15 year olds with parents that neglect to whip their ass

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Mar 21, 2006.


Justice served

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  1. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Sorry that should say, they dont pitch fits when the DONT get their way.
  2. smiles

    smiles New Member

    heh you guys are jokers.... right? you're writing some sort of satirical piece here.... right? sure you can;t believe that the only "feasible recourse" to an undisciplined youth is to shoot him twice with a shotgun? and that's even assuming that your interpretation of what transpired is correct even though there is no evidence to support this......

    sure you can't believe that you can compare this situation to that of being the agitator of a criminal and overall social deviant.... people would say you were an idiot if the pimp shot you.... but that's because he's a pimp, he beats women into selling their bodies as his income and in all likely hood is involved in a wide variety of illegal and essentially amoral activities..... that's like comparing taunting a strange ownerless pitbull with making faces at the neighbors golden retriever..... i honestly believe that the places you guys live exist only in your minds.....

    YES there is a problem with discipline and respect in North America...... YES some people are neglectful parents that are incapable of raising stable offspring for whatever reason.... YES i do wish parents would be more strict but to shoot the kid twice with a shotgun COME THE FUCK ON
  3. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I didnt say the old man was right by shooting the kid. And yes I would like to hear all of the evidence.

    All that old man has to say is this, "He threatened me and I feared for my life"

    End of story. The boy was on his property, Trespassing, he was asked to leave and refused to do so by coming back. If he caused any damage then it is criminal trespassing. Im not saying the old man had a right to shoot him, fuck it just move, but the fact that he made complaints on several occasions show that it wasnt a one time incident.

    Of course he, the old man, could have been harassing the kid.
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Smiles wrote:
    So we do have some common ground here. Good and I think most would agree.

    You misunderstood my analogy though. Or you picked the weakest most arguable point and made a fairly good case of arguing it as if it were the whole point.

    I hear there was other recourse available but I'm not hearing what it is.

    My point in the comparison is that society would look sympathetically at the pimp. And at the same time give no benefit of leniency to the "crazy old man." Dogs are animals people are not. And people be they pimp or old man should be held to the same standard. Not looked at from the perspective of I should have known better to screw with the pimp. And “Hey the kid was just being a kid”. You basically make my point as to society’s fault of perception.

    I'm sorry we do not totally eye to eye on this. Your points are good ones and valid when broken down point by point but not valid when you look at the total picture. And you’re dead on right in my quote from yourself. The problem is society and breakdown of family values.
  5. smiles

    smiles New Member

    so let's assume for a moment the scenario you have presented where the kid has been tirelessly harassing the old man is a factual one... he could:
    1) talk to his parents (no good? ok then...)
    2) get other people in the neighborhood to talk to the parents (they're inbred? ok then...)
    3) talk to the police and get them to talk to the parents.... if the parents havent listened to him or other neighbors they are irrational and likely the household is an unstable one

    i cannot imagine a scenario where someone would so persistently harass someone else without the authorities recognizing the harassment for what it was..... without at least the other neighbors recognizing it for what it was.... clearly they didn't as one of them had described the kid as a "good kid" so clearly there is something amiss in your interpretation........ trying to crucify this kid because of americas larger problems is just ludicrous

    this is where our opinions truly differ...... you seem to believe that society will look at the pimp with sympathy? how so? you, as a grown man being a fully functioning member of society, going out of your way to taunt a person whom you recognize as a social deviant makes you an idiot and in all likelihood a nut...... agreed? and even though SOCIETY will say well yeah you had it coming...... because you were looking for trouble and you were lookign for it where you KNEW you could find it and where you KNEW it would be big trouble

    now a teenager... bothers his eccentric neighbor because he, like most other teenagers is an idiot, he doesn't damage anything, he doesn't physically touch the man, all he uses are his words

    how can you honestly compare the two situations? how can they be held to the same standard?

    placing your anger at disobedient youths on this one case is unhealthy joe...... the old fucker went too fucking far and you are too..... you take all these extreme stances for which you don't consider further implications.... imagine what would happen IF that old man was acquitted.... if society deemed what he did as right? can you imagine the implications?
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Truly differ? Not to sure about that.

    I think society should look at me as a nut case for screwing with the pimp. But I also think society should levy a heavy penalty onto the pimp. Real life imprisonment would be a start. He never really contributed anything to society anyways and imprisonment is just a cheaper way of doing what we were doing for him anyways which is taking care of his sorry ass.

    I can say that about the pimp because he is a fictitious character I made him up.

