he is not the fool of the room.....he`s my sweet little fucky bitch...ok ur right he is a fool but he`s still my bitch but feel free to abuse him just like his daddy did (and still does) shit!....i just thought...we are meant to be the same person
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sweet'n'innocent: Although from other messages on here it looks like Fred Vegas has it all ways with his dog. He must be demented if he can confuse women with dogs, and by the way Fred I have seen the video and Trainspotter is quite right, your willy is absolutely MINISCULE. Shame for the dog though, not much pleasure for the poor thing.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hmmmm...miniscule, eh? You're absolutely right. I've only got a three inch cock, on a good day. I can't sleep at night because I stay up cryin' into my pillow. In fact, I'm crying as I re-read your brilliant, insightful post. Boohoohoo, boohoo. Why has God cursed me with such a small willy? WHHHYYYYYY!?!!??? Maybe you could come by and give me some counseling. I'd be more than happy to give you directions. From what I understand, you're quite the slut. Maybe you could take my virginity since every other girl that I've almost slept with just laughed and walked away. I don't mind that you just had a kid. I'll just slip ya some e-pills and take photos of you lickin whipped cream off your saggy tits.
Thundertwat... You major fucking cunt. I cant believe what a stupid fucking cunt you are. What a big pile of shit this is and what a stupid bastard cunt you are. No doubt you are some skank greasy fat shitty geek who has way to much fucking time on their hands that they can make that shit and put my phone number in it. You fucking cunt. That is really pathetic. OM-fucking-G.. Im not angry actually... I feel fucking sorry for you you sad lonely bastard...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sweet'n'innocent: JESUS!...... Come on people. Okay so the Twin Towers thing happened, but we shouldnt revel in it or glorify it. It was something that happened and a few people died. Has no one ever heard of the natural disasters that happen all over the world (at an alarming rate I have to say) that leave thousands, if not millions of innocent men, women and poor little children starving or dying horribly injured? You American folk should really just get over it, you know. And as for accusing each other of abusing your own children,WELL! Reading between the lines it does appear to be Thunder who started all that. I think maybe he was really abused as a child and perhaps he believes that it happens to everyone. It doesn't you know Thunder. My father is a good and caring man and never layed a hand on me. I'm sure that most people on here would say the same. Have you ever had counselling? Can you have normal relationships? How old are you friend? If you want to talk perhaps we can arrange it, I used to work for the Samaritans so I can recognise when someone is suffering and you are showing classic symptoms. Its true that abused children grow up to be abusers Thunder, I pray to God that you have no children, please, please don't be tempted to carry on your fathers evil ways. God really does love you. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> BTW. What a pile of shit.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Trainspotter1: Ask Fred vegas hes just seen to his 5 year old boy<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now where was it that I recently read a story about a five year old boy....hmmmmmm? Oh yeah, I remember now. Coincidence....? Perhaps.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by You fucking wanker: Thundertwat... You major fucking cunt. I cant believe what a stupid fucking cunt you are. What a big pile of shit this is and what a stupid bastard cunt you are. No doubt you are some skank greasy fat shitty geek who has way to much fucking time on their hands that they can make that shit and put my phone number in it. You fucking cunt. That is really pathetic. OM-fucking-G.. Im not angry actually... I feel fucking sorry for you you sad lonely bastard...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> oh baby...mmmmmm ur anger makes my cock twitch......want me to ring you baby? i still love you mmmmmmwwwwwwhhhhhaaaaaaa
here's the brief conversation we had the next day... Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation. Miss Rebecca of I'm So F**king Innocent And Pure says: all that prattle last night, and now not even a hello Miss Rebecca of I'm So F**king Innocent And Pure says: *sniff* i'm hurt PimpDaddy says: i admit it.. i'm a slut i just used you for my chatical gratification Miss Rebecca of I'm So F**king Innocent And Pure says: well i enjoyed it...does that make me a slu as well? PimpDaddy says: i assumed you were anyway... PimpDaddy says: it's like a fuckfriend thing Miss Rebecca of I'm So F**king Innocent And Pure says: well assumptions can be deadly you know Miss Rebecca of I'm So F**king Innocent And Pure says: i thought only angst-ridden teens make assumptions about people? PimpDaddy says: no... us self important adults do too PimpDaddy says: but we can justify it 'cos we're older PimpDaddy says: so do you have ginger pubes too.. or is it just your roots... PimpDaddy says: or do you dye them too? Miss Rebecca of I'm So F**king Innocent And Pure says: how quickly it turns into a slagging match...is that your only mechanism for relating to other people? PimpDaddy says: i was curious.. PimpDaddy says: you took it as an insult PimpDaddy says: you angry young thing you Miss Rebecca of I'm So F**king Innocent And Pure says: actually i'm not insulted at all Miss Rebecca of I'm So F**king Innocent And Pure says: i find your inability to carry on a human conversation rather sad PimpDaddy says: i can.. if i want to.. PimpDaddy says: but at this moment in time i don't want to Miss Rebecca of I'm So F**king Innocent And Pure says: well, feel free to send me a message when you've morphed back in to sociable mode PimpDaddy says: ohhhh-- kayyy PimpDaddy says: does that mean you don't want to answer my question? PimpDaddy says: was it too personal too soon? Miss Rebecca of I'm So F**king Innocent And Pure says: i don't know why it's a neccessary question PimpDaddy says: my curiosity gets the better of me at times PimpDaddy says: i'm intruiged Miss Rebecca of I'm So F**king Innocent And Pure says: well i prefer to keep it a mystery Miss Rebecca of I'm So F**king Innocent And Pure says: if you'd actually talked to me like a human being last night, i might be more open... PimpDaddy says: oh yeah... a bit of mystery to keep me interested? Miss Rebecca of I'm So F**king Innocent And Pure says: blame yourself for not knowing Miss Rebecca of I'm So F**king Innocent And Pure says: i couldn't care less if you're interested in me or not Miss Rebecca of I'm So F**king Innocent And Pure says: i have enough asshole guys interested in me Miss Rebecca of I'm So F**king Innocent And Pure says: i don't need another PimpDaddy says: haha.. who's the unsociable one now? PimpDaddy says: i'm not interested in 'that' way Miss Rebecca of I'm So F**king Innocent And Pure says: i don't have to be sociable, you're a dick Miss Rebecca of I'm So F**king Innocent And Pure says: why would i WANT to speak to you PimpDaddy says: you messaged me.. PimpDaddy says: not vice versa Miss Rebecca of I'm So F**king Innocent And Pure says: you're the one who made the statement "a bit of mystery to keep me interested?" PimpDaddy says: wow.. you remembered PimpDaddy says: *wipes tear from eye* PimpDaddy says: thats sweet Miss Rebecca of I'm So F**king Innocent And Pure says: goodbye PimpDaddy says: am i the weakest link? PimpDaddy says: i thought it was the missing one PimpDaddy says: tut The following message could not be delivered to all recipients: tut
yeah, but check the other one before that, the one that made me say that shit, it had nursey and this other guy take shots at me, some of them were fucked up, believe me, i wouldnt have done it otherwise.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I Murder Children VIOLENTLY: jesus man, how the fuckcan you have a conversation we had like over a year ago?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> hahahahaha...Pimp's been rummaging around the dark,maggot infested recesses of my harddrive...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I Murder Children VIOLENTLY: jesus man, how the fuckcan you have a conversation we had like over a year ago?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> hehehe... remember this one?? ------------------------------ Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation. American Sociopath says: okay the family is gone The PD Files says: cool Canadian Assshole has been added to the conversation. The PD Files says: moe.... imc... Canadian Assshole says: oh, hey Canadian Assshole says: um... hello? The PD Files says: ahhh.... The PD Files says: shy killa? The PD Files says: or looking for pictures of your pierced dick? Canadian Assshole says: o...k... Canadian Assshole says: To the bitches of the forums..Im not ignoring you, Im D.ling a 512 meg version of office xp pro, and my system is super lagged, so it takes like 2 mins for a forum page to load... But I still hate you each and all with the same passion, and I will accept all death threats via ICQ (26034702)or MSN (i_murder_children@operamail.com)... I got 47 hours of download to go... so if Aaron from FreakFarm wa Canadian Assshole says: wants to come snoodle... i have an oiled up foreskin here.. ready to recieve your love tube American Sociopath says: hey The PD Files says: ahh Canadian Assshole says: hello American Sociopath says: fucking hate my retard brother American Sociopath says: I swear Iwill kill him with my bare hands one day Canadian Assshole says: shit, calm down Canadian Assshole says: how old is he, 10?? American Sociopath says: no fuck you!!! Canadian Assshole says: ok, ok, sorry American Sociopath says: your face isnt that bad, nothing a claw hammer couldnt fix American Sociopath says: okay where was I my brother is 30 something Canadian Assshole says: damn Canadian Assshole says: what did he do? American Sociopath says: he came to my house... thats wnough for me to want to kill him Canadian Assshole says: oh... alright American Sociopath says: three questions, Canadian Assshole says: I really don't know what to say American Sociopath says: you ready> American Sociopath says: ? Canadian Assshole says: who, me? The PD Files says: i answered em already American Sociopath says: no the turd in your pocket... yes you Canadian Assshole says: no Canadian Assshole says: and stop with my turd American Sociopath says: Okay.... American Sociopath says: 1) do you spit or swallow? Canadian Assshole says: yes Canadian Assshole says: no American Sociopath says: 2) how big are your tits? Canadian Assshole says: you're freaky American Sociopath says: 3)are you currently wearing underware? if so please discribe American Sociopath says: I guess the questions were too difficult American Sociopath says: sort of like spelling to me The PD Files says: you forgot 4 American Sociopath says: 4? Canadian Assshole says: no, not at all The PD Files says: there's a 4th American Sociopath says: fire away m'man The PD Files says: 4) what is the biggest thing you've had inserted in your anus/vagina American Sociopath says: damn!! I did forget that American Sociopath says: 4) what is the biggest thing you've had inserted in your anus/vagina ? Canadian Assshole says: well, I'm not really going to answer... American Sociopath says: Ill blame it on the excivve dope smoking Ive done recently American Sociopath says: why you scared? Canadian Assshole says: um... yes, of you American Sociopath says: Hey pimp, you ever noticed all the whorers on-line are all tough and forward until they meet me? Canadian Assshole says: I'm not a whore Canadian Assshole says: hey, lay off American Sociopath says: I just want to choke them while I fuck them!!! American Sociopath says: I love to hear them cry for there life, it makes me sooo hard! The PD Files says: haha The PD Files says: actually.. The PD Files says: i wanted to introduce you to jessie The PD Files says: he's the real canadian ashole.. Canadian Assshole says: Jessie rox American Sociopath says: and they scratch at my chest, I punch them in the fucking face fucking them harder and harder... The PD Files says: he wants to snoodle Canadian Assshole says: "snoodle" American Sociopath says: hoping I can smash some teeth out of there head fucking whores Canadian Assshole says: you need some lovin' American Sociopath says: come give me some whore American Sociopath says: I need a punchingbag/ girlfriend Canadian Assshole says: your mom would be perfect Canadian Assshole says: bring Jesse in Pimpy American Sociopath says: too late, already killed that fucking skank like 8 years ago Canadian Assshole says: aww, why? Canadian Assshole says: she didn't satisfied you...? The PD Files says: he ain't online The PD Files says: 'cos she gave birth to him Canadian Assshole says: aww... crap American Sociopath says: I still have her vigina that I cut out (except for the bite I ate of it) in a jar in my basement Canadian Assshole says: how sweet The PD Files says: snoodling When an uncircumcised homo pulls his extra foreskin over the cock of another homo and proceeds to jerk him off. Those gays have way too much free time. Can be used at as a great derogatory term as in, "You Snoodler!". American Sociopath says: that was the best mothers day ever Canadian Assshole says: oh... ok Canadian Assshole says: thanx for the definition The PD Files says: s'ok Canadian Assshole says: it's not in my dictionary Canadian Assshole says: I learn something today American Sociopath says: ever heard the nosie a 5 year old slut makes when you rip there nipples off with a pair of vice grips? Canadian Assshole says: um... no American Sociopath says: want a mp3? Canadian Assshole says: it's ok Canadian Assshole says: I don't want any nightmares American Sociopath says: or would you like the Mpeg of me doing it? American Sociopath says: shes really cute... Canadian Assshole says: gee... i should think about it... no American Sociopath says: well, until I disect her Canadian Assshole says: aww... poor thing American Sociopath says: yeah she only stayed alive for like 45 mins of it... talk about quitters Canadian Assshole says: oh... alright Canadian Assshole says: why don't be become a doctor? Canadian Assshole says: "accidentally" kill your patients American Sociopath says: I am... I practice love surgery all the time Canadian Assshole says: where do you live? American Sociopath says: why? want a date? Canadian Assshole says: um... no Canadian Assshole says: so I could stay away American Sociopath says: then why do you care? Canadian Assshole says: So I don't run into you American Sociopath says: I live in chicago.. Canadian Assshole says: yeah, sure American Sociopath says: wanna go out for ice cream? American Sociopath says: Ill make your death legendary.. I promise Canadian Assshole says: hey, you know... if you kill me, it wouldn't be any fun American Sociopath says: Ill make you a promise, they wont find all of your face, unless they pump your stomach out Canadian Assshole says: um... no Canadian Assshole says: don't kill me at all, how 'bout it? Canadian Assshole says: I'll die a boring death American Sociopath says: hmmm you better give me good head then American Sociopath says: you got a pic? I want to know who im stalking Canadian Assshole says: yes, I'll give you a real nice head... by my friend Canadian Assshole says: and besides, I'm under age American Sociopath says: by your friend? American Sociopath says: there is an age limitation for hommicide? Canadian Assshole says: um... Canadian Assshole says: you know the answer American Sociopath says: you going to show me a pic or not? Canadian Assshole says: I'm sorry, but I don't have a scanner American Sociopath says: that means you are a fat ho Canadian Assshole says: opposite American Sociopath says: its okay, I like fat whores too Canadian Assshole says: if only I'm fat... American Sociopath says: your hiding something Canadian Assshole says: you amuse me American Sociopath says: its way too easy to get a pic of yourself American Sociopath says: I dont have a scanner (hooked up) but I have pics Canadian Assshole says: I saw part of you American Sociopath says: make you wet? Canadian Assshole says: your piercings Canadian Assshole says: um... no American Sociopath says: make your nipples hard? American Sociopath says: dont lie Canadian Assshole says: makes me puke American Sociopath says: I bet you are a christian sheep Canadian Assshole says: nah... American Sociopath says: you dont like piercings? Canadian Assshole says: why do you say that? Canadian Assshole says: I think it's ok American Sociopath says: what kind of fucking slut are you American Sociopath says: ? Canadian Assshole says: I'm not a slut at all American Sociopath says: liar American Sociopath says: you have had more cocks squirt on you than an urinal in a fag bar Canadian Assshole says: yeah... uh-huh... Canadian Assshole says: "sure"... American Sociopath says: only person you are lying too is yourself... Pimp and I know the truth Canadian Assshole says: what's the truth? American Sociopath says: that your a fat filthy whore Canadian Assshole says: nice one American Sociopath says: yet true Canadian Assshole says: I'm not fat... American Sociopath says: prove it then Canadian Assshole says: and I don't prostitute myself Canadian Assshole says: I would, but I don't have a pic American Sociopath says: you dont have to fuck people for money to be a slut Canadian Assshole says: no scanner that is American Sociopath says: LOL sure Canadian Assshole says: I"m not lying American Sociopath says: Moo? Canadian Assshole says: yeah, moo... (?) Canadian Assshole says: I'm not a slut Canadian Assshole says: I don't go sleeping around Canadian Assshole says: or give head Canadian Assshole says: ello? American Sociopath says: hey pimp, what a retard... Jeff told me that anyone says they are under 18 in the forums, they have to have there membership deleted... I wonder if aaron does the same thing? The PD Files says: *shrug*... Canadian Assshole says: i'm retarded American Sociopath says: I hate having message boards violated by stupid teenage cunts American Sociopath says: thats why Im soooooooooo fucking glad that fugly forums arent free... Canadian Assshole says: yeah, ok American Sociopath says: all the useless skanks are gone American Sociopath says: except for Kitana Canadian Assshole says: ok Canadian Assshole says: I wonder when I murder children will be gone too... American Sociopath has left the conversation.
