Taco Bell purchases meat from slaughter houses that is called 'Suspect' it comes from cows that the FDA brands as suspicous(sp?) and not safe for human consumption. They get around this by boiling the meat, I think it is 200 and some odd degrees F, but that is why they are so cheap. Carne Esada is apparently spanish for "Mad Cow"...... I only know this cause of a recent stint I did for a 'Food Processing' company, I.E. Slaughterhouse. 1500-1800 head a day. Crazy stuff to see, but then again the pay was good..... The FDA is on-site every day, to check animals, cleanliness(make sure everything is as sanitary as possible). They have an on-staff vet, to make sure cows are healthy before they hack em up. I wont eat anything from Taco Bell ever again. I remember being in sChool and living on those bean burritos, 3 of those and a mountain dew you were set for a night of drinking......and some of the coolest looking vomit you could ever muster up.
Yes, it's grade "D" meat or something like that, isn't it? Institutional-quality, considered fit only for the dregs of society, like prison inmates and college students. Remember a few years ago when Taco Bell was busted for using some fucked-up GMO animal feed to make their taco shells? Something about the modification made it highly allergenic to humans, and a bunch of people went into anaphylactic shock after eating them, and then the government made Taco Bell recall all the affected taco shells and Taco Bell, no fucking kidding, said "Oh oops, we're sorry, WE WERE SHIPPED THAT CORN BY ACCIDENT" as if it wasn't completely obvious that they bought it because it was cheaper and they thought they could get away with it. Which they did.
The USDA doesn't grade their beef with letters. Grades A-C are for poultry. If you eat meat from anywhere short of hunting it yourself, you're taking a chance on what you eat, how that meat was processed and how the animals were treated. When you have someone else prepare it for you, you're just furthering the chance of contamination. Same thing goes for vegetables. Nothing is truly 'safe' unless you do it all yourself. Taco Bell is owned by Yum! Brands, same place as WingStreet, KFC, A&W, Long John Silvers and Pizza Hut, so these places may be 'tainted' as well. In defence of Taco Bell, their cheesy fiesta potatoes are fucking good and so are their apple empanadas and I have seen far more people get sick after eating Chinese 'food'. You want to talk about fucking garbage. I can't even tolerate the smell of that shit.
I always called it Horchata, one is like tea, the other is like juice, they are both damn good, and the apple sodas
I don't know which moron at the slaughterhouse told you that, but I think what you mean is this: Restaurants owned or franchised by the Irvine, Calif.-based Taco Bell use ground beef that is cooked at USDA-inspected manufacturing plants and shipped to restaurants in plastic bags. The beef is reheated in the bags. Food safety was seen as one of the benefits of the boil-in-bag process when Taco Bell began using it about 10 years ago.
I have noticed in my recent Fast Food outings that several places have changed their beef. Wendy's, McDonald's, and a few others. Also I think some places are using something like a new MSG because I have became ill from eating at some places.
I haven't had beef in 15 years, so I couldn't comment on that, but I do know that Wendy's french fries suck ass. They used to be good. Now they taste freeze dried and I think they are colored with yellow food coloring to make them look like they've been cooked.
Never heard of it. I don't eat many places at all. I eat at a couple locally owned places and Jimmy Johns. Occasionally Taco Bell and occasionally Burger King.
I eat at Burgerville every once in a while, but mostly if I want a burger I go to one of the brewpubs, there are about 30,000 of them around here and they're good so you can't go wrong. If I want Mexican I go to a taqueria... we have a bunch of good ones nearby.
I got my information directly from the USDA. http://www.fsis.usda.gov/Fact_Sheets/Inspection_&_Grading/index.asp Also: http://www.snopes.com/food/prepare/badmeat.asp
Which is perfectly valid, but that's end-consumer info. The university's information is also valid, but it's for a different market sector. The GRADING to which you are referring to is a voluntary process, whereas the inspection results for wholesomeness (which does use both letters and numbers) is mandatory, is not stamped on the end product for sale, but does determine what the meat can be used for and to whom it can be sold. The USDA site makes that distinction as well, but does not provide the details on wholesomeness ratings that the university site does.
See this is the issue, they have to heat the meat to get rid of the parasites that might be causing the cow to be sick. The facility I worked at processed all their own meat, they killed the cows, left them hanging in the freezer over night, in half, skinned no head, and so on, then the next day they brought them out of the 'cooler' for processing. These 'unquestionable' meats were then ran through the process, cutting off tenders and what not, any meat that was left went into the 'ground' section, as did a lot of the other meat when WalMart had large orders. The meat that was suspect, got put into a bin and boiled and then sold to dog food manufacturers. Because they wouldnt sell it to places like Taco Bell. The company I worked for provided Tons of meat a day, to Wal-Mart, McDonalds, LongHorn Steak House, TGIFridays, Chilli's you name it. If you buy one of those large meat 'tubes' from Wal-Mart, chances are it came from FPL. Meat that isnt suspect, doesnt have to be boiled before it is sold.
Jesus. Why do dogs get the raw end of the deal? They deserve the same quality as humans. I need to start making my own dog food.