Not intentionally they aren't, but innocent people are being killed, and far more Lebanese are being killed then Israelis. Then they should have made the case for invasion or peacekeepers before the U.N. I don't have a problem with Israel defending it's borders and citizens, but the fact of the matter is that they are killing people that have nothing to do with the conflict in areas that have nothing to do with Hezbollah. It's summer, dumbass. No one is going to school right now. Even summer courses are over. Your knee jerk reaction is showing again. I have no doubt that terrorist use underhanded and coercive tactics. They are guerilla fighters, and that is how guerilla fighters operate. It doesn't change the fact that Israeli weapons have killed people that have nothing to do with the operation. That is why you can't effectively use large scale military tactics against an insurgency. Israel should be engaged in a police action with the U.N., not dropping bombs on ambulances, which merely creates more insurgents because they see what happens, not what's going on behind the scenes. Even if that ambulance was packed with guns, the people of Lebanon aren't going to care. I can see that. You have the right to demand, however you do not have the right to see those demands met. And Nursey couldn't care less if you respect her or not, you're words on a web-page to her.
I'm starting to calm down now. That in effect is the common pushed ideal opinion. Its as if there were two sides both guilty of tit for tat and one over stepping its bounds. Fact is Israel is outnumbered Muslims to Jews 100 to 1 granted not all Muslims are the extremist that are causing the trouble. But Israel is in a fight for its life. Backed into a corner. I cannot see how so many can not understand this it is mind boggling and scary to me that huge masses of population can have their opinion so very skewed as too the actual facts here. The only logical option for the survival of Israel is the annihilation of Hezbollah. We make the problem worse by emboldening Hezbollah with our skewed coverage of this giving them hope. My position is that the sanctity of life is at its pinnacle at conception a combination of innocence and life. After birth unfortunately other influences take place. For those who experience adversity and overcome keeping their natural moral compass their reward will come. Life here is only a minuscule part of a much bigger picture. The sanctity of life is directly proportional to innocence. No one is innocent after living in this world for any amount of time. At some turning point death is preferable for the greater good of society as a whole. Yes Dio in that respect as you put it I am indeed pro-murder. Give me a gun (and believe me I know how to use one) and I can put it to good use murdering a Hezbollah terrorist for the protection of your right to post on this forum and enjoy the freedoms you do.
Sure they are intentionally hiding under the skirts of pregnant women. And since when is it the case that there has to be equal casualties. Did you not read what I wrote Jews are outnumbered by Muslims 100 to 1. It would not take long for them to cease to exist. It is apparent I'm sure to the Israeli people that the U.N. cannot be trusted. :? How can you not see this? Look the U.N. had a presence in South Lebanon while Hezbollah was building some of the most intricate bunkers and weapons cache systems throughout the Southern area. They have intelligence. They know the treaty was being broken. Not only did they not lift a finger to stop it. They are apparently co-conspirators. And the other part about innocents. You’re simply wrong on that one. Come on Dio you can do better than that. I do not think you change your ideology depending on who you are around and what day of the week it is. Your left wing collage mindset shows thought and effects your thought system even while on summer break. Sheesh. :roll:
That’s a strategy idea and one that’s been tried I understand the logic don't get me wrong but you need to look at history. Never worked before. You’re not Nursey and speaking on her behalf like that is making assumptions. This counters your own argument about what I know about Nursey. That having been said you may be correct. Hard to say for sure.
No it isn't. Both sides have overstepped their bounds. The international media is not hiding the fact that Hezbollah has been firing rockets into Israel, and they are not hiding the fact that Israel has responded with overwhelming and disproportional force. Israel is outnumbered six to one by it's neighboring nations. So it is not a "fact" that Israel is outnumbered 100 to 1 unless if you happen to be using the Neo-Con definition of fact. An interesting position, though I would like to see your premise that it is based on. If that is the case then animal life would be just as sacred as human life, seeing as how it is just as innocent, or capable of being innocent, if not more so. Unfortunately the vast majority of gun murders, and I don't give a shit if you know how to use one, are not hezbollah terrorists. The vast majority of gun murders are husbands killing their wives. So you are also in favor of domestic violence, the murder of children, wives, mothers, and fathers. You are also in favor of the very murderers (Hezbollah) that are using AK-47's to gun down innocent people, as you so eloquently showed earlier in the thread. By you logic you support terrorism, since your support the guns that terrorists use to carry out there tactics. Most of your arguments don't apply across the board. The system of logic you use is invalid. There are times when it is appropriate to have an abortion, but I am not pro-abortion. However, I think the choice to have an abortion is between a woman and her Dr. and therefore I am pro-choice. Your false dichotomy of either being pro-life or pro-abortion is bullshit, and I'm calling you on it.
