Antichrist Lomotil's...

Discussion in 'Complaints, Requests and Suggestions.' started by Nauseous, Aug 4, 2002.

  1. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I give her a week until she starts missing it, too...

    'snif... I miss it already... I'm such a pussywhipped little fuckwit...
  2. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey:
    I think neurotic monotonous was just looking for attention,that was a great sig Lomo!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    It was not a great sig. I will stand by my 'neurotic' convictions. Lomo knows why it bothered me and he thinks I'm a hypocrite (or I'm schizophrenic) for it, but that's okay with me.
  3. FredVegas

    FredVegas New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nauseous:
    It was not a great sig. I will stand by my 'neurotic' convictions. Lomo knows why it bothered me and he thinks I'm a hypocrite (or I'm schizophrenic) for it, but that's okay with me. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Ok so Lomo knows, that's great. If you're not gonna explain to the rest of us then why did ya post your dislike for it publically? Couldn't you have just convinced him to change it in private instead of makin him look like a 'pussywhipped little fuckwit'?
  4. Yummy

    Yummy New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nauseous:
    I'm a hypocrite (or I'm schizophrenic) for it<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    you comparison of these two things shows a complete lack of understand of the definition of one and/or both of them
  5. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by FredVegas:
    Ok so Lomo knows, that's great. If you're not gonna explain to the rest of us then why did ya post your dislike for it publically? Couldn't you have just convinced him to change it in private instead of makin him look like a 'pussywhipped little fuckwit'?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    But, that's what he is!

    If you want me to explain it. I will. There was a particular old abandoned catholic school miles from where I live. I used to frequent it a lot. Actually, it was my favorite place in the world to be. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, the hospital that owned it decided to tear it down. So for two days I waited (not two days straight, but a few hours each day) for one of the workers to come out so I could (for the first time) legally enter the building and take a few last pics of the place. Well, finally this guy comes out, I walk up there and talk to him and he agrees to let me go in and take some pics. He even walked around with me and gave me inaccurate info on the building (and I corrected him in the nicest way possible). While we were standing in the chapel, I noticed a few the beautiful pews... undamaged... and tell him that I'd just love to have one of them. Well, it turns out that this seedy piece of shit second hand salesman was coming the next morning to get them and sell them for a few hundred bucks a piece. (I went to the store and indeed the greedy bastard is) But, he tells me that if I could get a truck I could take one out that night. I told him that it wasn't possible for me to get a truck, so he had three of his work release lookin' workers load it up and bring it to my house! Yay for me!! So, I've had this thing for a few weeks now and nothing too strange has happened until last week. ('Cept for the night when I heard a piano playing and little kids singing, but it could have been the drugs) Last, uh Wednesday? I'm having one of my "sick headaches" and am convinced that I'm having a heart attack... Coincidentally, Lomo calls in the middle of it, and he lets me off the phone to go die in my pew. I go lay down to die... ('Cause there wasn't any way I'm going back to the emergency room claiming to have another heart attack and sit there for 6 hours... besides, my insurance didn't kick in until the 1st of August) ...the pain in my fucking heart was some of the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. I couldn't breathe because everytime I took a breath the pain got worse... and then all of the sudden, the pain was gone and I could breathe. Within a minute of laying on the pew I was healed. I'm not a jesus freak now or anything... it could have been psychosomatic or fucking heartburn or something... I dunno, but for some reason, I've been really weirded out about shit lately. I even felt bad when I rode in the passenger's seat while my friend stole stuff from these people's lawn whose house just burned down. We used to call it "porch night", now I just call it robbery... (actually I was convinced that stealing that column from those people's yard damned us both to die in fires, but that's another story). Maybe my psychiatrist was right and I am schizophrenic?

    [ August 07, 2002: Message edited by: Nauseous ]
  6. FredVegas

    FredVegas New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nauseous:
    Maybe my psychiatrist was right and I am schizophrenic? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I dunno, but thanks for esplainin'. But still, why not just ask him to change it in private? Can't you see how broken up he is about it?
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    ...I mean, Jesus Christ, first ya make him look like a p-whipped fuckwit, then ya make him cry in front of all his fuglyite friends. You're like some kinda sexy, bible beatin, schizophrenic, bullying, control freak!
  7. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goddess Yummy:
    you comparison of these two things shows a complete lack of understand of the definition of one and/or both of them<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Your assumption shows a complete lack of information to comment and/or criticize.
  8. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by FredVegas:
    I mean, Jesus Christ, first ya make him look like a p-whipped fuckwit, then ya make him cry in front of all his fuglyite friends. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    That's what he gets for having the audacity to ask me to fuck him on my pew!
  9. FredVegas

