A Tribute to Wanktard...

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Nursey, Mar 7, 2002.

  1. Ulfur Engil

    Ulfur Engil New Member

    I don't even know what the fuck this thread is about anymore. What I do know, is that I am the 300th poster in this thread. Woo Hoo!
  2. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Actually, #301, if you count the first post...
  3. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    I don't even know what the fuck this thread is about anymore. What I do know, is that I am the 300th poster in this thread. Woo Hoo!

    yeh i think you should get some kinda prize for his and if not we should go kick the fuck outta someone,not necaseriily someone from fugly just anyone will do walking buy in the street.
  4. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    Actually, #301, if you count the first post...

    shut it friar ya nit picking cunt.
  5. thundercat_the_twat

    thundercat_the_twat New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Disorder:

    you two are suspiciously alike and suit each other more than nursey-pimp.
    you both talk a load of pompus, mindless, childish, overhyped shit.
    a type of shit that i can only read one line of before i get bored. did you move from scotland to wolverhampton thundy? because i suspect that you are the type of no balls, no wit, no life, cant be trusted, fuck up of a scotish, asslicking, dingleberry dipshit wanker that nursey is.

    my dad was in the armed forces when his unit raped and humiliated a young lady while on shore leave in woverhampton in the year of '72. he never used protection and he left early in the morning, never to see the cross-eyed, gap-toothed spic again.
    when i asked him, he said it was all worth it because he was desperate after so long, but alas, the little whore cried heavily and he almost lost the chance to get his end away. thank fuck he donkey punched her in the ass and smashed her head against a treestump. unfortunately, it left some quite horendous scars and internal injuries, some of which may have been responsible for bringing an ugly, minging, halfbrained moron into the world. he never did know what happened to that whore and her bastard offspring.

    your best post yet..well done.to admit your dad is a rapist takes bottle too so well done for that.what gave you the kick up the arse to do a better post though???? was it cos i mentioned your new found love? and by the way is she a nigger?be honest disorder your dad didant even pass the medical in the army.in fact just like yourself he has never passed anything in his fucking life.he cant even pass wind without haveing a follow through as you well know cos ur the poor cunt who has to change his adult nappy.a bet your still a virgin.....the most you have done to ur new slut is felt her tit and had a little fingering session(her fingering you)in your mind you respect her so much you dont want to rush things were as when your not around the local scallies in there nova gte`s (ur dream car) impress her with there base tubes and they dont share your respect when they 3 up on your bitch at the back of a old dissused football pavillion takeing turns on fucking her cake hole hahahaha they got thurther in 1 fucking night and done more things to her within 1 hour of meeting her that u have since u have known her and by the way they all had bigger cocks than you.i dont want to rape your bitch any more if she is a nigger but ill give trainspotter a ring and see if he will be kind enough to allow one of his horses to fuck her(thats if the horse agrees)
  6. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Didn't fucking read it, but based on your past exploits, I can probably disagree....
  7. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    uhhhh thanks.. i think

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    actually it was because you asslicked nursey before finding out what i'm really like.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    shes half and half, and somehow i seem to like brown more than pink..

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    to be honest, my dad wasnt even IN the army, but it sounded good.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    actually, its just me thats the lazy fuck.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    3 times day. i bet YOU'RE still a virgin though.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    yes, i thought so..
  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Duncenobber:

    you two are suspiciously alike and suit each other more than nursey-pimp.
    you both talk a load of pompus, mindless, childish, overhyped shit.
    a type of shit that i can only read one line of before i get bored. did you move from scotland to wolverhampton thundy? because i suspect that you are the type of no balls, no wit, no life, cant be trusted, fuck up of a scotish, asslicking, dingleberry dipshit wanker that nursey is.
    No i don't suit Thundercunt you dumb prick...i was elaborating,in similar vein (though you probably don't understand the reasoning for this)...heartened by this image:
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote

    No balls,Duncenobber?And yet i still have got more than you.No wit?I admit it...you,Edson are much more entertaining by a long shot...ask anyone!
    No life?It's true...i do nothing-at all!Hence my inability to be creative-like you,Edson...making,say...some really 'bangin' spinny tunez' and shit programmes that fuck up my friends computers.

    Can't be trusted?Who threatened to post whose address in Fugly again?Nope...can't remember.Asslicking...yep!That's how i've gained respect here.Fugly is the kind of place where asslicking gets you really far!I mean,if it wasn't,you,Edson,would be 'TOP OF THE PILE'.
  9. thundercat_the_twat

    thundercat_the_twat New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey:
    disorder lets get one thing clear.....nursey has not slagged u off to me.and i have never had the pleasure of licking her arse u paranoid dickhead.is ur half breed nigger gene spliced whore makeing you lose your mind???? haveing nigger in her does she have the wire wool effect pubes and the big tyre like lips? well the good news is i am prepared to fuck a half cast so tell her she is in luck......but only with 2 rubbers on and the will be a fee involved.trainspotter said none of his horses would do a nigger but he does no of a pony called trigger(trigger the nigger frigger)but again the will be a fee.do u avert your eyes when you walk in public with the black whore??? shame on you disorder..think about the shame.think about your poor mother and the shame you have brought on your family.do your self a favour disorder and give the coon a bannana and send her packing....you will be doing her a favour cos you know she needs a big black truncheon up her and you cant compete with that can you? u know your liveing a lie and your not happy......how long can you keep on pretending that u actualy like Reggae and ur not a racist?u know u hate blacks and have done since big black toby beat the fuck out of you at school and stole ur marmite sandwiches.is fucking her ur way of getting revenge? when you wake up next to her in the dark and see the whites of her eyes do you think of TOBY
  10. Ministersf

    Ministersf New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    I can't seem to get through to you by normal means so I'm going to try speaking your language.