Ah hmmm. It is a war..... hmmm. Let me speak to my military strategist and get back to you on that one after I see what that’s all about I have to admit it totally confuses me why they want to win in the game of life or death. In all fairness Dio I came up with that looking at some census estimates of Muslim population world wide the same for Jews then did a quick calculation in my head. I wish I had the links to the source and actual figures. And I did state that not all were extremists. But the fact is Hezbollah is a good example of my point. Iran and Syria are the backers behind that organization. Seems that the Shia are the predominant trouble makers possibly. I do not think I misrepresented the facts in any way. And you seem to take the position that 6 to 1 is not that bad. Fact is if you look at the situation objectively they are in dire straights now and in a fight for their life. I believe in the sanctity of animal life also. My natural moral compass tells me so. Hunt purely for sport is in my opinion despicable. Hunting animals should be done with management in mind and food. Fact is the terrorists have them and always will they are necessary as a tool of defense. Wife beating and domestic dispute killing are tragic. Pro life idealist understand extenuating circumstance and that has been debated there has never been a bill proposed by pro-life proponents that would not take into consideration special circumstance. So I'm calling you back out on it pro-choice is pro-abortion plain and simple.
Your statement about it being a war is untrue. Israel has not declared war, neither has Lebenon, hence the fact that it is overwhelming force. Police actions don't blow up infrastructure. You said the fact of the matter is that Israel is outnumbered 100 to 1. That is not a fact, and I called you out on it. As for hunting being okay for food and population management, does that mean you'd be okay with abortion if it were for food or population control? So what you're saying is that even pro-life people are pro-abortion? By your logic if you are a person who would have an abortion under any circumstances you are pro-abortion, since there is no pro-choice. If under any circumstances you accept that an abortion is a viable option (according to your thinking) then you are pro-abortion. So even people who think that there should be acceptions for rape or incest are pro-abortion?
Lebanon has been destroying Israeli infrastructure for years with their missiles that’s what makes your observation so asinine. Also just as I explained in the past by allowing Hammas, or Hezbollah to exist Lebanon and Palestinian governors are co-conspirators. If the Arian nation were taking over a Canadian Providence and doing so from bases in Washington State. And the Arian Nation party has political control over the whole north part of the state. And had a multibillion dollar operation of weapons cache. Would it be off limits for Canada to react because the rest of Washington were innocent? Ideals like yours Dio are a big part of the problem. You have not called me out on anything I still stand behind my figures. Muslim to Jew 100 to 1 Pro-Life people are Pro-Life. The extenuating circumstances mentioned cover certain circumstance. Like any group there are varying levels of opinion. The general consensus is that in issues of rape or incest adoption is a preferred policy.
joe.. i wish upon you a retarded mongoloid cripple child who grows up against all medical prognoses to become a leading light in the vast left wing liberal media conspiracy as a rebellion against his asshole daddy xxx<3<3
I know what you mean, Joe. So maybe it's not that we need to show Hezbollah what they are doing is wrong, but the people they claim to protect? Most of the people who join these terrorist organization have already been hurt so badly by these ongoing wars, that they feel as if they have nothing left to lose. Those are the hardest ones to convince. If we show the people they protect the error of their ways, that they shouldn't put their faith in Hezbollah, that Hezbollah is actually causing them more pain than they spare them from... maybe they will ask Hezbollah to stand down? What is an army without a people to protect? Who would they listen to if not their own people?
Crazy kids these days will do anything to piss their parents off. True Smurf once we get passed all the crap they are mired in now the long term approach to peace is changing the hateful mindset. Thing is their will always be jealous hatred it seems. What a lot of people do not see is that Israel actually does much for the groups around them in the way for instance of health care and such. If they simply chose to live together in peace there is no reason they could not. But when you start a child out young preaching hatred then they grow up to hate. Then when they are old enough they join terrorist groups. The current propaganda out there just helps the cause of hatred.
Then show them why it's wrong. When they see the world falling apart that these adults built for them, the hateful ones, maybe they will see that hate is not the road to success. We owe this to them, to give them a chance to see.
A compelling arguement for sure. Some would say your a dreamer. Possibly some day the world could join in the dream and live as one.
Share in the dream, Joe. You have no idea the difference you could make in this world. When things start going wrong, and it's so hard to see that any good is left in the world, convince people that it's a test of their integrity, and that they have to push out all the bad thoughts in their minds. It'll be hard, many people will even get angry, but if you convince even one person out of everyone you tell, then that is a great goodness.
Well 2 hours and 28 min. I'll be off work. Staying up till 0230 and then getting up at 0645 is getting old. I'm worn out and supposed to go to the other side of town to visit with friends today have dinner and all. I cannot believe how much this post got under my skin last night. Peace that’s a hell of a thought isn't it? All the different cultures and clicks of people and the temptation to harness insecurity, fear, hatred for the benefit of power is far to strong. Got a little Mexican store down the street. I like to go there to the butcher shop because they sell beef skirt steak the right way all marinated and in big sheets that take up the whole grill. (I'll brag a little fact is I make better fajitas than anyone I know) They barely speak English but I get along fine. That is until elections start to come around and the great harnessers of hatred stir things up. Suddenly those friendly smiling expressions are a bit more tense. You can feel the animosity in the air and for what I ask?
Then don't partake in the hatred. Let them know how you feel, which should be that we're all human, right? Stand up for them when others won't.