Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Dwaine Scum, Apr 16, 2004.


Who thinks that the new user instagator...

  1. Is funny!!! let him stay!!!

    0 vote(s)
  2. Is a unorignal, un-funny shit prick that is over repeatative, ban him please

    0 vote(s)
  1. Bubs

    Bubs New Member

    Well, I know most of ye would prefer to chew on yer own nuts than listen to ME, BUT

    Here's Bubba's amazing facts on this post...

    Instigator has made rougly 33 homosexual oriented insults so far

    he has a total of 24posts so far

    thats roughly 1 full gay insult and a third of one insult in every single one of his posts so far
    (the actual figure was 1.375 gay insults for every post)

    the only other type of insult was that of the "i had your mother" type, of which he had 3

    (at this point in writing I took a brief break to pick my nose)

    He also had 1 of those lame ass ("john254 punches some cunt in the face and laughs") action posts, these posts are crap, and anyone who posts them looks like a right fucking cabbage.

    so in closing, the Instigator has an incredibly limited arsenal of insults at his disposal, and he's a bit slow as it is...

    this has been a CaptainPants production :shock:
  2. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    Damn....Bubs beat me to that one. :lol:
    I was going to point that stuff out too...I'm guessing he's like 12...(as opposed to the previous guess of 14), and mommy caught him jacking off to his daddy's copy of "Men's Health" again, and grounded him from the computer for the weekend.
  3. chakaflange

    chakaflange New Member

    I've been reading the posts on fugly for a while now and decided to sign up being the sad, lonely bastard I am for 2 reasons. The first being the majority of the people on here rule, the second being that instagator is the most unoriginal prick to post on any forum I've ever visited. That's about it really.
  4. instagator

    instagator New Member

    Top of the morning guys! How are you's doing today! It's Monday! Just to let you guys know what we are up to... yes we! Me and a few folks here at work are pretty much up to this. There are 3 woman and 7 guys here at my work place reading this forum. We are all Tech support engineers for a medical company. We had a bet going on this morning about which one of you guys would be the first to post. The bet was 20 bucks a head so the pot was 200 bucks! The bets were laid out this way
    The "first person to post" would be bet

    Person pick On-line name pick

    Matt Spooky Action
    Ben Spooky Action
    Beverly Spooky Action
    Lori Spooky Action
    Richard Spooky Action
    Brain Spooky Action
    Carol Kaptainskizo
    Kim(He's a guy) I murder children
    Brian Schmed
    Michael (He's gay) Schmed

    Nobody thought Fredvegas would have been first. Even though Spooky Action should have been the winner! Everybody here is disjointed at Fredvegas!
    Nobody won.
    Lori want to apologies to I murder children because we were to hard on him for his broken back. She says hope you get well. She wants you, dude! LOL
    As for me, Matt, the person who has been typing most of the responses. I got most of the gay bashing come backs from Michael. He is the demented ass master!

    Everybody here had a good time reading all the responses. We had a good laugh at the whole event!
    Thanks guys.
  5. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    Oh, look, the little bitch is re-posting....
  6. instagator

    instagator New Member

    Hehehe Crapton... My name is matt... Been in the military for 10 years. I 6 foot 250 pounds... I can knock you down by just farting... You would be my prison bitch! LOL
  7. instagator

    instagator New Member

    I can see that you all are waiting for me! Must be nice to popular with you guys! We are all waiting for you guys to cut me down! Lets have it! Everybody here wants a good laugh. The pass couple of days has been great!
  8. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    i posted first in this thread you dipshit... in fact i replied about 40 minutes before fred replied in the other thread....

    that $200 should be mine
  9. instagator

    instagator New Member

    Sorry dude. But nobody picked you either! We all lost. We agree you were the smartest on of the group! Don't rub it in!
  10. Spooky Action

    Spooky Action New Member

    :shock: Looks like I got me a fan club!!!

    But things just ain't the same anymore without my Number One Fan...

    :cry: :cry: :cry:
  11. Spooky Action

    Spooky Action New Member

    Just thought! :shock: Maybe their not fans at all, just a group of freaks who thought I was the 'dumbest shit'... :shock:
  12. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    i did
  13. FredVegas2

    FredVegas2 New Member

    If the bet was the first to reply to that particular post, then I was first. You were replying to a seperate post. I'm not trying to claim the money, though, as I too chose you as the first.
  14. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    pretty pathetic thats what you all do for fun. you weren't even very good at it. fuckin waste of good forum space is all.
  15. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Yayyyyy Instagator finally back to amuse me some more!!!
  16. Schmed

    Schmed New Member


  17. Ulfur Engil

    Ulfur Engil New Member

    He probably got kicked out after ten years for being a fag. That was when the military had the sense to throw out baloney pirates.

    Typical "spinigikeomo." (Spic-nigger-kike-homo).
  18. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    You should have posted that in the Jokes forum....cuz that's funny!

    Well, MATT(or should I be pretentious(buy a dictionary and look it up), and call you MATTHEW)...either way..6' and 250? You must be one FAT motherfucker. That military shit doesn't impress me...for one, I've been with Bikers and Anarchists for longer than, come on down and give it a try...
    As far as being your prison bitch? I'm laughing....mostly because I can picture you in'd be just like Winthrop from "OZ"....first an aryan's bitch/transvestite, then a corpse.

    Either an Aryan's bitch, or a big nigger's bitch....either're taking it up the ass. Probably liking it too.


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