13 yo white kid beat by many black kids breaking face bones causing blindness

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Joeslogic, Dec 22, 2009.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  2. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    I don't think this would fall under a hate crime statute. The didn't kick his ass cause he was white.... they did it cause he hit a girl with a basketball.
  3. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    I think that hate crime should work both ways. If that many white kids would have beaten up a black kid, the judge wouldn't have cared if it was about a basketball. It's bullshit, most of them will walk free without a stain on their record.
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Yeah sure its the honorable thing happens all the time.
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    No doubt. The reason I knew for a fact it was black on white was because race was not mentioned.

    The media likes to portray the world as being hateful to black people its a tool they use.

    This is just like I have pointed out at various other times when there is a crime against a black person and a white person was involved that fact is pointed out in the news article and it is portrayed as a hate crime. The cover it up if the victim is a white person never letting on what the race was of the perp. The same rule follows also for other minorities. Within a few years Mexican people will be indoctrinated into being slaves on the Democratic plantation also. It will be a shame to see it happen but it will its inevitable. Funny though how the Asians are slower to fall for that sort of BS though.

    I can tell you this if I were the parents of the kid I would have come unglued. I would not have been able to sleep a wink and the idea would have burned into my brain different ways to beat the living shit out of multiple punk kids before the authorities got to me.

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