Bad Day at Camp Happy

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by ucicare, Mar 13, 2005.


    MEDICVET New Member

    hey bugs, what's up doc? yer post was right on! :D

    MEDICVET New Member

    whipone, your it avatar gives me nightmares..I love it..the nightmares are the same old ptsd related ones but new ones..and i was getting so fucking sick and tired of waking up to the same old bad dream. so you are cool in my book and dangerous dan is pmsing. ;)

    MEDICVET New Member

    are NOT* the same old ptsd related ones I meant. ;)

    oh and I have two kids and an angel, and of course my kids have different think I would put up with the same asshole for too long? naw, I like to go on to different ones.

    Actually, after my last bad experience with the 'c' word in 97, decided to just have fuck buddies or one night stands, and only if it's a good thing..ergo, it's been too fucking long for me, and thanks for asking.

    Barry, I hear ya about the car thing. I had a total pos 93 mazda protege but it ran. Would have loved if as an ADULT or a teen or whatever if someone had just 'given' me a car. When I got a small amount of VA back pay, was able to get a decent used car, a 97 lumina, in pretty good shape. I was going to let my daughter have the Mazda. She didn't want it! So now I am selling it, and she begs me to use the lumina when I'm not. (sigh) Appearances are everything to teens, but damn I woulda been happy with a fucking MOPED at her age!
  4. DrBungle

    DrBungle New Member

    Good on ya! I got married at 18 about 8 years ago and we're still going strong, not that it was easy.

    Barry, my experience is that teens will find something to bitch about--expecting them to be greatful for what you do for them is hard to not do, but hopeful the gratitude comes later when they realise what the alternatives could have been.

    And, since no one grows up without scars, the chances of a kid having a resentment towards their parentals is pretty damn good.

    As for the college daughter too busy studying, I would just let her know that she does live and you expect her to help out. Maybe ask her what she is willing to do?

    As for the house, get fire insurance and bide your time.
  5. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    1. Condom

    2. Get real estate inspected before you buy it.
  6. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    But since it's too late for #1, buy her a 2005 Schwinn.

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