very true, please don't forget professional boxing, and the rap music industry, which moves into professional actors... It's only a matter of time before c-murder gets an oscar doe his portrayal of Kunta Kinte on the 2009 remake of roots
Silly Scheißevolles! What great enjoyment is there to be had in dissecting someone who is pretty upfront ( with no pitiful attempts to *prove* anything ) in the first place? On the other hand, when it comes to revealing what a plagiarising, sphincter slurping, timid, little pseud someone who struts around with an in-your-face, big, tough hard bitch/boy act really is, the opportunities for fun are endless!
Tell Heff to sue me then. I am sure I am not the only human to NOT own the copyright/trademark rights to the image in their avatars.
otherwise known as flunitrazepam, which alongside sildenafil citrate, make up the his and hers partnership of drugs for the sexually challenged and socially inept man about town