America stands for life, liberty, and the pursuit .....

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by smiles, Oct 26, 2005.

  1. smiles

    smiles New Member


    75, 000? people get more than that for slipping on someone's driveway...... this man deserves a good 100 million in my opinion
  2. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

    A few years later, the New York Times proclaimed "God is Dead." The newspaper neglected to mention, however, that new gods were moving into town. These savage deities would clap when Saigon became Ho Chi Minh City and laugh when the nation of Cambodia became one vast Auschwitz. The most sacred temple of these new gods were the offices of the New York Times.
  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Damn Lucy you sum it all up into one nice package a deep statement for those willing to see it and understand.

    Yeah Rush Limbaugh had some interesting input on this and it is about to happen just like he foresees I'm sure.

    Smiley said that whatever the victims name is said :

    [/quote] "What I would like ... is an acknowledgment that the CIA is responsible for what happened to me, an explanation as to why this happened, and an apology."
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  5. smiles

    smiles New Member

    i read the first sentance and refuse to read the rest.... the man is apparently an idiot.... what he's sayign is "well it's not our fault, we didn't do this to this man, it's because people oppose us and if no one opposed us innocent people wouldn't have to be hurt and peoples rights wouldnt have to be shat on".... and please dont blame the times.... they just reported the story. would it have been better not to discuss it at all or better yet use it to somehow put a spin on why we should now hate the germans as well as the french
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You say we "shat" on an innocent mans life. I'm not so sure he is innocent apparently you are. In my mind he was probably involved with the terrorists. There are some who would say since O.J. Simpson was not convicted that he was "shat" on with all the false allegations. I know for a fact that is not true. He is obviously one of the most guilty bastard I have ever seen get away with murder. Sure he is a victim of the war not America my suggestion to any world wide citizen where ever you are at and especially if you are in a position where you may possibly construed as remotely in ranks with terrorist. First of all cease any activity that may be construed this way. Secondly if apprehended then cooperate with as much information as you can provide. Thirdly try being proactive do what you can to root out terrorism other wise if you have uncomfortable dealings with the U.S. you can blame your situation squarely on terrorism and terrorism alone.

    In other words, if you are questioned by American authorities and you decide to be a smart ass. Well you brought it on yourself. As far as I’m concerned you are either for us or you are against us. And if your against us then you can go fuck yourself cause if I had anything to do with it that’s the last pleasure you get.
  7. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

    The point is, the New York Times reports parts of a story, i.e., they "cherry pick". You know as well as anyone that Condy Rice did not admit to any secret prisons. Get real, if you kidnapped me and held me against my will and then released me half dead, would you then tell me that you don't want anyone to know that you are "smiles" or "don"t tell anyone that smiles had anything to do with this. If you buy that, then I have no more to say.
  8. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Quoth Jouslogics quothingsomeone ( Limbaugh ?)
    Ok he does not even need to get it from the CIA I'll give it to him. Basically he is a victim, but he is not a victim of the U.S.

    Thats not an apology, so he did not get it. Bad form, bad logic and a lot of saliva from whomever.

    I saw some photage of a 12year old iraqi sheperdboy being shot in the back by USsoldiers. His crime was running , but that was most certainly the first time he saw UStroops. He was rushed to a hospital but refused compensation.

    Joe ! One is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. Thats the base of a civilised judicial system. Actions that undermine this are in treasonous to all atempts at democracy.

    And since you have as many gunrelated deaths as an average civil-war-ridden country, ill quote again:

    "Guns dont kill" the NRA.

    Nowadays "we"/"they" have started arresting families of the suspects.

    Rule of law is falling down , falling down , falling down , rule of law is falling down , myy sweeat laadyy !!
  9. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

