America stands for life, liberty, and the pursuit .....

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by smiles, Oct 26, 2005.

  1. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Liberalism was an invention of AdamSmith. Its a beliefe in the market and in capitalism. Its not a political leftwingthing. Exept in the states.

    Leftwingers use the colour red and rightwingers use the colour blue as banners. Exept in the states.

    The first of may is the international workers day. A day to remember the sacrifice of our fathers and how well of we are now. Exept in the states.

    All wealthy, democratic states have a lower murderrate than poor countries. Exept, ( yes, you guessed it )

    Does anyone truly believe that the reason you are cut of from the world community in these ways are the work of SOCIALISTS ? Is there some secret commie bankaccount out there. Hiding in the caymans where its protected from the IRS by the invincible hordes of cuba ?
  2. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

    Lost me. :?
  3. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    We need agreement on what meaning certain words have.

    So that we can understand eachother. Its important to make democracy work.
    Nice picture ! Pictures are more subject to interpretation, but even in art, there are common denominators that rule sets of action and reaction. Is he beautiful ? Are the flames and the cigarette part of his beauty ? Is the darkness a part ? Is it the symetry or the brake in symetry that does it ? Important questions all. Its never to late .
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    While it is true that discussing issues of politics on an international level does become quite a bit confusing. I would hate to see the topic go into an argument about the origins and definitions of political terms. I have done a little reading on the history of political theory in Europe. Another popular opinion of liberalism is that is was born with the French revolution I have read. I could find noble cause in many movements.

    With regards to American politics, and let me point out that I am no formally educated authority in political philosophy. Although I believe that I would thoroughly enjoy a course in political science. When I refer to the socialist left, I refer to big government. If it were the case of people on the left having compassion for the hardworking class regular Joe, fighting for a fair shake in life for the little man. I would be all for that. Also there are a certain percentage of genuinely honest people who have the best of intention. But what I consistently see is misinformation. The left controls the media and if you only step back and look at the big picture you can see it.

    Example: During Regan there was a battle between the executive branch and the house over the fiscal budget. There was a standoff Regan refused to sign off until the dems cut some of the pork (an American term ask and I will explain) the dems refused to back down and without a budget govt. was shutdown. The news media went into all out assault mode on Regan typical daily news cast would show the news media interviewing some public servant or carefully selected sweet little old couple dependent on there welfare checks. Ask then what they thought about Regan’s taking there money away asks “how are they going to make it?” Followed by an editorial and a poll the next day based on people’s opinion of the scenario where Regan cruelly and callously took money from these people.
    A decade later Clinton was in office and Republicans were in control of the house and the same standoff resulted in the same media polls and everything only this time it was the cruel republicans in the senate and house that did not care about the people.

    When Clinton was in office a 5.7 unemployment rate was what the people were told that they were very happy about. When Bush was in office the people were told that the 5.6 unemployment was something that the public in general were worried about.

    With regards to economics the sweet science of capitalism is what results in good products…… generally speaking and at a good price to the consumer. Nothing is perfect and there are flaws. For instance a good example where there has to be some sort of regulation is farming. It is unfortunate to see the family farm replaced by the super large corporate run mega farms. Idea that we could redistribute the wealth to the people by taking money from the greedy wealthy scrooge types and give to the poor is an idea of the socialist left. I work my ass off got the 35k I make a year and spend my money wisely and live comfortably in a 2300 sq ft house with a pool to enjoy and get to have some left over for my hobbies I do not need any of there redistributed wealth. Besides they will just give themselves another raise. It just doesn’t work! The socialist left would like to have everyone dependent upon the government for there welfare I’m not buying it.

    And if I am referring to conservative or liberal well then basically yes I’m referring to both my Christian based belief system as well as my belief in the fact that the constitution is good as it is and should be left alone. A stark difference from the left that wants the constitution simply dismissed, our rights trampled on all for the sake of big ole socialist government. This is where my independent or libertarian leanings really take hold. There you have my political ideology in a nutshell. It is not much but it is mine. Henceforth when discussing left it quickly slips to socialism then to communism etc. You may disagree but in the context of my thinking hopefully this will help you understand.
  5. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

    Perhaps? Perhaps not? :wink:
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  7. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    [b]Why did you want to bomb me, Mr ... from both the White House and Downing Street

    *italicism, enboldenment and cute 'lil smileys to chaperone irony provided by moi*

    "Our viewers know that no beheadings whatsoever were shown on our screens."... ever watched al-Jazeera joe?..
  8. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

  9. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    pimp said
    Aljazeera said

    Your right pimp Aljazerra has taken a beating and it seems to have worked the journalist there are scares shitless for both themselves and there family’s sake. They know better than to print an artical that would show Americans in a positive light.

    Of those 74 dead prolly 60 were good journalists. Its to bad there gone and only the insurgent sympathizers are left.

    Also Al Jazerra reporters have been known to throw gasoline on a disabled military vehicle and light the match and get locals around to dance.

