that fucking bitch. even at times when i thought (think) my world might end i would fucking starve and sell myself before i ever let my child suffer. no matter what her plea is she - i hope she is fucking crazy and that she hears that baby's cries for the rest of her life.
Wow Pukey - you got this one nailed. Police: Missing baby in landfill Sunday, July 29, 2007 By ROBERT McCLENDON Staff Reporter The body of Geretha Tyese Lewis' infant daughter sat in a garbage bin in front of her Prichard home until it was dumped in an Escambia County landfill, authorities said. As police combed through garbage Saturday at the landfill, looking for the remains of Zarial Lewis Farris, family members mourned and Geretha Lewis sat in Mobile County Metro Jail, charged with her 1-month-old's murder. Prichard Police Maj. Marvin Whitfield said the garbage was picked up in the Gulf Village neighborhood Tuesday, the day before police held a news conference and initiated an intensive search for the missing child.
How much? Seriously, you are right. There are so many people out there who would have taken that baby, and given it a better chance. Why do that? It's selfish, shows weakness, and ignorance, not to mention no compassion for life. They should put her in a trash bag, then a can, and leave her outside in the sun till she is dead. So she can imagine what that poor baby went through in its final hours.
Well the baby was just a few weeks old. No big deal. If she had killed it one months ago, it would have been legal. No one is a monster these days as long as the victim is too young to voice an opinion about whether they live or die.
EXACTLY! I sit here putting myself in the mind of a one month old baby, Barely able to hold the weight of my own head. Dependant upon my mother or other human to sustain life. Unable to speak and by many peoples standards unable to think, reason, understand. Suffocating inside a hot stinky trash bag inside a hot steamy and nasty garbage can. As I lay there uncomfortable and suffocating I remember how I shared the feelings of desperation my mother felt putting me in that bag. And at the same time feeling sorry for her for the feeling of disgust in herself and low self esteem. Truly sad but from one angle at least that mere baby has a leg up on all of us from the perspective of innocence. God speed it's journey to a better place.
I saw several cases on MSN yesterday about dead children. A 5 year old found dead in the trunk of a car, 4 infants found buried in a yard, 2 found dead under a sink. If you don't want kids, don't have sex or at least use a fucking condom! That's where I get pissed with the 3rd world countries and that "Feed the Children" shit. Why don't they sterlizie the fucking people?
Get used to depressing news. You will be bombarded with it for the next six months or so. By the end of the year you will be sure this wicked world we live in is at the worst state it has ever been in. And to add to it the desperate mood a lot of people are sucked into just exacerbates the problem much to the amusement of the perpetrators. (News Media) We have been in "The glass is only half empty mode its downhill from here" bombardment for the past year. Next the pressure will tighten. Corruption in the senate and house are ten times what they were and earmarks you kept hearing about. Hidden now thanks to Harry Reid. Word is out in the business sector that if you show profits this next qtr you will be subject to a congressional investigation. The housing market will be the first victim of the Democratic takeover.
maybe for you - my horoscope says the remainder of 2007 will be totally worth all of the complete hell i've been through in the first half. and supposedly february is supposed to kick ass.