Allah Allakbar!

Discussion in 'Complaints, Requests and Suggestions.' started by Nursey, Mar 21, 2003.

  1. theonlylivingboy

    theonlylivingboy New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey:
    But thanks for congratulating me on my ties to such a brave, proud, dignified and noble people. I have to say, although i wholly expected them to give their best shot at defending themselves i have been awe inspired by what i have seen. And those people aren't just fighting for their own rights, they're fighting for all our rights. If America gets away with this we're all fucked.[/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Its nice to see your cousins in Basra, rising up and joining the infidel invader in fighting their beloved leadership. And do yu seriously believe the outcome of this war will be victory for the Iraqi leaders?
    It will be freedom for the Iraqi people, free at last from a cruel, brutal and belligerant regime they neither want nor need. You should be down on both your knees saying thanks to the alies if you love your country sooo much.
  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by theonlylivingboy:
    Its nice to see your cousins in Basra, rising up and joining the infidel invader in fighting their beloved leadership. And do yu seriously believe the outcome of this war will be victory for the Iraqi leaders?
    It will be freedom for the Iraqi people, free at last from a cruel, brutal and belligerant regime they neither want nor need. You should be down on both your knees saying thanks to the alies if you love your country sooo much.

    Oooh!It's the dumb propaganda spouting cunt who admits to not giving a fuck about the subject trying to tell me what to think again.
  3. theonlylivingboy

    theonlylivingboy New Member

    As I thought, if you haven't got a few hours to cut and paste other peoples ridiculous opinions, you can't come up with a post of substance. You accuse me and others of blind belief in the lying western (free) press prpoganda, yet everything you post comes from biased left wing websites. Few brains and few opinions of your own.
  4. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

  5. theonlylivingboy

    theonlylivingboy New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PimpDaddy:
    ok.. heres something from a right-wing american newspaper<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Fucking hell Pimp these really are getting worse.
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    Paul Craig Roberts should be fucking certified.
    I read this quickly, but the 2 main points seem to be, comparing Bush and this war to Hitler and his rampage through Europe!!!!
    andstating that sooner or later Bush will have to face the wrath of the US people??
    He's on record popularity levels!
  6. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    yes he will.. the american people should be used to being lied to and their opinions manipulated.. but when they find out.. as watergate proved.. they sure get mad about it...

    and is it really insane to compare hitler lying to the german people to justify his aggression in WW2 to bush lying to his people to justify his aggression in this war?
  7. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

  8. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

  9. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

  10. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

  11. theonlylivingboy

    theonlylivingboy New Member

    All rather intresting stuff, but not much I hadn't already read.
    This is my whole arguement, I will take news from various diversified media, including the links you post, and then try to make a balanced judgement. Where you & Nursery read anything by any communist/liberal journo with a political axe to grind and see it as the gospel truth, when in fact most of it is distortion of fact and shameless spin. Saddam is a good guy?? You really believe that? This is what I meant in an earlier post about simplifying this arguement into good and evil.
  12. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    and i'll read reports/articles from many diversified sources and come to my own conclusions from what i find therein... nice labelling of everything as liberal/commie btw.. typical disinformation tactic... you'd make a great CIA operative

    regarding your last statement i'll turn it around... bush is a good guy?.. you really believe that?

    and there's one problem with simplifying it into good vs evil.. what if you're on the wrong side?
  13. theonlylivingboy

    theonlylivingboy New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PimpDaddy:
    ... you'd make a great CIA operative<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    It's very bad form to answer a question with another question old chap.
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    So tell me, whats it like?
  14. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    i was hoping you'd tell me
  15. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by theonlylivingboy:
    Its nice to see your cousins in Basra, rising up and joining the infidel invader in fighting their beloved leadership. And do yu seriously believe the outcome of this war will be victory for the Iraqi leaders?
    {rest of the regurgitated propaganda deleted}
    Actually, my three cousins and an aunt live in Baghdad.Or at least, they were alive last time my family were able to contact Iraq.
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by theonlylivingboy:
    As I thought, if you haven't got a few hours to cut and paste other peoples ridiculous opinions, you can't come up with a post of substance. You accuse me and others of blind belief in the lying western (free) press prpoganda, yet everything you post comes from biased left wing websites. Few brains and few opinions of your own.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
    Unlike you...I think i'm pretty well known in this forum for:
    1- making lots of interesting, original posts of substance...both serious and jokey.
    -having a good brain
    -having my own opinions

    But you're right, i don't have much time to be responding to you, someone who knows very little but acts as if they know it all, though i will try just for the benefit of anyone who seriously does give a shit about what's going on, i.e not you. If you can negate the points i've been making, then prove it instead of just doing posts to insult me and tell me im full of shit etc.
    Let's face it...anything that disagrees with the war machine's propaganda is labelled 'loony lefty' by dumb bigots like yourself.
    And the 'western (free) press'? What a joke! Here's what the 'sweetheart of the forces'...veteran BBC reporter Kate Adie has to say...

