amfat bashing thread is here

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by MEDICVET, Apr 22, 2005.

  1. Geezer Glide

    Geezer Glide New Member

    You can't help staying on here you fast ass hobag, you have no fuckin life, you never did, you whole life is a fucking lie........


    MEDICVET New Member

    Staying online? oh no I do spend a lot of time on my fat ass online. But on here? I am not going to post here any more or any less than I usually do.

    I think the afterlife when that day finally does come for all of us is going to be a very interesting place because then everything will come out, and my conscience is completely clear. 8) It's going to be sweet, and I will wait for that day but not hurry it along, and savor it when it does happen. But I won't give any of you sorry fuckers the satisfaction until then. I will even forgive you, because unlike any of ya'll obsessive freaks, I won't let the acid of hate corrode my soul. :p
  3. Geezer Glide

    Geezer Glide New Member

    And you call yourself a fuckin christian " lying again dumb fuck"

    Just admit to us HOBAG that you never did see any combat, you have not seen any combat, you have no CMB... You sucker people out of money and anything else you can get.

    Come on fat ass, I was in DS1, did I see combat "NOPE" us supply guys were tuff muthafuckas nobody messed with us hahahahahaha.

    Only thing close to being a combat medic might have been teaching first aid to the girl scouts baaaaaaaaaawaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh

    Only PTSD you fuckin have is seeing you puppy getting run over by a dump truck

    MEDICVET New Member

    NEVER have I called MYSELF a Christian. I am a Unitarian Universalist.
  5. DrBungle

    DrBungle New Member

    See, its just not christians that have bad seeds.
  6. santaclaus

    santaclaus New Member

    Boy they just keep on and medicvet you just keep on feeding them more and more shit. you guys deserve each other :wink:
  7. Geezer Glide

    Geezer Glide New Member

    Damn HOBAG do I need to go look up this LIE also
  8. Geezer Glide

    Geezer Glide New Member

    Just noticed she has only 633 post since Feb... Damn what happened you get the internet disconnected for non payment... Hell you usually post that much in one week
  9. santaclaus

    santaclaus New Member

    Geezer give her time she can't help herself :wink:
  10. Geezer Glide

    Geezer Glide New Member

    Well HO HO guess I cant say much, I done caught up with you :shock:
  11. Sparky

    Sparky New Member

    LMAO, I figured that you would see it THAT way eventually ... :wink: :lol:
  12. santaclaus

    santaclaus New Member

    Hell I always knew it, just hate fucken gangbangers that have to follow others around the net. :roll:
  13. NurseR

    NurseR New Member

    No shit! LMFAO!
  14. NurseR

    NurseR New Member

    YOGI, that you?
  15. santaclaus

    santaclaus New Member

    no not Yogi just changed my handle for a while.
  16. Geezer Glide

    Geezer Glide New Member

    Guess Ms Piggy is at another AA meeting
  17. Geezer Glide

    Geezer Glide New Member

    Ohhhhh ammmmmmmmmslutttttttttttttt come out and play we have a bucket of corn for you....... come tells us about your combat experience in a country you have never stepped foot in
  18. Geezer Glide

    Geezer Glide New Member

    words of the hog bitch, she is even saying she lied

    1. While I have at times sounded melodromatic about what I have posted and might have posted to that effect, I have exaggerated but never intentionally outright lied about anything in all seriousness.

    2. I have a lot of resentment over my cmb being rescinded for not meeting regs, which is why I mentioned getting it but not that it was rescinded for not being over the right border.

    3. I think that one of the best things that ever happened to me was getting my first computer so even though I cannot always go outside, I can still interact with others.

    4. I think that one of the best and worst things that ever happened to me was being banned from It was the worst because I lost it when people I had thought were close friends hurt me badly. It was the best because it caused me to get help offline and not online, which has been very good for me. The part that hurt the worst was that people who had helped me a lot on the ptsd forum began to hate me, even though I took every post I made there seriously, and got a lot of help from it for a long time. But like I said, the part that was the best is that I am now part of a group therapy once a week meeting and am getting a lot of help, and might possibly be going to a woman's inpatient ptsd program this summer as well.

    5. The VA knows everything there is to know about me, and I have never said anything that was a lie or exaggeration to them; if anything I understated some things, which is why only the 30%, and which is why I am now with the help of my counselor and other female combat veterans continuing the fight and going for my 70% service connection.

    6. I did take certain things such as the posting of the picture of my minor 16 year old daughter and I at this site, which I may be scatterbrained and a flake but have enough common sense to know that this particular venue is inappropriate enough for me to have never done this, and the posting of my full legal name, phone number, address, and google map seirously enough to borrow a .22 from someone until I can afford to buy a handgun and inform the authorities of both off and online. (, look it up for the definitions of cyber stalking and harrassment, was told of the site by lan individual in law enforcement )

    7. While some may think I am a mercenary bitch, I did not defraud or rip off anyone, but was very honest about what my need for money was and what it would be used for. If I was just out to rip people off, I would not have chosen the truth, that I had a bad check at the DA, as the reason. I would have used something like my hot water heater springing a leak and flooding the hallway and making it imossible to have hot water, which actually happened, but for which I got help from my parents to take care of. The only reason I posted about that check at was to ask for prayers, and when commodave started the thread you are damn straight I accepted what help was so kindly offered, and used it only for the express purpose stated, to pay for the check. Why not my parents? They were on vacation and couldn't be reached at the time, as I stated at the time but some people convieniently forgot.

    8. I will give whatever explanation and statement I feel like, but am under no obligation to do so to anyone, and am so infuriated by all the bullshit that some have pulled that you can pretty much write it in stone that I will never give the info that would 'clear me' in the minds of most to anyone. I would sooner choke on my own shit and die than do so, because no one deserves to have it. So it is official. There will be no units, names, or dates. If you don't like it, too bad. If you hate me, so be it.

    9. If I should ever meet someone in person that I consider a friend, I will give said friend any and all information that said individual desires, but I will not give it to people who have proven that they don't deserve to have it, particularly since I a.) did sign the NDA that there was no time frame on and so take it seriously b.) honestly regret saying some of the things I did because it was more than I ever should have, and so in a way deserve everything I am getting because of that. c.) no matter what I deserve in the way of false impressions or insults, still do not deserve having my personal information posted on the internet.

    10. This is all I am going to say about this whole matter. I'm done with it as off now. I am not going to seriously respond to or 'listen' to anything else about it. Kidding around and the insultfest is one thing. To sometimes
    'play the dozens' and to vent frustrations and even be entertained and amused is what I come here for, not this bullshit.

    There. I've said my piece and I'm done with it.
  19. Your Friend Whipone

    Your Friend Whipone New Member

    I wish she would stay gone.

    But, much like my anal warts, she is destined to return soon.
  20. CBWIFE

    CBWIFE New Member

    I truly enjoy your humor..... you crack me up!

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