I'm number one A ok glad your here to welcome me to your first post too ! Forward look to good time chatting me on you ! Yippeee !
If your unhappy with your dad smoking pot why don't you lock him in the bathroom and tell him he's not allowed out an till he's smoked it all ?...
Cock juice.
Fany juice .
Re: london police corrupt cunts shot a baby in catford an dropped it down a rubbish s My name is detective inspector Tampax of scotland yard and...
Re: london police corrupt cunts shot a baby in catford an dropped it down a rubbish s Fanny flaps !
Hi , my names Mildred , I'm a 32 year old woman and I would like some sexual advice of woman like me ,because I'm a woman. Iv lived a very...
Ok , I'm shaving my balls now. .. ..ouch ....oow ....ah.....eek .... There ,oh yeah , it looks huge ! I'm looking at myself in the mirror Oh...
Here's some more of my juicy statistics . Height- average. Hair - mid length greasy bowl head. Penis - minuscule bordering on non existent....
I can see by your avatar that you like hansom muscley black guys but how do you feel about skinny ugly white guys who live with there mum ?...
Please dispatch me seven average looking woman a goat and some form of animal and or mineral with a prosthetic leg. Do you do smacks too ? If so...
Unfurtunely I neither live in Edinbour or am in need of tiling services. Should I find myself in Edinbour and fancy re-tiling my bathroom or...
I agree . Sterling advice , I think I'll just pretend I never garbled out that nonsense and continue with my life as if it never happend.
Hi back Do you own a dog ? I prefer cats myself Thanks for acknowledging my existence. Have you ever notice what a nice word "popadom" is ?...
Think thoughts I don't know what's wrong with your sister . Have you seen that hideous blister on her left foot , after 3 days they forgot about...
Hey Gostman , Big mamas my wife ! Stop chatting shit about my big ass fat slut of a bride god nam it ! The love between us transcends the fact...
Maybe sometimes you could tape a picture of your dogs face to the back of my head and do me from behind ? Just a thought.
Seems like your the only woman who prefers anal sex out there. Good for you , I really respect your honesty about your homosexuality . Its...
Also the notes used in the song you requested are a, Ab ,A# ,b ,Bb ,b# ,c ,Cb ,c# ,D ,Db ,D# ,E ,Eb ,e# ,f ,Fb ,f# , G , Gb and G # . Merely...
Yes its merely a isotonic flattend 5th in d minor 27 and a half with the 3rd beat forming a semi quiver over a pentatonic meridian scale . Just...
Separate names with a comma.