    What is your problem, you fucking prick? What good do you think you're doing dropping my name everywhere you go? I trash you every single time and still you keep coming at me like a fucking mongoloid. I think this is some kind of VD vengence thing that you're doing. You've got something from one of your bovine girlfriends and you want us all to know what it's like to deal with an irritating dick every day.

    There. Are you satisfied? I've officially stooped to your level. Now find someone else to bother between masturbation sessions in your parents' outhouse. I would suggest booting up a search engine on that coleco of your's and looking for some trade schools. Maybe you could find something useful to do with your life, like retreading tires or pumping gas.
  11. Trainspotter1

    Trainspotter1 New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Minister Saint-Fond:
    I can't seem to get through to you by normal means so I'm going to try speaking your language.

    What is your problem, you fucking prick? What good do you think you're doing dropping my name everywhere you go? I trash you every single time and still you keep coming at me like a fucking mongoloid. I think this is some kind of VD vengence thing that you're doing. You've got something from one of your bovine girlfriends and you want us all to know what it's like to deal with an irritating dick every day.

    There. Are you satisfied? I've officially stooped to your level. Now find someone else to bother between masturbation sessions in your parents' outhouse. I would suggest booting up a search engine on that coleco of your's and looking for some trade schools. Maybe you could find something useful to do with your life, like retreading tires or pumping gas.

    Minister you sound more and more like a confused care in the community reject whos lost his medication.You know you cant take It and you are more or less begging me to leave you alone,all you have to say is the magic word and I may lay off you for a week or two.Like Tommy said If you cant take It then fuck off.Why dont you go and spend some of your hard earned Engineering factory money on a better fitting toupee,then even you might get a shag you boring freak .Keep your chin up...
  12. Ulfur Engil

    Ulfur Engil New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Friar Bitchicus Slapiticus:
    Actually, #301, if you count the first post... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Whoops...I should have said, the 300th REPLIER....
  13. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Yeah. Don't try to take my title from me...
  14. Trainspotter1

    Trainspotter1 New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Minister Saint-Fond:
    God, train, could your posts get any more predictable? Give it up, you jackass. I have to keep my chin up so I don't see you sucking my dick every day.

    By the way, bitch. Do you ever say anything on the board? All you seem to do is insult people and talk about how cool you are. Don't you have anything to say? Fred, Friar, Kit, Me, Disorder, Naus, Nursey, Wank, etc. all of these people have something to say. They communicate with each other to expand their life experiences. What are you doing here? Ask yourself that, little boy.

    Hahahahahahahahahaha..Minister your definately running very dry,you seem to have 4 got that Fugly is about Hammering sad freaks like you who try to sneek on here and make It a cozy little set up.You really are a roof short of a couple of slates & I have a lot 2 communicate with you saddo,cus you seem so quick 2 get back 2 me after Ive posted.All my postings have made you very upset & I can understand how suicidal you feel .You take this all to serious thats because you are jealous of me and what I have posted Isnt far off the truth about You.Its you who needs 2 give up and take a good look at yourself and realise that you are going nowhere in life you factory Bum.keep your chin up..
  15. Ministersf

    Ministersf New Member

    Case in point, little bitch.


    (and remember, I'm not laughing with you, I'm laughing at you)
  16. sweetninnocent

    sweetninnocent New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Minister Saint-Fond:
    Case in point, little bitch.


    (and remember, I'm not laughing with you, I'm laughing at you)

    Well, well Sinister Maid-Condom, so you're still giving it large are you? I thought you would have given up on making yourself look incredibly ridiculous by now. Oh well, guess there are some people who have nothing else to do with their time and don't mind making themselves look stupid trying to compete with the likes of a maestro like Train. There are some nice kiddy sites that you can post on that won't make you look quite so stupid as you will only be compared to 10 year olds (although you obviously still won't score any points). I am not referring to the kiddy-porn sites you already subscribe to. A real woman would'nt touch your scabby knob with someone elses hands, let alone her own, but you like to look at the 6-10 year olds and imagine being their first (they can't argue can they really when you've got your hands firmly clamped over their tiny sad mouths and your maggot trying to find the way in?) Unfortunately for you as you were tagged electronically on release the police would soon be on to you if you were to leave your one roomed shack with cardboard for carpet and newspaper for curtains. I'm sorry if I embarrass you Paintstripper Faint-Dung by exposing your living conditions in this way, people will respect you more if you only admit the truth and accept your position as the lowest of the fucking low.
  17. Ministersf

    Ministersf New Member

    God, train, could your posts get any more predictable? Give it up, you jackass. I have to keep my chin up so I don't see you sucking my dick every day.

    By the way, bitch. Do you ever say anything on the board? All you seem to do is insult people and talk about how cool you are. Don't you have anything to say? Fred, Friar, Kit, Me, Disorder, Naus, Nursey, Wank, etc. all of these people have something to say. They communicate with each other to expand their life experiences. What are you doing here? Ask yourself that, little boy.
  18. diva

    diva New Member

    hey!!!!!!!!this one was good so why has know one posted lately???????
  19. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dirty diva:
    hey!!!!!!!!this one was good so why has know one posted lately??????? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    we aint been posting on it lately cos unless you didnt notice this thread is over 300 posts long and we was all sick of seeing it and thought we had seen the last of it until some daft cunt called dirty diva turned up and thought it would be a good idea to drag it back up ya stupid bastard.
  20. Tojo Burbage

    Tojo Burbage New Member

    I think the reason for the attempt at reviving this thread Tommy is because Dickhead Diva and Sweet 'n' Innoculated are the same person... it's just a little girls ego trip!

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