    Did I miss something or did somebody just decide to throw trash in here.
  10. smiles

    smiles New Member

    thats fine joe, if you ever get arrested i hope the police feel the same way... every time you demand a lawyer they knock one of your teeth out.... every time you say that you dont know anything they punch you in the solarplex/....... then they take you across state lines and say "you better not tell anyone what the LAPD did to your ass" because by then you clearly had not figured out it was the LAPD,

    honestly joe you still refuse to think the man is innocent? because he ratted on you? because the American military/intelligence is infallible? what kind of dumb ass terrorist would get RELEASED as a suspect then go tell the world that they held him as a terrorist, how many background checks are being conducted on this man by every news agency/ government in the world as we speak? do you believe your own intelligence agents to be stupid enough to let a suspect go aftr a couple of days when they could have..... liek their OTHER suspects... held him there indefinitely if there were even a remote chance of him being guilty? that’s what i mean when i say this is pointless..... you've already made up your mind
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Smiles take a few steps back and look at your own hypocrisy. You apply one burden of proof that anyone must meet when addressing terrorism. But absolutely any accusation made against the people fighting for a free Iraq is taken as totally factual and legitimate. All this anti-American brainwashing on you has worked.
  12. smiles

    smiles New Member

    please elborate i don't see where i'm being a hypocrate
  13. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I'm saying that he walked like a duck and looked like a duck and quacked like a duck. Through out attempts to find out if he was a duck they were able to discern between the quacks that he said he was not a duck so they let him go. I'm not so convinced he is not a duck.

    But you on the other hand are perfectly willing to accept that he is not a duck as well as the story he tells.

    At the same time you believe nothing an American tells.

    I guess you just gotta be a duck to understand.
  14. lucyharper

    lucyharper Guest

    Halle fucking lujah!
  15. smiles

    smiles New Member

    joe are you really thinking clearly right now? i will restate my 2 previous points:

    1) if he really IS a terrorists, or someone that has in the past had contacts with terrorists he is the stupidest mutherfucker on the planet....... with his picture plastered everywhere anyone with any information will turn up quickly..... also he has countless news agencies researching his past and tracking his every move for the past god knows how many years..... if he REALLLY IS a terrorist or is/was associated with terrorists how long do you think it will be before he gets caught?

    2) your own intelligence service deemed him not to be a terrorist and they deemed him acceptable to be released when they could've held him there indefinitely..... does this prove nothing to you?
  16. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    So in other words your saying the system worked.
  17. smiles

    smiles New Member

    if by worked you mean arbitrarily detained and imprisoned without any due process by a foreign power........ then yes..... the system has worked, just don’t be surprised when people say they don’t like it
  18. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Joe wrote

    I'm saying that he walked like a duck and looked like a duck and quacked like a duck. Through out attempts to find out if he was a duck they were able to discern between the quacks that he said he was not a duck so they let him go. I'm not so convinced he is not a duck.

    Could be a goose. They look pretty much the same. Not all dictators have mustaches. Not all muslims have beards. Peter the great forced the traditionalist bojar gentry to cut their beards opp, under threat off confiscation off their land. A bit like the french measures against religious symbols in public places.
    Kemal Ataturk used the same measures when creating the modern Turkey. Banning the beard nowadays could lead to a dangerous conspiracy between bikers and muslims. HarleyDynamite. What a blast !
  19. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Yeah but it’s like this:
    They were looking for ducks, and they see this character you know the whole thing walked, talked, waddled, quacked, even passed the water drip test (bounces off like water on a ducks back)
    Well the thing is when they picked him up he was waddling down to the base of the valley headed straight for a pond.
    He had his swimming trucks on, and his sunglasses, and towel draped over his shoulder.

    So since their looking for ducks, they stop this guy.
    They ask "Hey are you a duck?"
    He promptly tells them they can go fuck themselves that he is not a duck but a fox instead.
    They say "ok I'll buy that but what are you doing in this area?"
    He says "I'm headed down to the post office to mail a letter to my dear old grandmother why you writing a book or something?"
    They think about it, and since the post office is the opposite way he was headed, and he does not have a letter on him to mail, but instead he has a towel and sunglasses, and upon further inspection a bottle of sun block.
    They go to the side and discuss amongst themselves.
    Hmm this guy his story does not seem to add up. And on top of that he reminds them of that cartoon character Daffy and they also agree that they remember that character was a duck. And a smartass duck at that.

    and they think:

    Must be a duck a goose is to motherly
  20. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    A blackclad sinister duck at that. ( Ninjaduck?). If it had been Donald he would definitely end up in the slammer for jaywalking or such. Within the laws of logic it spells: If all ducks are Ducks, and a dUck is a duck, then a dUck is a Duck. A duck for cover maybe ?
    We must be certain not to kill the goose that lays the golden egg though. Unless we opt for a moneyless society. And if all pennies are money and all that, then its allso a pennyless society :D

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