amfat bashing thread is here

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by MEDICVET, Apr 22, 2005.

  1. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    No, I would say your life in general, girl.
  2. desantnik

    desantnik New Member

    Amfat, you fat fucking poser pig... we all know your bullshit war storiesare just that: Bullshit. You were never able to come up with any names or any units from El Salvador. It was a very small and selct group down there yet no one has ever heard of your fat ass from down there. Why is that?

    You're a fraud and a liar. Agoraphobia my ass... one talk with bloodthirstywench is enough to give lie to that crap. You never shut up and seemed to comfortable as hell cannonballing your lard ass into that pool. Constantly bitched about how you didn't have enough money to get home too... but you were spending it like water.

    Fuck you, you mentally ill sack of snake shit. Your sad attempt to show your "spine" by snapping back at us is nothing more than a cornered rat response. You pulled the same shit on the other sites before you were 86ed. It's nothing more than a last desperate gasp before you fold.

    Go ahead and get on the floor and start sobbing spastically... save yourself some time. You know you'll crack eventually, you always do. :lol:
  3. Eagle334th

    Eagle334th Guest

    So, what's the claim for? It sure as hell isn't for PTSD from El Salvador. YOU WERE NEVER THERE.

    You throw out your back or something? :roll:
  4. NurseR

    NurseR New Member

    From DaveBarkers post:

    Amvet91alpha was publicly chastised on the PTSD forum, by a veteran whom I know, respect and like very much. The poster was under the impression Amvet91alpha did not have a claim pending with the VA and I knew at that point she did. Since he was not a regular poster on the forum; but obviously looks at us now and then, I advised him the post was deleted by me due to a personal attack in a safe zone.

    I did exactly what I would have done for any veteran who asks for my help. At this point I am reviewing my 27 year policy of helping all veterans regardless of their history. This issue has cost me valuable time and effort that could have been used in my research or claims development.


    The only thing he said was you had a claim pending. Thats it. But the rest of his post says it all, Amy.

    CBWIFE New Member

    NurseR.....I think that would take to much time in Reading Comprehension 101

    MEDICVET New Member

    Look, I could care less whether you believe I involved the local police or not. I did so because when a name and address and map, along with a picture at ANOTHER FAMILY FRIENDLY SITE IS BROUGHT TO ONE I WOULD NEVER POST A PICTURE OF MY DAUGHTER IN, there is reason for concern because some people are unhinged enough to actually take this shit seriously, so I do too. I merely told them about the situation in case something like that happens so they will be aware of it. Call the stigler police dept. yourselves. jesus.

    Yes my daughter is engaged to a Marine in Iraq, and they have decided to wait for the marriage until they know they are ready, and I support and love both of them very much. Jason is almost like a son to me now. I made a huge mistake in baring my soul at at and have more than paid the price for it.

    If I truly don't have a life, and I prolly don't have much of one, then ya'll have even less of one, because for all my postings on the net and the time I spend on the computer I have no need to take it to the next level by cyberstalking. I have left militaryforums and alone and feel no need to be gangbanged at freespeech, so to keep your sad little game going you come here.

    scapegoats are in good company tho..even jesus christ was one. kinda sad that i'll bet some of you even claim to be christians, something i am actually proud to not be at this point. thank god for UU.
  7. Mister Poopy Pants

    Mister Poopy Pants New Member

    Ok, on the one hand, I can see how chasing Amvet around the net could have its appeal and is probably justified.....however....from reading a bit here and there I can see that all this tactic does is gives her even more of the attention she craves....even if negative!

    She may have found a new place to inhabit, with its own set of supporters/detractors, but I've a feeling a few in here already had her number without the recent posts of all of we new guys from other places.

    If you pick at it, it don't heal. It just absesses and will eventually ooze even more pus and bleed all the worse than if left alone.

    By the way, the newbs here know me as HAL9000/Tongo Rad elsewhere.

    Nice to meet the regulars here. :wink:

    On the other hand, your site has gained a few new members and more web traffic. :)
  8. Eagle334th

    Eagle334th Guest

    Are you shitting me? Gorillamask a family friendly site? :shock:

    Bwahahahahahahaha... you are priceless!

    And, it doesn't matter.. you put the picture out there. Also, your name and address are on the internet, just as they would be in the phone book. You want to solve that problem, then unlist your number, dumbass.

    Five could have hand drawn a map and it wouldn't have made a difference. :roll:
  9. desantnik

    desantnik New Member

    Odd, coming from someone who had enough prayer requests and candles to choke Manhattan with. :roll:

    So you're saying now that all of that was bullshit too? You fucking pig, you're never going to leave that behind you...
  10. CBWIFE

    CBWIFE New Member

    I knew by the "avatar"....before I even read the post.. ;)

    MEDICVET New Member

    I have absolutely nothing to be ashamed about. Yes I am a very spiritual person and light prayer candles, but I never claimed to be a christian. I would never want to buy into it because it is people who claim to be christian then do what you are doing who totally turned me off from the christian church. but i do respect other's faiths enough to let them take their paths as long as i am allowed to take mine, and we can share our spiritual faith by prayer for each other.

    but that concept is just too hard for you to understand, now isn't it?
  12. Eagle334th

    Eagle334th Guest

    I'm an atheist, so you can't use that excuse with me. ;)

    I'd say it's really just your new persona.. it's not cool to be a Christian here, I'm sure.. so... Amy's not a Christian.

    I was wondering where your 'prayer candle' sig line pic was. lol
  13. desantnik

    desantnik New Member

    I'm no christian... but I do have integrity, unlike you. Stick your spirituality up your reeking, unwiped ass.
  14. DrBungle

    DrBungle New Member

    Goddamn my visually oriented ways
  15. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    That would be news to me. I will be sure to tell all the local cops in here so they will can spend more time in the doughnut shop.

  16. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    You keep wasting bandwidth by posting two page replies to these trolls.

    You should be ashamed of yourself for that.

    Drive on over and I will see that you are properly punished. What are friends for, huh?


    MEDICVET New Member

    oohhhhhhhhhhhhhh baby barrry!!! godamn but that turns me on! when you spank me be sure to make it tingle but not leave a handprint..not yet..make me beg for it!!!!!!!

    damn but we have one admitted athiest and one who mocks my spiritual belief of lighting prayer candles so i can look at them and be reminded to pray for guidance from the one who created us all, even if not in a 'christian' fashion.

    you know after thinking about this for a while, i have decided that i won't give ya'll the satisfaction of hindering the progress i have made in letting go of my prejudice against christians, because i am a better person than that. not all christians are like that, and i will thank someone i choose to call God for that today. and's Christian.

    Now I'm praying to the God of my own understanding for forgiveness and compassion for ya'll, especially as I have a feeling that will piss you off more than anything else if I do that, as well as help to heal me.




    doesn't that just suck for ya'll? knowing that I have the strength to do that and gain peace of mind?

    (sorry, fellow fuglyites for making you barf..couldn't help myself! ;) )
  18. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member

    "Fellow fuglyites"?

    Your dreaming aren't you?

    MEDICVET New Member

    yeah, in technicolor even.
  20. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    I think she has an over-active imagination.

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