A Tribute to Wanktard...

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Nursey, Mar 7, 2002.

  1. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I have no idea if that was supposed to be insulting or complmentry...
  2. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    Why, the principled chap that is Thundy would be under no exertion to discriminate amid the differences that you reveal. I merely attemp to resolve the issue of weather the Gentleman is adept to make true his contention and state furthermore that he is practiced at those issues he raises?
  3. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    you ozzies are wierdos...
  4. thundercat_the_twat

    thundercat_the_twat New Member

    what the fuck was all that shit about? lots of big words strung together to impress? perhaps to compensate for a small cock...or was it in defence of lard arse dawn? does he has a soft spot for blubber woman? either way those big words turned me on and i think a good wank is on the cards so thanks and keep up the good work.oh and i dare say that dictionary will get you layed one day.on that note ill bid you good bye and eeeerrrrrr you fucking total twat is in order i think.
  5. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    My extraction would appear to be in a state of perplexity. I am no further associated with the likes of educators of the hindered than a simple locality.
  6. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by thundercat_the_twat:
    what the fuck was all that shit about? lots of big words strung together to impress? perhaps to compensate for a small cock...or was it in defence of lard arse dawn? does he has a soft spot for blubber woman? either way those big words turned me on and i think a good wank is on the cards so thanks and keep up the good work.oh and i dare say that dictionary will get you layed one day.on that note ill bid you good bye and eeeerrrrrr you fucking total twat is in order i think.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Maybe so, my opaque friend. Rather the afore-mentioned than the engine whos usage assists you in your pusuit for scoffs.
  7. thundercat_the_twat

    thundercat_the_twat New Member

    your extraction appears to be a load of shit im afraid and i am available to offer you help as im still available to lard arse for her obeseity.the condition you have is very rare and if i recall correctly its called dictionarydickless syndrome.the sufferer has a small penis and a inferiority complex and finds it hard to communicate with the oppisite sex.The ego is self-destructive because, for all it's posturing and self-involvement, it is fragile. A simple flick of the wrist can send it shattering to the floor as if a rock were thrown through a stain glass window, the light gleeming off the fragments as they tumble throught the air, glinting colored light cascading across your face as you realize suddenly that you are not all that your mind has made you up to be.the fact is your condition is treatable and after a few sessions with me you will no longer need big words to impress fat whores like dawn.you will also realize that your small cock wont be a problem cos lets face it... once you get the the stage were a womans seen your prick its too late for her to complain so you can procceed to empty you sack till your heart is content and as a added bonus the fat sluts like dawn dont complain about small cocks cos they are just happy to get the attention.well i hope this has helped you out and mayby you and dawn might get it on.... i do intend on fisting the fat fucker first though but dont worry i dont want to keep her yours THE DON
  8. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    Indeed, you protest that relief is in order and facilitation is abundant in your presence, but your wording would imply to the polar. You seem to withdraw from the usage of others heckles when presented with a conundrum such as mine, and yet truthfuly example yourself as a valueless assesor of the scripture you so defiantly attemp to comprehend. Accomplishment is within grasp, and at such a heartbrekingly early chapter!
    Besides this, as a proposition I would like to make spell where at your contentment you may find usage of another insult engine in order to replenish your stocks.
  9. thundercat_the_twat

    thundercat_the_twat New Member

    errrrr fuckoff you clever fat bastard.
  10. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    I obsrve that my offer is in rejection.

    Perhaps the next you call, you may have enhanced your facility, and make an extra endeavour.
  11. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nauseous:
    Is anyone else writing this shit down? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Why bother? Just visit the same insult engines that Thundy visits and pass them off as your own! Works for him.
  12. thundercat_the_twat

    thundercat_the_twat New Member

    Canine_STD (proudly named after his mother)god bless her and i think im speaking for a lot of guys when i say that. anyway Canine_STD who is now the defender of fatties both here and abroad needs all fugly members suppport and there vote and perhaps a small financial contribution in order to set up offices here and in australia.he will also be advertiseing for volantary staff to man the incomeing phone calls from the poor fat cows like dawn who need a synpathetic ear and moral support.although Canine_STD has no valid qualifications on counceling he has gave dawn great support and helped her come out of her shell and always been a shoulder to cry on for are fattest fugly member and therefore he should get are respect. the fact that std has other more selfish reasons to start these help groups.. i think it should be brought to light before any donations are given.you see std is in fact a pervert of the worst possible kind.it all started when he was 18 and a girl from his street was drunk and had just been beaton up by her boyfriend,std sore his chance and golden oppertuneity to comfort the girl in her shacken state as she was not in a stable state of mind and sly little std took full advantage of this and as a result he had scored,plus the girl patched things up with the boyfriend the next day and wanted to forget what had happened with std and therefore even his little cock was never brought to light.that was the only time std had had sex with consent for many years.after 3 rapes and 2 indecent assaults.. not to mention a small spell in prison were std was but fucked, std decided vunrable woman who was depressed and lonely was the way to go...hence his new venture STD PLEASE CALL ME OR FFH short for fat fuckers helpline.well std good look in your pervy supportd the fat twats and i hope you get lots of shags from it.so take care THE DON ....... GOD HE`S GONNA COME BACK WITH BIG WORDS AND LOADS OF UNFUNNY SHIT NOW YAWN
  13. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by thundercat_the_twat:

