They are professional parasites. They are the ones that failed to get into med school, and need to live up to their elevated expectations of their own worth. Trust them ? How far can you throw them ? Not trying to disturb you - just trying to let you know these "professionals" are just like the dirt you pass on the street. All you can hope for is some meds that work for you. <translation> snowflakes chance in hell. As far as I know, they can't force-detox you. Unless you're Courtney Love. If you've been a good puppy, your free will is still your own. But, read up on the "Patriot Act". You're no longer in the "land of the free" [cunt] "bottoms up"
Well, based SOLEY on my experiences in the last 4 months, let me just say that now I know why bidets are so popular in Europe...
[quote="DrBungle] Psychologist have a code of ethics in place that dictate legal action. There are some things that simply MUST be reported 100% of the time. A psychologist should explain what those are within the first few visits, but off the top of my head, if you mention you want to hurt a specific person, if you report child abuse of any kind, or if you are an immenent danger to yourself or others, a psychologist should contact the propper authorities and the person you mentioned harming. Now, that doesn't mean if you're venting some anger and say something like "I could just kill Charlie!" the councilor will ask you for a moment while they dial the police. The councilor must be convinced the threat is sincere. I reccomend you asking the counciler or mentioning having some feelings of caution with certain aspects of your life. Counselor's are NOT cops. Hopefully it'll be someone you're comfortable with enough to trust.[/quote] Umm... can I ask you how you know so much about it? Are you one of them?
Well, I do have specific plans, but I won't be sharing them. I think it's gay that you can't have a plan. I have a plan for everything, doesn't nessessarily mean that I'm going to do it. Shit, I planned on doing the dishes yesterday, but I never got around to it. I planned on marrying Michael Jackson when I was 7, but that's not going to happen (although I would have stood a better chance at the age of 7... if I was a boy). Point being, how can you say anything to anyone in confidence if they are going to turn around and put you away? I worked at a Day Care center so I know that if something fucked up is going on, you must notify the appropriate channels, but damn! What if you're dealing with a compulsive liar? Jail or rehab? Gee... can we throw an execution squad in there somewhere? Ever watch the show Huff (on Showtime)? I suggest that you watch it if you can.
[quote="cunt?] They are professional parasites. They are the ones that failed to get into med school, and need to live up to their elevated expectations of their own worth. Trust them ? How far can you throw them ? Not trying to disturb you - just trying to let you know these "professionals" are just like the dirt you pass on the street. All you can hope for is some meds that work for you. <translation> snowflakes chance in hell. As far as I know, they can't force-detox you. Unless you're Courtney Love. If you've been a good puppy, your free will is still your own. But, read up on the "Patriot Act". You're no longer in the "land of the free" [cunt] "bottoms up"[/quote] So they are like chiropractors? At least psychiatrists can prescribe medication, but that's about all they do. You have to go to see a counselor to "talk". All the while they charge you ungodly fees to do so. My insurance will cover most of it, but shit... You know, Dubya has a point. Americans think Prozac is the answer for everything. How many people now suffer from depression? Social anxiety disorder? The pharmaceutical companies are making hand over fist! I don't think I want to "save" myself. It's too much like becoming a Christian. (You know, every time I have to type that word, I always type it christain.. kinda like christstain) I get emails from a real crazy woman. She's (or he's) is a homeless schizophrenic who thinks that she works for the FBI and is Leonardo Dicaprio's real mother and that Delta Burke is her twin. And in a sense, I envy her. Not for being homeless or schizophrenic, but because she doesn't see herself as crazy and has created a purpose for herself. She's unshaken and oblivious. But I do feel bad for her because there is a lot of fear in her writings... she believes in mind piracy and that they sacrifice children in the basement of a church... :?
Oh, once last thing. Ever think that "delusional" people aren't delusional? Maybe they know things that we don't know? Why is it that at the end of most horror movies, the survivors don't get locked up? Why do they appear in a sequel? If in real life, all of your friends were murdered and you're the sole survivor, telling the police that the killer is some boy who drowned in a lake 20 years ago and somehow grew up in the bottom of the lake and is now a grown man. You continue to tell them how you shot him 60 times and he didn't die, but he's gone, for now... back at the bottom of the lake... waiting... I don't know about your town, but I can assure you that in mine, they would be admitted immediatelyand would never be free again.