    FredVegas New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nauseous:
    That's what he gets for having the audacity to ask me to fuck him on my pew! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    C'mon now, do little choir boys get angry when Father O'Malley asks for the same thing? Of course not! Besides, what's the use of having a pew if you don't intend to have sex on it? Seems like most the pews in Catholic churches these days have the stray cum spot on em, why not yours? It's like that old saying that I just made up: "sex on pews, the pope approves"
  10. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nauseous:
    That's what he gets for having the audacity to ask me to fuck him on my pew! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Hey now! Who was it I said I'd fuck doggystyle up against the Pacman? Huh? Huh?

    Oh wait, that was you... right?
  11. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by FredVegas:
    Besides, what's the use of having a pew if you don't intend to have sex on it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    That's what I'm sayin! I might even wear a rubber so she doesn't leak all over the freshly-applied coat of Old English she just put on...

    I tell ya... See what I gotta put up with to get a li'l pew poon?
  12. GreenAppleSplatters

    GreenAppleSplatters New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nauseous:
    Is that some kinda Detroit slang? You do live in Detroit, right? 'Cause if you do, I need to ask you something.


    No,it's from a movie.

    I live about 10 minutes away from Detroit and no.
  13. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Lord God...filling Pukey with his love...that's nice.No really.
  14. Orange Guppy

    Orange Guppy New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Antichrist Lomotil:
    I give her a week until she starts missing it, too...

    'snif... I miss it already... I'm such a pussywhipped little fuckwit...

    Do as your woman tells you and you will be OK
  15. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by FredVegas:
    Pimp sent me a copy of that episode of SouthPark and I have to agree, it was the funniest fuckin shit I've seen in a loooong time. Thanks Pimp,it was well worth the four hours in took to download.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    see... i told you so
  16. FredVegas

    FredVegas New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ~pimpchichi~:
    see... i told you so<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

  17. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nauseous:
    But, that's what he is!

    If you want me to explain it. I will. There was a particular old abandoned catholic school miles from where I live. I used to frequent it a lot. Actually, it was my favorite place in the world to be. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, the hospital that owned it decided to tear it down. So for two days I waited (not two days straight, but a few hours each day) for one of the workers to come out so I could (for the first time) legally enter the building and take a few last pics of the place. Well, finally this guy comes out, I walk up there and talk to him and he agrees to let me go in and take some pics. He even walked around with me and gave me inaccurate info on the building (and I corrected him in the nicest way possible). While we were standing in the chapel, I noticed a few the beautiful pews... undamaged... and tell him that I'd just love to have one of them. Well, it turns out that this seedy piece of shit second hand salesman was coming the next morning to get them and sell them for a few hundred bucks a piece. (I went to the store and indeed the greedy bastard is) But, he tells me that if I could get a truck I could take one out that night. I told him that it wasn't possible for me to get a truck, so he had three of his work release lookin' workers load it up and bring it to my house! Yay for me!! So, I've had this thing for a few weeks now and nothing too strange has happened until last week. ('Cept for the night when I heard a piano playing and little kids singing, but it could have been the drugs) Last, uh Wednesday? I'm having one of my "sick headaches" and am convinced that I'm having a heart attack... Coincidentally, Lomo calls in the middle of it, and he lets me off the phone to go die in my pew. I go lay down to die... ('Cause there wasn't any way I'm going back to the emergency room claiming to have another heart attack and sit there for 6 hours... besides, my insurance didn't kick in until the 1st of August) ...the pain in my fucking heart was some of the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. I couldn't breathe because everytime I took a breath the pain got worse... and then all of the sudden, the pain was gone and I could breathe. Within a minute of laying on the pew I was healed. I'm not a jesus freak now or anything... it could have been psychosomatic or fucking heartburn or something... I dunno, but for some reason, I've been really weirded out about shit lately. I even felt bad when I rode in the passenger's seat while my friend stole stuff from these people's lawn whose house just burned down. We used to call it "porch night", now I just call it robbery... (actually I was convinced that stealing that column from those people's yard damned us both to die in fires, but that's another story). Maybe my psychiatrist was right and I am schizophrenic?


    And below, for those of you who don't care... is my beloved pew. (I got an undamaged pew)

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