Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Dwaine Scum, Apr 16, 2004.


Who thinks that the new user instagator...

  1. Is funny!!! let him stay!!!

    0 vote(s)
  2. Is a unorignal, un-funny shit prick that is over repeatative, ban him please

    0 vote(s)
  1. instagator

    instagator New Member

    Die fat pig with the brocken back! I am the 40 year old that picks up fat and chops there fat heads off!

    You're still a piss pump sucker, I murder!

    You know I am not going to stop... because I have more stamina then you fat fuck! Quit while you are loosing, just like the rest of you life!
  2. Spooky Action

    Spooky Action New Member

    *Prods istagnator with a pointy shity sick*
  3. instagator

    instagator New Member

    *sicks dynamite in Spooky's ass and lights the fuse*
  4. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    you are the one hiding, not me..
  5. instagator

    instagator New Member

    Yup... I am what I eat... You're a cock!
  6. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    man.. you are like 14 years old...
  7. instagator

    instagator New Member

    Hiding? What the fuck are you talking about... I have posted more in the last days then you, fatso!
    Hidding where did you get that from! I am right here! Go eat your fied pig skins and shut you fuck cum hole!
    Cock breath!
  8. instagator

    instagator New Member

    Yup... and you are gay!
    you sentances are getting shorter... what's a matter fat fuck, getting tiered of typing?

    Like I said porky, no stamina!

    Die Felter! Hope you choke on a fat snowball to hog!
  9. instagator

    instagator New Member

    Where are is you Post Cum queen? Come on fatty! Lift those fat fingers and type something... that, or stop downing them twinkes and type. Go ahead and cry now, fucker! I hate shit heads like you. I you walked next to me if fucking punch you for now reason! You are a fat, buttfucked, cock sucker, with now stamina! Go cry to you mom, faggot!
  10. instagator

    instagator New Member

    Waiting form post from any of you cock sucking faggots! I win... you're still looser!
    Good night... see you guy's in another room, because I am not done with you's.

    I bet you guys are not going to type anymore, but if you are reading this, and you are, mean I read your stupid little minds.

    Whom ever posts after this message is a really dumb fucker!
    I can't even reply to you because you are so fuckin retarded!

    OH... I murder loves to be the meat in a fag hog sandwitch!
    Die pig!
  11. Spooky Action

    Spooky Action New Member

    2nd guess... A 14 year old Twat.

    *Bends over backwards to light spliff*
  12. instagator

    instagator New Member


    Thanks dude! You made my day!

    I can't say anymoore right now... laughing at you.
  13. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    umm yeah, sure, I was stating, you know whoi I am, you hide under anonamininity, obviously, you have something to hide, thats all..

    Whats your name? whats your AIm? fuck show me up, victimize me or something.. you are the one hiding, not me.
  14. instagator

    instagator New Member

    Because you are a stupid dumb fuck for letting out your info. Now you are begging for my profile. Pathetic fool! I am not as dumb as you and the rest of you retarded friends here. I am haveing fun with all of you. I really don't give a fly fuck about any of this... but it's nice to see how all of you cant keep up with me! Just givin you a tasted of what you guy's do to al the other folks in here. If you going to dish it out... you better take it!

    Oh by the way!
    You, 1337, captain schmed, and spooky action can all drown in each other spearm!
  15. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    Mother FUCK! Sorry I didn't get to this one earlier...but the wife wanted to eat lunch out today. We usually come home for lunch, which is why you see posts between 12:15-12:30...but I digress...

    I'm going to unload like a virgin on his first date...Sorry to point you out on this one Instagator, it's not my fault you haven't gotten your first date yet......might try looking in the mirror for a clue....

    "Looser" = "Loser"
    "What's a matter" = "What's the matter"
    "Jesus christ" = "Jesus Christ"

    Suck your balls? Grow some first fuckwad.
    That's "I Murder Children"...
    "aye"? You *ARE* a Limey, aren't ya......

    Let's see here....Doesn't know how to insert a link....can't spell something as simple as "FUGLY"....even though it's right at the top of the reply page...

    Doesn't know how to quote either....

    Nice try at English...but please, try are sounding like Bush.

    You voted for yourself....and about that "smart person"...that SHOULD read: I bet you're a pretty smart person.
    You're happy? You sound like the type of kid who is pissed Michael Jackson didn't molest him.
    That's STEEL toes...Stealing is what your momma does to get enough money to feed her crack habit.
    Oh, and you're probably not hung well enough to tear the "SPHINCTER" in an ant.
    Oh, if THAT is your idea of a first's NO wonder why you haven't had one yet.
    Scared, eh?
    Couldn't agree more!!!
    HOLY SHIT!!! Did that hit the mark dead center or WHAT?!
    ROFL!!!! Picks up fat what?!?! ROFL!!!
    Offer's Spooky a sword to use...
    Puts fuse out with Instagator's tounge....then offers spooky a sterilizing washcloth.
    Anyone in here a translator, from retard to english?
    I didn't see anyone begging...I did see someone calling out your manhood...which you have yet to produce....
    Obviously you do...and you blatently care more about keeping up with us, as opposed to the opposite, because you've made 18 responces in less than 5 some math. Obviously, you care enough about this forum to not being doing anything better than watch to this forum for responces on a friday night.

    Dumb fuck for letting out our info? Do you realize that this site records your IP everytime you come here? The administrators CAN use that to not only find out who you are, but what your address is....AND they can post said information on this site for anyone who actually has spare gas money to drive to your town and bash your skull open with a baseball bat.
    Oh, re-read the quote, and compare it to yours....I fixed it for you.
    can't spell sperm.... :roll:
  16. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    If you all hate this guy so much then why you keep fucking answering him??
  17. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    HAHAHAHAHA, it's my turn now Kap, GO KAPTAIN GO KAPTAIN......
  18. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    Cuz he's busy as a guy with two wooden legs in a marathon trying to type a responce to that.
  19. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    Please tell me that you are NOT doing the "Colonel's dance" from those KFC commercials.....

  20. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Can you see me???? btw check out the images section on Fugly tomorrow and see a pic of Instagator eating lunch.

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