    Admittedly I do not know the specifics about the "old man" or the "kid" I do not know aht there demeanor was what their attitude was. There you have a somewhat valid point.


    From what I did read I would say Phats scenario was likely very close to exactly what happened. To assume otherwise with what if scenarios like the kid was a real sweetheart Oliver Twist type victim of society really out helping his kid sister sell girl scout cookies. Is simply not realistic.

    I think from what I do know a five year mandatory sentence with no time off for good behavior would be about right for the old man.

    And there was no other recourse. Moving is not a recourse that’s just victimizing yourself further. He had a right to live right where he did in peace on his own property. There is nothing the authorities could do either.

    If someone has more information and possibly a link to the audio I'd be glad to consider it further weather I'm wrong on this.
  7. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    I hope that old man gets aquitted. I got all sorts of little kids running around my yard, skipping and playing and all sorts of shit that gets my blood pressure up.
  8. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I am guessing that Martin - the old man - had called in several complaints to the police.

    Retired Navy, probably Vietnam war, maybe Korea, Maybe both.

    [Quote="NBC]"I've been harassed by him and his parents for five years. Today just blew it up."[/Quote]

    Apparently the kids parents need an ass whoopin too.

    Obsessive about his yard, yea, he took pride in keeping his yard nice, probably the only thing he has left and the neighbors wouldnt respect it.

    Thats his defense in a nutshel. OCD, Temporary Insanity. All the documented complaints back it up. The fact that he argued with the parents also backs it up. He probably went to them and said 'hey do you mind telling your kid to keep off my lawn, I spend a lot of time keeping it up and it would really help out if he would quit trampling my daisies."

    Not saying the old man should have done it, but I understand why he did it.
  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Although I feel like you gotta do something. And I feel like the old man feels that way also he owned up to it and took responsibility right away.

    Smurf wrote:
    And to be quite honest it would not bother me if they aquitted him.

    How about house arrest where he is only allowed to goto the barber shop, store, hospital, and of course nursery or garden supply store from time to time. And permission to sit on his front porch with a shotgun in his lap. :p
  10. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    :eek: Hey kid get off my lawn

    8) What are you going to do, shoot me?

    :twisted: Why yes, yes I am

    :shock: damn you old man.....
  11. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    It also said he was killed by a single gunshot wound to the chest.

    A 4/10 doesnt have a great big shell, like a 12 guage, so he must have been pretty close to do enough damage. If Im not mistaken they dont make 'slugs' for a 4.10. Just bird shot and rat shot. I could be wrong, Im not a gun enthusiast.
  12. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Yeah they do make a 410 slug that could have killed him in one shot. If he was hit with shot then it must have been at close range. and unless it was a close range head, neck, or heart. I bet he lived long enough to consider the deadly error in his judgement. Kind of makes me feel sorry for the kid. But more sorry for the old man.
  13. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    "No recourse"?

    Even if everything you wrote is true,Joe, how about firing a warning shot into the air? That would have scared the little fucker off, I'm betting, and resulted in probably no more than a warning for "Martin".

    How about clubbing him once with a baseball bat? Causes injury, but unlikely to be fatal.

    Your thinking on this is obsessively flawed. And smurf, in case you hadn't guessed, is only joking.
  14. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Not really. I've been aching to blow someone away with my new gun. :evil: Also fuck the kid. It's one person in a sea of billions, and everyone thinks in a really fucked up way. Who's responsible for robbing us of our logic? Why, the same people who want the world to end!
  15. smiles

    smiles New Member

    i really don't see how you can make the calims you make joe..... sure we all feel a level of sympathy towards the old man, he is a vet, but for you to suggest that the this 66 year old MAN had no other way to deal with this situation than to shoot this BOY twice with a shotgun..... there is no discussion after that point because to me that is an irrational statement
  16. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Yep. Joe is the antismart.
  17. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Foxnews said it was a single shot. I dont know the distance, but the boy was able to get back to his yard before collapsing.

    I think the kid got a real quick reality check. Im not saying he deserved to die, but fuck it he should have kept his stupid ass out of the old mans yard.

    Live and let live is one thing, fuck with my grass, you got to die.
  18. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    That's awesome. He really did have enough time to think about where he went wrong.
  19. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    It doesn't sound like the old man had a fence. Second, he planned on shooting the kid. He waited for the kid to come back. That's 1st Degree murder. Pre-meditated. He had time to think about what he was doing, and didn't stop himself. 5 years, you have to be kidding me.
  20. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Looks like that old man dodged a bullet! 5 years is awesome for something like that.

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