360 or PS3

Discussion in 'Games' started by Disorder, May 11, 2008.

  1. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    Depending on the release date for GTA4 PC, I may consider getting one of the above mentioned consoles (and a new TV) so I can play GTA early and check out the online mode which I heard is fun. Which would you guys go for? considering some of you have one, or both of these consoles. I heard the ps3 is quite good so far and would like to avoid anything microsoft in general anyway but what are your thoughts on these consoles? specifically their flaws and everything too (I hear the red ring on 360 can be quite a pain)

    I'll weigh up any of your recommendations and then go from there.
  2. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    this,AGAIN? if you want games, get s 360. if you want a DVD player that playes a few games, get s PS3. rockstar has not released a date for PC, I will assume Christmas rush to compete with the titles on the consoles. PC gaming full out sucks now with the upgrades needed MONTHLY. I am sick of having to buy a new vid card and memory upgrade every month to play games. I spent $3000 on a PC, that worked great, then 4 months later, its a $300 upgrade that lasts a month, then another $300 upgrade. PC gamers are bing violently assraped.

    the red ring is over exaggerated, and you get a 3 year warranty from microsuck, granted it sucks being consoleless for 2 weeks, but i have not paid one cent for my repair I had. they shipped a box, and paid for all the shipping. Oh the and itsd not really a ring, its 3 red flashing lights, but thats neither here nor there. It really depends if you want to game hard, or play a game in between watching movers
  3. Robman97

    Robman97 Member

    The list of games that are exclusive to one system favors the 360. The majority of games are for both systems, but there are a lot that are 360 only. The few PS3 games really aren't enough to make you wanna pick it. The only draw is the Blu-ray player, but if you want a 360 bad enough, just wait for the Blu-ray that is coming for the 360. Of course I don't own either, I am happy with just my Wii or so my wife tells me. Hopefully my PC can handle GTA or I won't be playing this one.
  4. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    This will be for GTA 4 and the online mode exclusively, I dont have enough money to really get games all the time. I will probably be selling it if/when GTA4 pc arrives.
  5. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I will say *without bias* that the 360 is winning the 360/ps3 front... Veteran posters will recall my dislike for Sony products in general, but this question deals with software available for either console, which is clearly in favor of the 360.

    The 'red ring' problem that you mention, as far as I know, only affects early consoles produced. I have to give Microsoft props for stepping up to the plate, acknowledging the defect, and offering free repairs for that specific problem well beyond the warranty period - unlike Sony, which did nothing for all the consumers that purchased a $300 PS1 when they came out, then were forced to cross their fingers, turn the system upside-down, and hope their game loads.

    But, as this post deals with software aspect, I will still have to give my vote to the Xbox, as there just aren't any 'exclusive' ps3 games that would make me want to go out and spend $400 on a blu-ray console that just happens to play video games.
  6. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    Not really interested in any other games, so amount of titles is meaningless.

    a) Does the 360 have the Multiplayer option
    b) I heard the ps3 version of GTA4 was something like 60gb, (on blu ray) whats the 360 versions size roughly (if you know that info)?
  7. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    For GTA4, only the 360 will have the downloadable content.

    I do not know the answers to your questions. I know that the game looks dark to me on the Sony Grand Wega and we had to adjust the brightness/contrast on the game.
  8. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    360 version has multiplayer, but I've yet to try it. I can't comment on the PS3 version, though.

    I've read that Microsoft spent $50 million for the exclusive rights to offer downloadable content, so that there would be no question as to which console version would be the best. I'm sure that further down the road, as these contracts tend to expire, Sony will eventually be able to offer extra content on whatever online service they offer, but for the time being, I'd have to say the 360 version is the way to go (and other friends of mine have seconded this.)

    Can't comment on how many gigs worth of data is on the disc itself, but since the 360 uses a standard DVD drive, I can't imagine it being more than 8 gigs or so, and I can't honestly believe that the PS3 version actually *occupies* the available 60 gigs of allowable space on any given bluray disc. I think you were misinformed on that aspect...

    Getting back to multiplayer, however, I might also add that the consumer base of 360 owners is higher than the number of people that own a ps3, so there will probably be more people playing online from a 360 than a ps3. You would have to find out if it's cross-platform compatible, as I don't know if someone playing it on a ps3 could be in the same online game as a 360 player, but for the exclusive downloadable missions/content/etc., I'm sure you'd have to play it on the 360.

    And yes, I noticed the 'darkness' of the game, too - I had to crank it up a couple knotches on my my 47" Samsung HDTV (past the 'recommended' level.)
  9. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

  10. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    The Elite looks good, has a large HDD (great if you download movies and lots of demos - the demos are free) and comes with the HDMI interface and cable, a plus for your 1080 i/p TV. XBOX Live is great and worth the price of admission. If a Blu-Ray add-on is on the future (doubt it, but ok) so much the better. I toyed with adding a PS3 as the standalone Blu-Ray players cost the same as a PS3 but the movies are cost prohibitive to me. When Iron Man comes out on Blu-Ray, though, it may be crunch time.

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