Dubya is right about the US over prescribing. Unfortunately, there is money in prescription drugs, and money makes people do funny things. The fact that psychiatric medicine is overprescribed does not make the medicine itself bad. Modern psychotropic medicines have been miracles for many people. Don't make the mistake of thinking the meds are at fault. It is a small percentage of Doctors that give everyone else a bad name. Barry ~eeeevillllll~....I... AM weapon of choicccccce? A KEYBOARD!!!!! ksdfsdfhjsdHJSDHJ SDFFHBMHA\EBHAYAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHADFJYEHJAEEWEHWEFHHUKFHUWHUARHUKGFHUK HAHAHAHAHAHHA RUWERKWERNWEFEF MJZDHJSBFSBBHJDBFHJABFAV HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAUIDFBN WJYUWE EFHJWEV HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA
Tell me, what actually qualifies a counselor ? Or for that matter a priest ? Giving advice to already fragile minds ? How many suicides are _caused_ (not prevented) by the experts ? Not that I care. A dead loonie is an ex-loonie. They won't not pay their share of the rent or steal your TV ever again. Prozac is poison. As are its derivatives (Zoloft etc.) You just described the whole pantheon of all religious saints. Fear is good. It keeps the world in order. Absence of fear is heresy. That's why people get burnt alive for it. Just read Rotten - Saturday January 15, 2005 Girl allegedly carved up for witchcraft Melbourne Herald Sun | Submitted by: heystoopid "A teenage boy and a woman are being held in connection with the killing of a nine-year-old girl, whose tongue and genitals were removed for witchcraft while she was still alive... The body of the girl, reported missing on January 2, was found under a tree in the Ezineshe Nature Reserve in South Africa's eastern province of KwaZulu-Natal yesterday, police spokesman Captain Tienkie van Vuuren said. A 14-year-old boy told police he was present when she was killed by a 45-year-old woman, who wanted to give her body parts to a witchdoctor for potions and spells as traditional 'muti' medicine, Van Vuuren said. 'According to the boy, she was alive while she was mutilated and was left under the tree to die of her injuries,' Van Vuuren said." === Mom allegedly murders slutty preteen Birmingham News | Submitted by: Little Red "A Wylam mother told police she poured bleach down her daughter's throat and sat on her after the 12-year-old told her she had sex, a detective said... [Tunisia Archie] is charged with capital murder. The medical examiner ruled that Jasmine Archie, a Bush Middle School pupil, died from asphyxia... Archie was disturbed, [Detective Warren Cotton] said, because 'her daughter told her that she was no longer a virgin.' Archie confronted her daughter and there was a struggle in Jasmine's bedroom. Archie told Cotton that she poured a cup of bleach into Jasmine's mouth. Jasmine vomited. 'She told me that she sat on her chest until she stopped breathing,' Cotton said... Jasmine's brother, Jacorey, 9, was made to stand in a corner and watch the entire episode. Archie 'told him that if he shed a tear that she was going to kill him, too,' Cotton testified." === Just in one day, first 2 articles, and there's plenty more if you look. Puritanism, which is essentially addiction to fear, made this. Life is cruel. Just like God intended. Sorry for getting all serious on y'all. [cunt] "who wishes he could inject heroin unassited and in privacy"
Don't interrupt the Zyklon B "how to" World At War special on TV now... No one's cooler than you. Now shut up. [cunt] "You Jewish by any chance ?"
Yes.. you brought up another point that I forgot to make yesterday... I went to a psychiatrist several years back (who told me that I could be "suffering from the beginning of schizophrenia") and suggested that I go see a religious counselor... Now, isn't that kind of like giving an alcoholic a nice frosty mug of isopropyl alcohol? Trade one delusion for a more socially accept one. Mmmkay.... Guess what? Still not schizo! Fucking armless bastard! I couldn't take him seriously, especially when he motioned me to sit down with that permanently bent arm.
i think you yanks have got this drug thing just right i went into a chemist on my last day in new york and asked for something to help me sleep on the way home cos i hate flying,it said on the box dont take more than 2,so being the dirty manc druggy freak that i am i took 6 i slept for 4 fucking days they was great,theres no way you can get anything like that over the counter here.
God I love this girl. I hope my wife doesn't find out. What is it about psychosis that I find so attractive? Barry