America stands for life, liberty, and the pursuit .....

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by smiles, Oct 26, 2005.

  1. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

    Hey Joe, look around the room and find a spot on the wall to talk to. I guarantee it'll have more sense than this guy.
  2. smiles

    smiles New Member

    joe i don't see how your analogy is applicable here.... you make it seem like they had no other choice than to arrest this fellow because he filled ALL the criteria of a terrorist..... or erg a "duck"..... well... what exactly makes someone a terrorist? what is it exactly that made him look, act, sound e.t.c. like a duck? they surely didn’t have info that he was in a terrorist training camp... nor did they have info that he had been in contact with terrorists.......... otherwise they would have never let him go... no..... they just saw their chance to nab the guy before he was safely in the confines of his own country and if this had happened to an american citizen there would be a public outcry so please for the love of god spare us the hypocrisy and just admit you were wrong in this case and will surely be wrong again so we can get off the topic

    MEDICVET New Member

    Smiles don't you know that anyone that doesn't show happiness and gratitude at the presence of the US, anyone that doesn't make themselves available for any terrorist to assasinate (say, like joining the Iraqi national guard and/or police), anyone that is in the wrong place at the wrong time is a duck dammit! What are you thinking of? Torture is okay, even if innocents are harmed! The ends justify the means! get with the program, man.
  4. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

    I was just thinking, wouldn't it be great if smiles could put together an army of American liberals and Canadians. You couldn't kick any ass, but you would probably drown the world with your tears.
  5. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

    Just curious, smiles, but have you written to your family and friends to let them know how easy it would be to conquer Canada. Just think, 25 or 30 of your buddies could get together and take over the whole damn country. Hey, they won't even put up a fight, they're all fucking yellow.
  6. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

    Hey, and get this, if they do try and resist, the fucking liberals here in the US will be on your side. What a recipe for success!
  7. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Hey Joe, look around the room and find a spot on the wall to talk to. I guarantee it'll have more sense than this guy.

    Sense is sometimes made simple. In the 20s few people could understand the laws of relativity. Now there are thousands and that is called progress. You obviously love your picturebook LH. A few paralells should not be beyond you. Even if they are in a written language.

    You go to school ? That is good ! Why your country chooses affirmative action for its grunts and jocks is a bit beyond me. The stupidity that keeps your brain in chains is after all of your own make.

    Hm Yellow ! The strategy of arming iraqis to fight against iraqis springs to mind. Superiour firepower no doubt. How many iraqis have died for your autocompanies down there. I remember a picture of Rumshfeldt and Hussein shaking hands. I remember GeorgeWalkerTexasRanger and his BinLaden buddies that were shipped shipped out of the country the day after 911. Ducks ? Well they certainly looked and walked and talked. Sorry for the barrage kid! But you dont call liberals yellow. Liberals have faced machineguns and sabres for the basic rights you now have as a citizen.
  8. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

    I have to admit, XerxesX, you got to be the biggest crock of shit to ever grace, and I use the word "grace" loosely, the forum. That statement doesn't fit the philosophy of a liberal. A liberal is -->
    "tolerant of his opponent's opinions" . --> source
    You're either a liar or a fool.
  9. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Yes,yes! LH.
    Me a crock of shit, you a turd. That spells.Bark bark. Voff voff ! I got angered by your suggestion that joeslogic stop exchanging ideas.
    To me thats just a bit to stalinist.

    Heres my crock of shit:

    I am not quite shore you brave german ss-troopers can win this war without us jewish scientists. ( Yesyes, its ANOTHER parable ).

    If you did not get the points in the duck-goose posting you could try to read it again. The Duck dUck duck is basic logic applied to ducks. The parable about the golden goose should demand no further explanation. Does it make sense too you now or cant you see the crock for all the shit.

    Two questions:
    What was unbecoming of a good liberal ? And what was the lie ?

    "All in all your just another brick in the wall". Pink Floyd
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Smiles wrote:

    Hey smiles over in your area of Canada, does anyone hunt deer?
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You have the right during deer hunting season to zip yourself up into a deer costume and tromp around in the woods and graze on grass.

    But if you get hurt by a bullet shot from a deer hunters rifle is it the hunters blame?


    You’re not getting it we can argue the grey area all day long and I can make some compelling arguments in defense of American interest being to protect itself. The way it is being played out in the media is not showing any grey area just a pointed accusation not showing all the facts. Lets not get bogged down in the minutia the problem I have is the way the media is manipulating people like you.
  12. smiles

    smiles New Member

    once again the deer analogy if a very flawed one..... you would be suggesting that this individual knowingly fulfilled the criteria of a terrorist.... yet what were the criteria he filled out? suspicious traveling? belonging to the wrong mosque? seems to me like it's the hunt for commies all over again except this time you’re doing it to foreign nationals….. that’s where the line is drawn

    and joe Americas responsibility to its citizens stops when they violate the rights of others... you can do it because you are bigger and stronger.... but please don’t delude yourself into thinking you are invincible. you will cross the line one day, be it tomorrow or in a hundred years and you will have no one to blame and no one to save you
  13. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

    I apologize for being rude to you in the past. You apparently have an opinion to offer, and everyone has their right to express that opinion. In the future, I will try harder to understand the ideas that you are trying to convey, before I post a reply. Have a nice weekend. :)
  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Lucy will you please attack Smiley for me? I just want to sit back and watch.

    O yeah thats right I only have to switch to that other thread. :p
  15. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

    Hell no, that's your job! I just run interference. :wink:
  16. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Your right Lucy anyways I'm backing off of that idea the guy actually agreed. er, Partially agreed with something I said. Go figure that out.

    Evolution unfolding right before our eyes?
  17. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Maybe if you didn't feel the urge to see smiles 'attacked' for having a different point of view from you it would.
  18. smiles

    smiles New Member

    yeah i just read hank's little tirade on the previous page..... it would have been funnier if he actually made an original witty comment as opposed to the usual haggis these types regurgitate
  19. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I knew you were around somewhere Nursey.
  20. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator


    Well aren't you clever, for realising that unless some misfortunate circumstances occur, i don't cease to exist just because you don't see me. :|

    Visual representation of a bigoted, barbaric moron arguing with a civilised thinker (on the left hand side).

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