a red face pausing to shake his hand at her......... to be continued when I get drunk again
I think it's funny they say they take threats against childeren seriously but the item in question is five years old.
Not to be an asshole or anything, but it is spelled Drano. I know this because I used to spell it wrong.
Well if my memory serves correctly, and it usually does, it was before you 'posted your password'. She was 13, and I am pretty sure she was unconciuos because one of her parents beat her up. I can promise you that nothing posted as 'dan' will ever be traced back to my IP, not because I am super internet pimp, but just because I have better things to do with my time. Please dont get all defensive because someone calls you out for being the punk that you are. Dont worry about suing me, cause I dont think that with your KY education you can find Georgia and if by some miracle you did, I'm not sure your 96 Cherokee can make the trip to Georgia. I guess you could always 'go greyhound'. Oh, 1 son, 1 daughter, and the wifes not a shit heap. With your personality, and the way you talk about women, I am sure you will make some toothless chick from Pikeville very miserable someday.