Are you as bored as I am with this? Lets talk about something interesting like hemorroid surgery. Barry
You have no idea how bored I am. I hear you are/were a Counsler of some sort? I myself think about becoming a Special Ed teacher for a bit. Ya know help those who cant help themselves.
I am a professional Counselor. Special Ed teaching is very difficult. You will find yourself very frustrated if you are above average in intelligence. (you probably are) I know it sounds horrible to say this, but people with average IQ's should teach special ed. I think they like it better, and the kids learn better. Give it a try, cause I could be wrong. It is certainly an honorable vocation. Barry
Yeah like my friend Harry, he teaches them at Cy Falls HS. He said its not too had, but sometimes frustrating. Everything is wortha try though, if not that then Peace Corps.
My eyes are so screwed up, I though you had typed "bad" instead of "had". I never noticed the missing R. Past my bedtime. I'll have to hate you some more tomorrow. Check is in the mail. Barry
So, I am going to see a counselor and a shrink next month... If I tell them that I abuse drugs and have for the last 12 years, are they going to try to rehab my ass or refuse to give me medication? And if I tell them that I have homicidal and suicidal thoughts are they going to commit me? How much can you tell them without having it backfire in your face?
How about to be completely safe, try saying nothing. Cancel the appointment and sort out your own fucking troubles. T'is 'The Great British Way', stiff upper lip and all that, works for us...
It's all relative. If you start acting like you don't have a care in the world and everyone loves you it becomes real. Not materialy, but in your own perspective, and ignorance is bliss.
I don't want everyone to love me. That would deprive me of life. I've ditched friends and boyfriends that I thought were trying to suck the life out of me and I don't think it's as easy as "thinking" my thoughts away... on my own anyway. I believe that I could benefit from cognitive therapy. I also think that less than half of the cause of my neuroses is biological. Dubya, I really didn't think that there was much of a difference between "Brits" and "Yanks" but after dealing with them (brits) for 40 hours a week, boy was I wrong!
Psychologist have a code of ethics in place that dictate legal action. There are some things that simply MUST be reported 100% of the time. A psychologist should explain what those are within the first few visits, but off the top of my head, if you mention you want to hurt a specific person, if you report child abuse of any kind, or if you are an immenent danger to yourself or others, a psychologist should contact the propper authorities and the person you mentioned harming. Now, that doesn't mean if you're venting some anger and say something like "I could just kill Charlie!" the councilor will ask you for a moment while they dial the police. The councilor must be convinced the threat is sincere. I reccomend you asking the counciler or mentioning having some feelings of caution with certain aspects of your life. Counselor's are NOT cops. Hopefully it'll be someone you're comfortable with enough to trust.
Barry has a valid point. if you hate the USA so much, you are what ? 200 miles to Mexico? Please feel free to go live in a third world country... that will show us ungrateful americans
I hear that type of stuff everyday, and I don;t even raise an eyebrow. No one can commit you unless you say that you are have specific plans to kill yourself or somebody else. (danger to self or others). Wanting to die, or thinking of killing yourself is no reason to be committed, but it is a damn good reason to get some help. No one can make you go to rehab under any circumstance. A judge can court order treatment, but only if you committ a crime. Even then you don't have to go. You can choose jail time. No one can force you to go to rehab. The drugs are a secondary problem anyway. You probaly won't want to do them as much if you get the right treatment. Doing nothing is BS. Go to the Doctor. Barry
AS Canine says, we are much cooler aren't we? And slightly less fucked up on the whole with neurosisisisisisis. We don't do anywhere as many prescribed 'drugs' as you lot do (although am sure the figures would prove me nearly wrong) just to deal with this thing called 'Life'. Merely an observation, not a critique (well...)
Wipe the burger lard of your chin. You look like sodomy porn. [cunt] "they all look the same when they're bent over a chair"