phil, you're a cock-suckin', ankle-grabbin', pink-piccolo-playin', scummy-crusty-assed, bald-headed, inbred, half-witted, degenerate, tiny annoying speck of cheese on the penis of the world.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phil: Ur all a bunch of sad mother fuckers. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Phil, what about me??????
hey so u dont know wot a chin licker is u stupid retard. Well let me put it like this, try and lick ur chin and look in the mirror and tell me wot u look like
He sounds a bit like Tommy, but with slightly less relevancy that he ever displayed...if that's possible!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phil: hey so u dont know wot a chin licker is u stupid retard. Well let me put it like this, try and lick ur chin and look in the mirror and tell me wot u look like<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> it was a private joke you snotknocker.. and it went waywaywaywayway over your head so shut the fuck up and don't speak until you're spoken to, you eighthwit... oh and btw... no-one cares what your jokes/insults mean so stop wasting your time explaining
Phil, maybe this'll get it into your thick skull that you're a pus filled boil on the well used sphincter of society, cos I'm going to say it in the only way you understand, school child language (lord knows you must get at least a little influenced by them when you hang around outside school with a bag of rohypnol coated jelly babies). Ahem, anyhoo as I was saying. You talk too much crap.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Poopystick: ...anyhoo...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 'Anyhoo' is a (horrible) 'Americanism'.
I go fucking away for a few days (or waas it a week, I can't remember) and it seems some one forgot to jiggle the handle on the toilet, and the fugly forums toilet is backed up overflowing with sewage... jesus christ why don't all of you fucking kill yourselves? Make sure to put Fugly dot com in the goddamned suciide note!!! thanks er readin' and god bless....