No watch the video again in its entirety its creepy. Oh its great to make big sanctimonious proclamations of good deeds. There are also others who quietly do these things without boasting as a regular daily habit or routine. You know my mom and dad have participated in meals on wheels for years. A lot of their own acquaintances have no idea. They do not go around telling people or proudly wear the t-shirt they simply do it. They are retired and enjoy it. But those liberals are down right creepy. Watch the video in its entirety there was at least two who pledged allegiance to specifically Barrack Obama.
Good for your mom and dad, it's a great way to stay busy after retiring. I agree that the best deeds are the ones that sometimes go unnoticed. If these people have to pledge specifically to Obama in order to do good deeds, then they might as well not do it. Goodness of heart is earned, not pledged. What kind of world do we live in? Planting a tree doesn't deserve national attention, it's just something you do. Sigh. Democrats don't always make sense.
Heck yeah. You know those Salvation Army people who ring the bells at Christmas season? Ask them where they would bring in the most donations. Rodeo Dr. in Beverly Hills. Or in front of a Walmart in Podunk Middle America town USA where the income is 1/10th.
Here you are, Fred: Bullgod's secret weapon. But please - don't access that site if you are under 13.
'You vacillating witless cerebrally-challenged barforific coprophagiac assface !!' Interesting, but his virtual armoury is vast and is abound with inviserating rapiers. For example, This one has a familiar 'ring' to it 'dung reeking doodle raider' or how about this for the angry young man in us all 'Dick nosed pork-sword swallowing maggoty shit' But i think this may actually be his weapon of choice After all if his interweb connection goes down, how will he vent his 'cesspit-full of deeply disturbed cow cud'?
I have a wife to insult for those unexpected outages, my foolish fucktard of an interweb friend. :biggrin: