A picture...

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Nursey, Jul 25, 2006.

  1. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Yeah that guy's funny. I like this one:
    If you ever drop your keys into a river of lava let them go, because man, they're gone.
  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator


    It's one thing when stuff like that gets said in a forum flame war, quite another in the context of a thread like this.
    It even seems as if Joe hopes i have had an abortion...by pulling that one out of thin air and clinging to it with as much relish as he has in order to exploit it for a crudely flawed argument and inflict . He has probably been revelling in my lack of response til now thinking he'd hit some exposed flesh. And even if (by whatever crackpot reasoning) he really has convinced himself i underwent such a procedure, i don't believe he could be so far gone as to think that i - or anyone for that matter - could have possibley enjoyed it as his sordid little fantasy would have us believe. Therefore, he is well aware of how much pain his attacks would be causing if i had ever gone through such a horrible experience. And he has the gall to call me 'low' for posting the images in this thread.
    Just as well i am immune to his unhinged, psychotic hatred. In fact, the only person who suffers any damage here is Joe and the cause he is supporting. It shows him up for the brutal, hate filled fanatic that he is. It's interesting to see just how much vile filth gets directed at me for having a different opinion. And it's all perversely justified by the demonising, hate filled fantasies that he spins. Just like the hate filled fantasies he came up with about the Iraqi resistance fighters who were bombarded with white phosphorous in Fallujah, and the hate filled fantasies about the ambulance and the pregnant woman here. Basically, if Israel just decided to 'nuke' Lebanon, Joe would be justifying it with the same sort of twisted, virulent tirades.

    Well, of course. As does the person i was addressing with that post.
  3. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    The "hiding among civilians" myth

    "Israel claims it's justified in bombing civilians because Hezbollah mingles with them. In fact, the militant group doesn't trust its civilians and stays as far away from them as possible."
  4. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Bullseye, I would say.

    Does any rational person tthink that Israel would purposely target an "innocent" Red Cross vehicle? What could they possibly benefit?

    Nursey, I know that you were born in Iraq. I sincerely do have sympathy for the pain and death that innocent people are suffering in the region.

    One question I do want to ask though - Isn't it clear at this point that a great number of Muslims will not tolerate the existence of Israel? Isn't that the very definition of "intolerance?" Can you blame a people for defending themselves? Do you really believe that Israel would be attacking Hezbollah if they were living peaceably next door as neighbors?

    Is Israel really the "aggressor?"

  5. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Nursey, hiding among covilians does not mean that they are in Alliance with civilians. The simple fact is that Hezbollah militia assembles themselves near residential areas. That does not imply that the residents KNOW them, or that they mingle amicably with the populace.

    Come on Nursey. You are defending the guilty.

  6. TheStreaker1337

    TheStreaker1337 New Member

    I think we should demo the whole sick sandbox over there. Seriously, the only nation worth saving is the U.A.E. The smallest of all the nations, and responsible for more than 39% of the worlds oil reserves. Funny, I hadn't heard that we were doing anything there. Maybe this war isn't about oil, or maybe we're taking them next.

    I mean, I'm sure we'll get to it right after air drop some SLC punks into the middle of Iraq. We'll equip them with large stereos and plenty of music CD's. I'm sure they'll end that fight quickly. I mean, all we need is love, right?

  7. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Hey look...it's 'good cop - bad cop' brought to us by Barry and Joe, the forums resident penal correction unit.

    Well tell me how they can possibly benefit by repeatedly attacking convoys of fleeing civilians who are evacuating an area as instructed by the Israeli military? Or bombing shelters full of women, children and old men? How they can benefit by waging war on a whole nation and virtually destroying a country's infrastructure (further destabilising the middle east and the entire world) for 'the sake' of two of their soldiers?

    "[The] Five-year campaign plan [includes]... a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan" (Pentagon official quoted by General Wesley Clark)

    So tell me how Hezbollah could possibly benefit by using civilians as a 'human shield' when past experience shows that Israel will obliterrate them anyway, whether they are hiding inside an ambulance or lurking under a pregnant woman's dress.

    At this point, i think what is most clear is that people don't like having their children's heads blown off or their country flattened. I'm not sure if that counts as "intolerance".

    "Is Israel really the 'aggressor'?"

    Well even if you believe the Israel news reports that state the IDF soldiers were kidnapped from Israeli territory, (as opposed to the reports which initially appeared in the world's press stating they were captured in Aita al Chaab - inside the Lebanese border), i think that using that as an excuse to an entire country using massive and disproportionate force, is the very definition of 'aggression'.

    Where did i ever state that i was born in Iraq? I was born in Debyshire, England actually.

    Sure you do, Officer McGrew.
  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

  9. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Wow, was that really Joe? Don't ever think you're holier than thou, Joe. You have your very own faults. You opened that thread in Barry's Nuts talking about how athletics always came easy to you, and how you look down on the "nerds" that haven't figured out hormones because you think it's their weaknesses they don't want to have exposed to the world.

    You need to realize why you need to get your mind correct. A lot of people do. Don't tout your moral values as your ticket to Heaven, and look at people who get abortions as "the rabble" below. You've taken on the persona of the Great Seer bringing down the Truth from the mountain to the rabble below. That will be your downfall.
  10. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Hezbollah benefits by using human shields in the court of public opinion. Israel was leaving Palestinian members of hezbollah when they attacked those soldiers and kidnapped one. then they raided again and kidnapped an 18 student who they beat, burned, dragged, and strangled. His only crime was being from Israel.

    I dont think either side is right. Not for water, or land, or whatever.

    The simple fact is Israel wont tolerate it. You kill one of us, we will kill a thousand of you, that is their motto. Hezbollah thrives on chaos. thats what they want. Everyone hates America, the one 'ally' in the region is israel, so everyone should hate israel as well. I saw the videos, of Hezbollah launching rockets off of that building that israel bombed the shit out of.

    War is hell.

    It's not fair, it's not pretty, it's not 'chilvarous'. Its sucks all the way around. Tolerance needs to be taught in that region before hate. Unforunately that isnt how it is.

    They would have one of the wealthiest regions on earth if they could co-exist.
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    No doubt I do and lots of them. I do not look down on the scientific community because they are nerds. But as a general rule I think their own predisposition to look at their own personal attributes in a positive light and have their own prejudices to others even if only subconsciously. It is just human nature.

    I'm guilty of being passionate about what I believe and in the case of this thread extremely hot headed. There really is not much more to say that has not been said on my part. I admit also that I went to far to a personal level instead of simply discussing the facts. The idea of that picture and the sheer level of b.s. ..... never mind I do not want to discuss that any further. You do not know how it angers me to even discuss it. I actually feel dizzy right now.

    I would never do that as it is not the case, and please do not assume anyone can cause no-one can. Please understand that and never forget it.
  12. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Sorry, I had you confused with another terrorist in my database. :D

    I'm not an insensitive animal Nursey. Be nice. I am down to about five friends, and you happen to still be one of them. Just because I see this issue through a different lens than you doesn't mean that I am happy that people are suffering.

  13. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Well, i could have voted in the Iraqi election if i'd wanted (if i had recognised it as valid - which i don't). So don't feel too bad.

    Settle down there, Barry. It was a mistake. You are Officer Bob. It's Joe who is Officer McGrew.
  14. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Can I be #6, Barry?

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