Advice for getting over an Ex?

Discussion in 'Medical Advice' started by GAS, Jun 25, 2006.

  1. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    That being said, focus on your business. Handle school, career, and all the other things you need to get going on. It will keep you busy, and ladies will pick up on the fact that you have your stuff together. Then free market dating is the rule. Date many people, and when the right one comes along for the job, invest.
  2. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    He didnt say forever.

    You dont want to get married to the first one that gets in the sack with you. Thats like buying a car without driving all the cars to make sure you get the one you like.
  3. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    When I said dating I was including sex. I don't think you should just marry the first girl that's nice to you. I also don't think that handling your business should ever be second priority. You come first. If you're not meeting your needs you're most likely not going to be able to meet the needs of other people. When I say needs I'm not talking about dirt bikes and beer, I'm talking about basic stability. Once you have that some bitch like Ferine will come along and make you sell all your toys. :evil:

    Another good way to get over your ex is to hold your 3 month old nephew while you type and have him pull all the hair out of your arm. I'm not thinking about my ex at all right now, just the fact that my left arm has less hair on it then when I started typing this.
  4. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I told you, one word, "HOOKERS"...

    well gas, in your case, Two Words,:
    "Transvestite hookers"
  5. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    This is where the knitting needles come in handy...
  6. Ferine

    Ferine New Member

  7. Checkmate

    Checkmate New Member

    There are so many things wrong with this I don't even know where to begin..That’s a lie, I know where to start!

    1) "When I said dating I was including sex" Same thing, real men don't date, the dinner or event before is a precursor to sex, if she doesn't jump in the sack after 2 "DATES" she is not worth a third. You'll save valuable time and money.

    2) "I don't think you should just marry the first girl that's nice to you. I also don't think that handling your business should ever be second priority." Women are only nice to you as a means to their ends, when that fails and it usually does spectacularly, they consult "THE CIRCLE OF HENS" and usually come back with ultimatums which only lead women to tears and ice cream. When it comes to your business, this should be the top priority, majority of women have the depth of a kiddies pool, and really want to be looked after, not self sufficient as they claim, as long as I have been around the biggest attraction for a woman is WEALTH. Because rich guys never get laid, do they?

    3) If you're not meeting your needs you're most likely not going to be able to meet the needs of other people. When I say needs I'm not talking about dirt bikes and beer, I'm talking about basic stability. Once you have that some bitch like Ferine will come along and make you sell all your toys.You were actually pretty close on this one, so I'll give you the 2 finger golf clap. In reality stability is all dependant on your income and ability to live the life you want within your means. Women never see you for who you are, they see you for who you can be, they see your potential, i.e. as a husband, a father etc. this is natures way of ensuring they get the best seed possible and ensure the survivability of their offspring, still not sure why women are attracted to rich assholes......they are the best hunters in the pack, and display the most dominant male characteristics, this is why women get married and build a nest, then go out looking for other guys to plant the seed.

    4)Another good way to get over your ex is to blah blah blah....Single guys should never be around children, unless of course you picked up a single mom the night before then feel free to use this line "Hey champ, just like your Dad, I'm going to leave right now." You should be at a strip bar practicing your game, strippers are the single male’s sounding board, and they have some of the most finely tuned bullshit detectors known to man! If you can get your game working there you can get your game working anywhere. Think of it as practice before the big game.
  8. Checkmate

    Checkmate New Member

    Dr. Checkmates interpretation of the female brain:

  9. Checkmate

    Checkmate New Member

    Dr.Checkmate's intrepretation of the female brain Take 2!

  10. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    So Checkmate chose to correct me by agreeing with me on most of my points.

    Checkmate is of course wildly succesful with the ladies, as he has managed to listen to at least two broadcasts of the Tom Lykes show.
  11. GAS

    GAS New Member

    Ironinc sidenote...back with said Ex now. Flame away
  12. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    dumb faggot
  13. Checkmate

    Checkmate New Member

    Your a fool, and you're bound to suffer fools, you deserve neither mercy or kindness.
  14. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Hey GAS - I'm sort of in the same situation you were in a year ago or so. I've broken up with a girl I was actually planning on marrying, and we still talk. She makes it a point to call me everyday to chat, blah blah blah... Point I'm getting at is this: It would be REALLY easy to get back with her, resume where we left off, have quite a bit of great make-up sex (which would probably be worth it in and of itself, taking into account her bipolar affliction) - but I've been fighting to maintain.

    The way I figure is this: I know her inside and out, know what makes her tick, squirm, and giggle - and I am well aware of what she has to offer me. It's been rather difficult, but I've maintained my distance from her, and plan to continue doing so. The reason I do so is this: I know that there is NO future with us. Every moment I would potentially spend with this woman would, in turn, potentially prevent me from getting acquainted with the real woman for me. Who knows, maybe there is no 'real' woman for me - but every day I would spend with this one is one less day reserved for me finding out. Picture me as the insurance agent, assessing a claim that I know is a total loss. Sure, the 'vehicle' can be fixed - but it's going to be even less reliable than it was to begin with, not to mention the other subsequent problems it may encounter while I'm driving it down the road a bit later.

    Just my $0.02 worth.
  15. GAS

    GAS New Member

    Great advice dude. But I pretty much knew we were gonna get back together, I was just so pissed off(and drunk) when the breakup occured I basically flipped the fuck out and told everyone I knew what a bitch she was and blah blah. I do see what you're saying but this girl is without a doubt one of the most awesome human beings, inside and out, that I have ever met and I'm not gonna let that go. And I've dated around quite a bit and gotten laid many a time so it's not like this was my first time getting my heart destroyed. Gonna stick this one out I think.

    I love that bitch :)
  16. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    That was beautiful. :'(
  17. smiles

    smiles New Member

    ahhhh love.... never had the pleasure.... hope things work out for the best and that she hasn't been finding comfort between the anus and ballsac of strangers with nice cars
  18. Debs202

    Debs202 New Member

  19. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    you and your friend are both fucking retarded drama faggots. I would tell you that you should kill yourself, but Barry asked me not to do that in his forum.
  20. Schmed

    Schmed New Member


    And he wouldn't like you to tell them to drink a nice, large glass of bleach. A tasty, satisfying, refreshing glass of smooth liquid bleach.

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