    Am I? OK for one post lets not. Shit!!! to late, I've already used punctuation and look at this!
    But what is with the big words? You seem to be trying to use some yourself there, not succesfuly I admit, but keep it up!
    And what happened to the insults? Is the server that hosts your favourite engine down? Maybe that would explain the reduction in quality of your spelling too, can't copy and paste the insults until they're back online can you?

    Anyway, an inception of the terminology you so abhor is at stage. May I proffer you fortuity in the inauguration of the wrangle.
  14. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    How thither!Accomplished to thine requissence of veritable fortitude,thou wouldst in reverence be!And hasten mine mellifluous tongue that this pedagogue in this midst herein hath not thine sole stentorian vocabularic magniloquence.Lo!And by thine hand therin lies thy legerdemain!
  15. D

    D New Member

    What the fuck.

    Emetics dick must be tiny (if he is still alive )

    I added you to my MSN you prick but you obviously didn't accept me. And I went to bed then anyway.

    I don't go up to Wolverhampton so I wont know you unless you been down here... or if I know you from online. Thats what I meant you helmet.

    Also, why have you picked on me? Fuck off and annoy some other fucker.
  16. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    if you were from the uk thundy, and, that is, i pressume, where you are from.
    then why do you talk such a complete load of bollocks?
    the ammount of smirnoff ice drinks that you must of guzzled with the straw sticking out the side leads me to beleive you are an anally retarded redneck. I think the brightness of your cyan shirt has damaged your brain.
    You make fun of dawn because of your shortcummings. lets face it, people must be appalled by your fat blubbery overhang, spot addled face and your repulsive medical conditions. and, to top that off, your remarks are unfunny and unoriginal.

    and whatever shit you got that from STD, dat shit was FUNNY.

    someone has just gone up to a bum, hat full of change, tatty dog by his side and given him a laptop.. a fucking waste of a good laptop at that.

    go drink some special brew and pass out in the trees you fucking freak show on legs.

  17. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Disorder:
    if you were from the uk thundy, and, that is, i pressume, where you are from.
    then why do you talk such a complete load of bollocks?
    the ammount of smirnoff ice drinks that you must of guzzled with the straw sticking out the side leads me to beleive you are an anally retarded redneck. I think the brightness of your cyan shirt has damaged your brain.
    You make fun of dawn because of your shortcummings. lets face it, people must be appalled by your fat blubbery overhang, spot addled face and your repulsive medical conditions. and, to top that off, your remarks are unfunny and unoriginal.

    and whatever shit you got that from STD, dat shit was FUNNY.

    someone has just gone up to a bum, hat full of change, tatty dog by his side and given him a laptop.. a fucking waste of a good laptop at that.

    go drink some special brew and pass out in the trees you fucking freak show on legs.

    Thundercat_the_twat is funny duncenobber-you....are...not.
  18. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    if one speaks a load of mindless drivel, one can understand a load of mindless drivel.

    congratualtions nursey, you finally found someone you can talk bollocks to all night without them falling asleep.

    i cant remember a time i laughed at any of your posts. so, if you dont think i'm funny (because lets face it, the only reason you swooped down on my post is to splurt your overrated views and have your ego enhanced by the admiration you are reciveing from two whole people(pimp and imc))

    and if i only make 4 people smirk, its ok, at least i dont have to try and be funny. my comical shit comes out fast and free, you on the other hand have spend ages on your posts, making sure they sound right, read right, all the bolds,italics and urls are in the right place. you even have to pre-type it in notepad.

    what was your favourite saying when we used to chat on msn?.. "hold on a sec i'm just finishing a post"

  19. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    HAHAHAHAHAHA.. this thread is SOOO fucking funny!!!.. thunderxcat you teqwat.. you are a fucking funny cunt.. i bopw down to you.. but don';yt expect oral.. youn aon't ALL DAT!!..

    canine.. you obviously used some long fucking word thingf like that shitty fucking alta vista translator.. eoither that or yiou have taken emetic, dessicated him,, compressed hinm into a supposirtory,, and rammedthwe bitxch up your ass... someoine trells me what you said was funny... but i done't have rogers theosaurud s to hand to confirnm or deny that accusatiojn

    and hety duncenobnber... i bet your faggoty ass is jealous that someone is a LOT more fucking funny and fits in better than you.. and doesn'rt pretend to be fucking clebver,,.. you're a fucking fag bitxch and i' hate you
  20. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    by the fuckingh eway .. as you mat y tell... i#'m fucking pissed... but when i';m sober.. i staill hart you edson you fucking nancing dfaggot.

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