    It is interesting that there are journalists who will do footage of American military doing maneuvers such as an American tank in a treacherous and vulnerable position on a bridge for insurgents to watch and be alerted of a potential target. You know they were thinking what good footage it would be if this tank was rocketed while on the bridge and we could get it on camera.

    Have you ever seen them doing live footage of insurgents preparing for an assault? Don't lie to me! They would be dead in seconds. They took advantage of Americans generosity and belief in a free press because they knew they could. Meanwhile as for showing live footage that could compromise the terrorists. ....... They know better.
  11. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    i didn't realise the insurgents had embedded media teams... man they must be a slicker outfit than i had them pegged for
  12. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    woops that was my reply there
  13. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    So its true you two are shacking up.
  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  15. smiles

    smiles New Member


    i'm wondering if that's worse than taking patients undergoing chemotherapy and putting them behind the fence of an old WW2 concentration camp to say that serbs have rape and concentrations camps.......

    joe i've refrained from participating lately simply because

    a) it seems rather futile

    and b) it's exam time

    but do you believe that the American government is ever wrong? that they ever lie? or that they spin a story? release half truths? purposefully deceive their people like all other governments?
  16. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

    When they do, they are held accountable.
  17. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    When they do, they are held accountable.[/quote]

    As they OFTEN do, and it seems they are not being held accountable what-so-ever of late....It's sickening and disheartening.
  18. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    I cant argue with that Mrs Harper. Maybe it is and maybe it isnt. And that is relevant to my response to Joeslogic.

    Joeslogic claims that USmedia is leftist. Aka Big government. I would say that the link between big business and big government makes that right in his definition. ( Thanks , by the way, for the reminder of a french link liberalism. No matter if we connect that to the burgoise revolution or to socialist theories ).

    According to Adam Smith ( Father of modern capitalisms philosophy,Liberalism ), government should stay small, and out of the way of citizens.

    There is another point I would like to make about the possible leftist controll of media. Since the left ( bleedinghearted dogooders? ), are bound to have their arguments closer to the charitable knightly causes of our prime heroes; Jesus. Buddha. etc, they are more likely to tap into the reservoire of moral righteousness than a more practically oriented right, with a more cynical wiev of the world and of people. I mean, what rightwinger can debate against NoamChomsky ? This does not mean that a purely Chomskyite USA HAS to be a huge success.

    I believe the same goes the other way ( practically ). Where the right have better strategies and are willing to go further in its quest for power. While the left is left bickering obscure theories and wanking off on a jepardy-game of political and historical theory.

    But then again. I am not sure we have the same idea about what is left and right. To me, the Bush-administration is politically right. No matter if government budgetts grow or no. Likeways, a democratic admin would be ( In USA ) politically left. I would focus more on wether Defence and subsidies for big business grew( Right), or if school and medical grew(left).

    You mentioned farming Joe, but in a free market subsidies are unneccesary. We could buy cheap from other countries. The threat thsio poses is ofcourse that the poor countries that could compete this way, then would get leverage against the rich trading partniers of thye world. It would be outright dangerous. But good freemarket-policy.

    That is longhaul transport by the way. And here is where freemarket wastes enormously. All the shit we use hauling tennissocks and tupperware from china. Gross ! Arab oil that is ! Poor suckers. No wonder they go mad.
  19. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    XerxesX said

    Well the isolationalist would love to hear you say that. Personally I admire Pat Buchanan for standing on his principals and he may very well have some really good ideas. But the whole isolation theory I'm not to sure about. I always thought that if we could bring our neighbors economy in the south up closer to our level we could benefit and the whole global economy NAFTA deal plays into that. I'm still undecided on NAFTA or CAFTA it is where our system fails us. Just like all the trade imbalances we have with other countries. We elect out representative so that they can be lobbied by foreign interest and make policy that is to the benefit of foreign interest.
  20. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    (M. Jagger/K. Richards)

    You call yourself a Christian
    I think that you're a hypocrite
    You say you are a patriot
    I think that you're a crock of shit

    And listen, I love gasoline
    I drink it every day
    But it's getting very pricey
    And who is going to pay

    How come you're so wrong
    My sweet neo con.... Yeah

    It's liberty for all
    'Cause democracy's our style
    Unless you are against us
    Then it's prison without trial

    But one thing that is certain
    Life is good at Haliburton
    If you're really so astute
    You should invest at Brown & Root.... Yeah

    How come you're so wrong
    My sweet neo con
    If you turn out right
    I'll eat my hat tonight

    We must have loads more bases
    To protect us from our foes
    Who needs these foolish friendships
    We're going it alone

    How come you're so wrong
    My sweet neo con
    Where's the money gone
    In the Pentagon

    I cant condone that gasoline-part. It worries me that these satanist-rock-geriatric-delinquents can get away with this. Even gasoline spewed out again to create flame-effects becomes a symbol of the dark forces at work, reminecent of the flames of hell. No ! Put it on a good old tank and drive away. Soom we have the NewPalmSprings residential area ready north of anchorage. :p

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