    Pentagaon Threatens to Kill Independent Reporters in Iraq

    And the war reports coming from the Russian site have been pretty reliable up to now, reporting things that later get confirmed, at least in some form. Unlike the Pentagon whose reports later turn out to be wild exagerrations at best, or complete bare faced lying which they later go on to more or less admit to!!!
  16. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey:
    And the war reports coming from the Russian site have been pretty reliable up to now, reporting things that later get confirmed<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    (the russian site)
    'Very detailed and accurate predictions'.
  17. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Now there's the news i was waiting for! You might have noticed i didn't respond to canine and rimboy's comments about the "shi'ite uprising" in Basra. That's because i didn't believe it...and whaddya know!?!! On channel four news they've just said that "the military said there's no uprising" that boys? NO the ch 4 news reporters words "more like the talk of some overexcited reporters on the outskirts of Basra" (read government propaganda).
  18. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    ...and yet another example of bare faced lying by the pentagon...first they denied that they bombed a residential area "we did not fire missiles into that area" (a shopping centre...killing 25) then they were trying to imply that Saddam had bombed it himself...then admitted it!!!!!
  19. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    the first casualty of war
  20. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator


    " Scott Ritter...
    are you surprised by how
    the assault in Iraq is going?

    Scott Ritter:

    " No actually, I wrote a paper that was published last Fall, that predicted just this. And i'm a little disturbed in listening to some of the analysis going along here.

    I think that one of the reasons the American find themselves in such difficulties in Iraq, is that so many in the Pentagon have listened to the... blithering of Iraqi expatriots who have spoken out --rightly so-- against Saddam Hussein, and who think that it's a) the role of the United States to liberate Iraq; and b) think that the Iraqi people want us to liberate them from Saddam.

    And I think that the harsh reality is that in buying off on the expectations of being greeted in the streets of Iraq with song and flowers... we now find we are being greeted with bullets and bombs.

    And it's the Shia in the south who are fighting us. They're not doing it because Chemical Ali is down there with his death squads threatening to execute 'em.

    They're doing it because, the American Crusader Infidel has invaded and violated Holy Iraq, and they will resist us, and they will resist us strongly.

    And no matter how many Iraqi's we kill and slaughter, I predict that America will loose this war and ultimately the American military will leave Iraq with its tail between its legs.

    Unfortunately, we're going to inflict a tremenduous amount of death and destruction on the people of Iraq; the American soldiers and Marines will also pay a price.

    And all those who sit outside of Iraq and courageously encourage Americans to go in and slaughter Iraqi's should be ashamed of themselves."

    Vincent Browne: "...You think the Americans will loose this war? "
    Scott Ritter:
    " We lost Vietnam....

    Remember we can kill many, many Iraqui's and we will do so. But I am telling you right now, that we do not have sufficient combat power in Iraq --as we speak-- to win this battle. So we will have to reinforce considerably.

    The current posture, in terms of American deployment, is predicated on a presumption that the Iraqi Army would surrender; that the Iraqi people would welcome; that the internsational community would support.

    The exact opposite is happening.

    And now we find ourselves with fewer than 120,000 boots on the ground; facing a nation of 23 million, with armed elements numbering around 7 million --who are concentrated at urban areas.

    We will not win this fight. America will loose this war.

    Saddam Hussein may die... But you know what?

    I'm betting that Saddam's gonna be around a lot longer than anyone can predict.

    I'm betting that we don't capture Bhagdad.

    I'm betting that we stall outside Bhagdad.

    I'm betting that this becomes an absolute quagmire.

    I hope I'm wrong, for the sake of the American lives that are going to be lost. Remember I'm a 12 year veteran of the Marine Corps. I fought in the first Gulf War. I know what war is about. I know what defending my country is about.

    This is a bad war, because it has nothing to do with the defense of the United States of America. Iraq doesn't have weapons of mass destruction. The Bush Administration has pulled an enormous lie to the international community; to the American people.

    And now we're in Iraq --carrying out the right-wing neo-conservative motives of a handful of people; the Richard Perle's, Paul Wolfowitz's; the Dick Cheney's. And we've allowed them to hijack our foreign policy.

    And they've been cheered on by these Iraqi expatriots, who have zero credibility in my eyes. They're so brave and they want Iraq liberated... Then my goodness man, go to Iraq... fight and die for your country... But don't ask Americans to do it.

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