I'm saying you selectively blend various levels of theory some more reputable than others. Selectively denounce theories that do not fit your idea of some neocon inside job theory and keep on plugging away at it. It is beyond ridiculous.
Yes, yesss. The fact that i make a pretty convincing arguement by selecting the information that makes most sense to me is 'beyond ridiculous'. And the fact that you avoid any pertinent points in my post by changing the subject is reasonable. :roll:
Bombs in the WTC Buildings Proves Nothing to Racist-Fascist Bigots The problem is that racist, fascist bigotry has become the accepted, no comment doctrine of America. Hard to believe? It was a rather bitter morsel for me to swallow too. If our sick and dying brave heroes of 9/11 had not proven it, I would be in disbelief. In presenting the truth about 911, the majority of responses from those that accept the corporate press propaganda are "baseless theories by nut cases, bush haters, sympathizers of terrorists, and even terrorists," thereby dismissing discussion of factual evidence. The term"terrorists" is increasingly becoming synonymous with "Muslims" to some individuals and groups using 911 as it's prima facia theory. There is no theory in the testimonials and these are emergency trained heroes, many of whom were also present for the WTC bombing of 1993 and noted the comparisons. Opening with these heroes' eyewitness experiences shows those false accusations for what they are - insupportable methods to discredit without having to delve into facts which completely destroy the propaganda of racism, fascism or both. There are several benefits to this approach in separating the "wheat from the chaff". Those who have merely believed the government's corporate media will suddenly become silent. Those who have racist or fascist bigotry will be shown clearly to the poster by those who have suddenly fallen silent. The racist-fascist bigots will continue with personal attacks against the poster, change subject, or possibly a few other easily seen ploys, but they will not discuss evidence which clearly contradicts their false flagrant biasing. :arrow:
Well, after thinking about it for a while, ummm, yes. But being a sociopath is not all bad. It is really called Anti Social Personality Disorder. The hallmark characteristic is a distain for the RULES and ORDER of society*. I mean come on, SOMEBODY has to oppose government. *Or as a famous fellow put it - "Do as thou wilt is the whole of the Law."
Unless of course, the government are breaking the rules. Then it would make their supporters the ones with a personality disorder. I think the term is ASSHOLES - Ass Sniffing Sycophants Herded Obediently Like Eager Sheep.
So does that mean that George organized the attack on Pearl Harbor, the 93 Trade Center bombing, the Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, the Pompeii disaster, and sank the Titanic?
Yeah, i'm saying the most stupid world leader on the face of the planet organised it. :roll: I think we covered this on the first page. Idiot.
there is only one side, the other doesnt really matter that much..... geez......... Well I shouldnt say that, I love English Leather cologne. It's the bomb. So nursey, do you think that Osama was behind the 9/11 attacks? I know that Iraq doesnt have 'legitimate' ties to al qaeda, but who can argue with the fact that Saddam was a WMD? Syria is probably the largest terrorist state out there, in my opinion, and Im not sure why we didnt go there when all the militants went across the border when the US arrived. Iran, who wants nukes in Irans hands? North Korea is the same way.
Nursey wants to have her cake and eat it to. In Nursey's mind the befuddling idiot master mined all of this. Oh and the latest absolute spin is that Korea has nuke capability because of GW.
Without getting bogged down in the whole thing again (there are plenty other threads where i've stated my views on the matter, including on the day it actually happened), and without getting into areas that have nothing to do with 911 (i.e. Saddam Hussein, Iran, N.Korea)... no i don't think OBL was behind it. No, i don't think George 'i need a toilet break' Bush is bright enough to organise anything. If you read this thread again, the key words/phrases to look out for are 'criminal elements', 'neocons', 'inside job' and 'military industrial complex'. Add to that 'MOSSAD', 'MI6' and the Saudis may have played a role too.
http://www.upcheer.com/creat_postcard.php?cat_id=8&img_id=459 Funny how different people look at this one I see it and think probably in diplomatic meetings thousands such notes have traded hands across desks. What concerns me is the supposed news cameras were not looking for news at all but actually working as spies trying to gain footage of hopefully sensitive material that can be used against the U.S. but these supposed brilliant conspiracy theorists only see what they want to see.