Were did he get that idea :?: Everybody knows Iran has thelegal right to pursue the esearch of noclear technology for peaceful purposes, and,...
But if you substitue Norris forBush you will see the most sinster of plots unveiled. Do you think that walker, texas ranger is a joke ? How about...
Idf it aint Arabic it sure is vampiric, but what about the foetus ? Ha felmegyek Kolozsvבra Egyenest a fellegvבrba Ott lבtok sok urat lni...
Keep Your Jesus Off My Penis by Eric Schwartz Keep your Jesus off my penis, Keep your Bible off my balls, Keep your prayers from out my ears...
He has taken the cult out of the occult and thats not OC !
Have you read Dan Brown ? He is totally clueless. Iknw madness is as important for the free creation of art and thusly technology, as drugs. That...
Social security. Its damn boring. Havent worked for a cpouple of years. Just cruising around getting a tan r getting drunk orgetting a new book to...
In the resting. Very in the resting.
There isnt ONE suburban establishment biult with non-car living in mind. Not yet ONE that preplans to take advantage of the biowaste. Not ONE...
There should be some EU-funding for these cartoonists soon. Allso a programme for delivery of AKs and RPGLs for destruction, in exchange for...
Most systems are going down yes ! But soem are readjusting to garbageheap-existence. Rackoons run rampant in Germany.
Dont take medicine and antisocial behaviour and high IQ and low EQ and all that shit BUT ITS STILL NOT psychopathic. Hehe :lol:
My last shrink threw me out :( Their testing is sort of subjective though. Its sort of impossible to answer that question. ) But they have...
Says Slapper Old fossils show insects of a size that could not live in our air. ( Not even a hundred years ago ). We sould probably have...
Al Multaga Dawli * Egyptian newspaper posts pictures of the Danish Queen as a bellydancer. ( Most likely manipulations ). Its just a pitty the...
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/02/12/wiran12.xml&sSheet=/portal/2006/02/12/ixportaltop.html Why the double persuit...
Baby wants sugar, Daddy has sugar for baby. Babydoll :lol: Isnt avertthing sexxxualized :?: Not much arousal through sighting a bared ankles....
Wont be much left if homo sapiens is gone. No major surface animals. No birds and no major marine life. Betcha :!: Lets hope for the whimper,...
By smell i am sure :)
Separate names with a comma.