Has any thread in the history of fugly had asmany posts as this one maybe dwaine should get some kind of award for it?
Why is it im always the dirty druggie baghead of the forum even though you guys take more drugs than ive ever seen(well maybe not) but cos there...
Maybe no ones ever checked high enough up?
this shit is getting good anyone got any mud??
I was kinda hoping for free ones dan you useless cunt.
The majority of you in here are nerds so maybe you can help i was looking threw some of the old posts in the forum the other day and found a post...
Yo dickface whats your avator all about ive been sat staring at it for an hour zombiefied.
We will if you will.
No you dont.
Im ashamed to say it has been awhile since me and my 'equipment' have been out to play ive been indisposed forthe past few years,don't ask you...
I have a better idea than that you wouldnt believe how close i am to where she lives and if she aint from little lever or breightmet ill get my...
I knew after his first post.
Great minds think alike..............................
You fucking started all this dwaine i hope your happy.
me too
I just found this in another forum could it actually be him or just coincidence?...
mmmmmmmmmm your flange is very pale isn't it hun,take another one when your on and meet us halfway.
Does anyone here know anything about tortoise,someone gave me one yesterday and i aint gotta clue what to do with it and the entertainment...
Separate names with a comma.