Fred vegas tries to comfort himself by admitting that he has a 3 inch knob.The reason for this is because the male average size is supposed to be 4 - 5 inches.This is just some type of trendy male magazine poll that is designed to make sad individuals like Fred vegas feel more at ease with his little dick,and of course to make wankers like Fred purchase these Mags and waste his hard earned night shift shelf stacking salary.It is a true fact of life and common knowledge that all woman require at least 6-7 inches minimum to receive any type of sexual pleasure.Fred quickly realised his problem when at the age of 12 he tried very violently to mount his 26 stone wheelchair bound mother.She had no alternative to give in to his perverted ways because of her disability .It soon turned out to be in her favour, as Freds maggot knob wasnt having much impact on her bucket cunt,she started to make fred insert his already balding head into her twat,whilst this procedure happened Fred was starved of oxygen for long periods of time(hence his brain damage)and also acid burns to his bald head.As he started his journey through his adolescent years with his small dick and his mong like features,he was getting heavy rejection from the opposite sex.His built up anger and frustration made him resort to rape, and the judge gave him an extra 5 years because in his entire career as a judge,he had never heard of a man raping a woman with his head.Fred thought he was superior to the black race,but this soon changed in prison,4 southern black cotton pickers with ten inch black truncheons, gave serious attention to his dry asshole.This brought back memorys to his childhood when his pa inserted his dry bell end into his very tight little bottom at the tender age of 5.His worst nightmare had suddenly increased tenfold,and the Elephant punches he was getting off the niggers brain damaged him even more.Night after night of his arse being pounded by our black friends Fred started to find this to be a pleasure and on his release from prison started to visit the back streets of harlem to pay big niggers to see to his bum.Fred can,t command respect in the real world ,and he certainly cannot respect it in here,and I bet now Fred that you feel like youve been fucked by a Train.....
Fred, Fred, Fred, I think tis time that you realised that the world doesn't have to revolve round the size of your dick. Okay, so in your case its more like the absence of your dick as ones as small as yours can't really be classed as an actual penis, but there are other things in life. Perhaps you could just stick to receiving up your arse and forget actually trying to reach a climax yourself as that is obviously never going to happen, or perhaps a sex change might be considered. Obviously you'd still never get a partner due to looking like a moose thats had its face shot off with a 12 bore but you could finger yourself, something you will never do to a woman otherwise. I dunno, just trying to help. Oh, bytheway, if I counsel you it would be me that gave direction you thick cunt. Christ, don't you understand anything?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Trainspotter1: Fred vegas tries to comfort himself by admitting that he has a 3 inch knob.The reason for this is because the male average size is supposed to be 4 - 5 inches.This is just some type of trendy male magazine poll that is designed to make sad individuals like Fred vegas feel more at ease with his little dick,and of course to make wankers like Fred purchase these Mags and waste his hard earned night shift shelf stacking salary.It is a true fact of life and common knowledge that all woman require at least 6-7 inches minimum to receive any type of sexual pleasure.Fred quickly realised his problem when at the age of 12 he tried very violently to mount his 26 stone wheelchair bound mother.She had no alternative to give in to his perverted ways because of her disability .It soon turned out to be in her favour, as Freds maggot knob wasnt having much impact on her bucket cunt,she started to make fred insert his already balding head into her twat,whilst this procedure happened Fred was starved of oxygen for long periods of time(hence his brain damage)and also acid burns to his bald head.As he started his journey through his adolescent years with his small dick and his mong like features,he was getting heavy rejection from the opposite sex.His built up anger and frustration made him resort to rape, and the judge gave him an extra 5 years because in his entire career as a judge,he had never heard of a man raping a woman with his head.Fred thought he was superior to the black race,but this soon changed in prison,4 southern