BTW: Nice posting of the entire MAME library, nice touch that you included the details/etc, and all in 'code format'...
Zwackery, the best game ever, ok maybe not, that would have to belong to Snacks N' Jackson, which i have never seen a stand up of, Lomo you got one? Pimp check emule that has a dloads for all the Impact games and binaries in one nice package.
Damn, the cade i grew up in had a Zwackery , its a dial game, but i never saw the game Snacks N' Jackson untill i had MAME, its a fucked uped game, you are a clown head that eats food. Yeah, a stand up needs to be found cause i want to see what the hell the art would llok like on it.
Damn, that does look like a fucked-up game... I could only find a picture of the front of it, though...