America stands for life, liberty, and the pursuit .....

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by smiles, Oct 26, 2005.

  1. smiles

    smiles New Member

    heh wow... you name cuba as a socialist country? they have a dictator for christs sake... why didnt you say the netherlands? maybe because it's ranked as the best nation to live in the world? and you laugh at canada's medicare YOU MUST BE JOKING for the EXTREMELY RARE case of someone having to go to the states to get treatment it's ALWAYS in the case of some rare and extremely serious disease, what happens when we break a leg? give birth? an operation? what do we pay? and an AMerican would have to sell his house too if he didnt have insurance..... do you read things before you post them? think it over for more then the time it takes for you to type it?

    as for torture i don't even know why you're talking. do you know what torture is? you clearly must not if you wish it on anyone in this world. you seem to be under the impression that all of the detained individuals are guilty, and if they are, that they're guilty of terrorism.. how can you be guilty without a trial? why do you think it was so important for your founding fathers to include that in the constitution? maybe because they had a far better grasp of reality then you do...... there's a boy being held in guantanamo bay that could get the death penalty...... when he was 16 in afghanistan during a firefight he threw a grenade that killed 1 soldier and wounded another...... terrorism?
  2. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

    Socialism is an ideology with the core belief that a society should exist in which 'popular' "collectives" control the means of power, and therefore the means of production. In application, however, the de facto meaning of 'socialism' has changed with time. Although it is a politically-"loaded" term, it remains strongly-related to the establishment of an organized working class; created through either revolution or by social evolution, with the purpose of building a "classless society". 'Socialism' had its origins in the "Utopian" ideals of the "Enlightenment", during the "Industrial Age/Age of Industrialization", amid the yearnings for a "perfect society". It has also increasingly become concentrated on social reforms within modern democracies. This concept and the term Socialist may refer to a group of ideologies, an economic system, or a state that exists or has existed.

    In Marxist theory, it also refers to the society that would 'succeed' or supplant capitalism, and in "ideal" cases, would develop further into "communism", as the 'necessity' for the socialist structure would "wither away". 'Marxism' and 'communism' are both branches of socialism.

    The word dates back at least to the early nineteenth century. It was first used, self-referentially, in the English language in 1827 to refer to followers of Robert Owen. In France, again self-referentially, it was used in 1832 to refer to followers of the doctrines of Saint-Simon and thereafter by Pierre Leroux and J. Regnaud in l'Encyclopédie nouvelle. Use of the word spread widely and has been used differently in different times and places, both by various individuals and groups that consider themselves socialist and by their opponents. While there is wide variation between socialist groups, nearly all would agree that they are bound together by a common history rooted originally in nineteenth and twentieth-century struggles by industrial and agricultural workers, operating according to principles of solidarity and advocating an egalitarian society, with an economics that would, in their view, serve the broad populace rather than a favored few.
  3. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Lucy would also like to point out that he/she ripped that directly from WikiPedia.

    Folks, remember if you're going to plagiarise the works of other people, at least give some credit to the source.
  4. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
  5. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Thank you, Lucy. I read that and could have sworn I'd read it elsewhere, but since you never gave your source, I had to google a few keywords from the text.
  6. smiles

    smiles New Member

    i don't see what the point of writing that was... to teach us what socialism is? cuba is just as much an example of marx's advanced communism as the netherlands..... it's alla bout the means of production, one is controlled by a dictator the other leans more towards capitalsm yet they are both socialist by any standard
  7. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

    Yeah. It's a little to well versed for me to have written. I just wasn't thinking and I should have added the source. Good night! :D
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Its all a slippery slope. You start (perspective from American politics) as a Democrat or Humanist to goto Socialism, to communism. Castro’s Communist Regime is just another form of socialism. Socialized medicine like in Canada is a good example of how Capitalism trumps Socialism any day. You seem to be searching for a technical point to argue but that’s not the point. It really is a point that there are two basic theories of politics left Socialist and right Capitalists.
  9. smiles

    smiles New Member

    PLEASE elaborate..... i'm absolutely tingling in anticipation of your response
  10. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

    I thought that was what he did.
  11. smiles

    smiles New Member

    you two seem to be taking hits from the same glass dick... ask wayne to hook you up with a proper pipe
  12. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

    Uh....right. Maybe you should just go on back to "tingling". It suits you. :roll:
  13. smiles

    smiles New Member

    does coming off as stupid not bother you?
  14. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

    Of course not! There's a purpose behind it.
    What's your excuse?
  15. smiles

    smiles New Member

    :roll: .... anyways.... this back anf forth is wasting my time, if you have something constructive to say or a point ot make kindly do so.... otherwise i think you'd be more at home in the "Post Your Fugly Pictures Forum"
  16. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

  17. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Our health system here in America is pretty bogged down in socialism. Constantly under attack by scumbag trial lawyers and government imposed socialist programs such as Medicare. But it is still not wholly socialized yet though that will undoubtedly come eventually. In the mean time I pay ~70.00 every two weeks for health care and can go directly to any specialist I perceive will fix my problem, for a nominal visit fee and prescription fee. If I feel like my foot is hurt on Monday I make an appointment and got see a podiatrist on Tuesday. (If he or she has an opening and usually this is the case)
  18. smiles

    smiles New Member

    i'm sure it's very nice if you can afford it..... people who can't are pretty fucked wouldn't you say? in canda we dont have to worry about any of that shit, you don;t have to worry weather your insurance company will try to deny you treatment because of a loophole or a missed payment.... i would much rather have the piece of mind knowing that no matter what the circumstance myself, or a member of my family will UNDOUBTEDLY 100% receive whatever treatment they need .... the only downside is that we have higher taxes... so how exactly does this comment have any factual validity?

  19. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    That is Utopian pipe dream. When you hurt your foot on Monday do you see a podiatrist on Tuesday?

    We have people coming here from Mexico having never paid one red cent into the system getting thousands of dollars worth of medical care. If you’re indigent you still get medical care here.

    We even have special parking for people with disabilities. And if you’re a democrat socialist commie jackass you go talk to some of your hookups that work at the local govt. office and get a ;-) permit to park there. Even if your healthy as can be.
  20. smiles

    smiles New Member


    yeah and republicans never give hookups to friends coughHALIBURTONcough .... read young schmedleys link, you'll come off as less of a hypocrite next time

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