black cotton pickers with ten inch black truncheons, gave serious attention to his dry asshole.This brought back memorys to his childhood when his pa inserted his dry bell end into his very tight little bottom at the tender age of 5.His worst nightmare had suddenly increased tenfold,and the Elephant punches he was getting off the niggers brain damaged him even more.Night after night of his arse being pounded by our black friends Fred started to find this to be a pleasure and on his release from prison started to visit the back streets of harlem to pay big niggers to see to his bum.Fred can,t command respect in the real world ,and he certainly cannot respect it in here,and I bet now Fred that you feel like youve been fucked by a Train..... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> that is the best shit i have seen on this thread by far...well done train ha! ha! ha! pure classic
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by thundercat_the_twat: that is the best shit i have seen on this thread by far...well done train ha! ha! ha! pure classic <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> As if you would understand or know what Train was trying to say! You are by far the most damaged person on here. I suppose you are jealous really, and wish that you could write with such intelligence. I bow to Trains wit but I am at least equal to him, you are not fit to wipe his arse. I suspect Train has at least one if not more degrees from university, you I suspect would obviously have no qualifications as they are not awarded to attenders of reform school, followed by borstal. Do you have ACAB on your knuckles? Do you shave your head? Wanker!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sweet'n'innocent: As if you would understand or know what Train was trying to say! You are by far the most damaged person on here. I suppose you are jealous really, and wish that you could write with such intelligence. I bow to Trains wit but I am at least equal to him, you are not fit to wipe his arse. I suspect Train has at least one if not more degrees from university, you I suspect would obviously have no qualifications as they are not awarded to attenders of reform school, followed by borstal. Do you have ACAB on your knuckles? Do you shave your head? Wanker!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> i would willingly wipe his arse for that post but were do you get off trying to compare with his wit? and i have a nvq you bloody bastard and a got my first aid so dont make out im an underchiever. oh and you are witty too and i think i recognise the style........
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PimpDaddy: hehehe... remember this one?? ------------------------------ Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation. American Sociopath says: okay the family is gone The PD Files says: cool Canadian Assshole has been added to the conversation. The PD Files says: moe.... imc... Canadian Assshole says: oh, hey <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> HAHAHAHAHA I forgot about that, I guess I was humorus at one time...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sweet'n'innocent: As if you would understand or know what Train was trying to say! You are by far the most damaged person on here. I suppose you are jealous really, and wish that you could write with such intelligence. I bow to Trains wit but I am at least equal to him, you are not fit to wipe his arse. I suspect Train has at least one if not more degrees from university, you I suspect would obviously have no qualifications as they are not awarded to attenders of reform school, followed by borstal. Do you have ACAB on your knuckles? Do you shave your head? Wanker!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> by the way.at leats you dont think me and trainspotter are the same person like some fucking pedo`s tundercunt and trianpooper are the same person BTW -------------------- I spit a blackened tooth into society's eye...
Sweet and innocent,stop sucking up to me,whats your angle??are you after a shag???Well just carry on,and if you play your cards right your dreams might come true
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Trainspotter1: Sweet and innocent,stop sucking up to me,whats your angle??are you after a shag???Well just carry on,and if you play your cards right your dreams might come true <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> After a shag, yeah you wish. I just admire the way you write. If you shag like you write then perhaps I might consider a night in your bed...........................but I don't suppose your shagging matches up. Does it????????................