Awwwwwwwe, IMC, do you need a hug? [img]
HEY 133t! Dude, hey! I tried to connect with your IP addy you gave me, don't see any CS games, lots of Team Fortress though. Hey! I killed 9...
dun kopy me [img] dun kopy me :mads: dun kopy me [img] **continues to copy Kit, like Spongebob copied Sandy on the show**
I'm gonna beat you down like a red headed step child. [img]
[/Kyle]Kick The Kitty[/Kyle] [/Kit]No Don't Kick The Kitty[/Kit] [img]
probably spanking the monkey from a picture of an alter boy fucking a nurse.
check this one it's C-Rings main one. See ya there
Im using C-Rings LAN server let me check the IP for it.
U gonna play now or what?
Fuck this subject. It's as bad as the fucking one on ethnics and who gets what over affirmitive action. It dunt matter anyhow cuz we'll all be...
Shit, it don't matter anyhow, either the majority of you fuck animals and same genders or you have small size vienna sausages. I the one who does...
Im at my lil homestead now. I33t, I will dance on your grave tonight. I ain't yur bitch Kit.
dun kopy me [img] Whut?
I swear your taking me all seriously. I was messin, I know PWN means that like saying l8ters or some other shyt, 0kay?
Damn, okay, I watch DBZ and that automatically makes me 13, does it mater if im 22. BTW, I watch the undubbed version that, japanese and all that...
Make that 4 and a half. I want to watch DBZ at 7:30. OK BYE.
Coolness. rightnow its 3:50pm, fours hours we play. First in what ever LAN game we're in and then one on one. LAtes.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rattila the hon: it is a good fucking day!! i bought a plane...
I'll be on there in 4 hours [img]
Separate names with a comma.