barry... take it from someone who's in all likelyhood old enough to be your son ... you have to let them fuck up, no one should really comment on how your raise your kids because there is no one foolproof way but i've just spent 3 days at a friends residence on his university campus and man... let ME tell you... every single person drinks.... even the ugly bitches get action, repeatedly... all kinds of drugs at dirt cheap prices... and these were all engeneers... if they've never fucked up in a fairly minor way because you've kept too tight of a hold they wont know just how bad it can get if they were to fuck up in a big way... as for the other advise listen to sickem
Come on Shmed. You know he's just a childmolesting retard. The more he keeps posting the more it will become apparent. You will rue the fukn day you encouraged this motherfuker to start posting here.
Well I already rue the day you started posting here, so one more retard won't hurt anything, besides you help make Harlan feel "normal".
I have three boys, and they are all very different in personality. My eldest is very academic, head strong and dedicates himself to his work and sport. My second son is very sports orientated, placid and only needs to be told once to do something. I am thinking about having an exorcism performed on my youngest. They have all been brought up in the same way, with the same values and dicipline. They are all their own people, and nothing we as parents do will mould them. All we can try to do is guide them and have them sectioned when it all gets too hard! ( JOKE, Dan :roll: )
I would prefer it if you actually make a funny joke but if you want to be the straight guy what the hell. I don't really give a shit. Joke or not I'm all about entertaining me. Anyway, If the topic ain't open for discussion and giving people shit then why the fuck post the it to begin with? This isn't some fukn support group for head jobs.
Are they all from the same father? I going to go way out on a limb and assume there not, since your posting here. Different personalities in children is common from multiple sperm donors, the youngest should be a constant reminder not to pick up men from the local psych ward on your way home from drug rehab. The other 2 are just the result of natures best of breed ideaology in maintaining that during gangbangs, usually the best sperm gets through your natural defenses. You should actually wear this fact as a badge of honour.
Hey, DangerousDan is not an idiot. Just because he acts like "a totally misinformed ass raping fuck tard" doesn't mean anything. He really is smart, just read some of his posts... See what I mean? Come on guys.
If I'm so fuckn stupid then why is it the other mofos are the one's that are all riled up and you are the one with the IT avatar? Now that should keep your 9 V brain busy for a while.
Hey, I said you weren't an idiot. I never said I was smart. I guess my avatar does make me look stupid. I never thought you guys would figure out how dumb I am, but I was wrong. I guess I should just stick to trying to post brilliance, much like you do Dan.
Checkmate, believe it or not there are some people in todays society who still have multiple children to the same partner. I know that will be hard for you to comprehend ( especially as I have heard that your daddy is in fact your grandaddy on your mommys side ) I am proud to say that I am one of them. So reel your neck back in dick whack lots of love Miaxx
Very hard for me to comprehend considering my father had 6 kids with 5 different women, I just naturally assumed that the nuclear family was a thing of ABC after school specials. In your case at least we know who the mother is, we will have to take your word for it, pending the results of a DNA test. all kidding aside I would be interested to know how long you have been married and if you have ever "stepped" out on your husband?
That is refreshing to hear, your kids and grandchildren will thank you for not raising them in a stable and supportive environment.
I got out my Steven King Phase in the high school or maybe you just liked the made for tv movie with John Boy from the Waltons. Anyway, yeah that might be a nice change for you if you can swing it.