How the hell do you happen upon ether? You fucking an anesthesiologist ? I thought you were getting married. Shame on you.
What'd you do now? :( It's a long drive. Will you still be alive by the time I have gotten there? I'm not wasting gas on a corpse....
I'm from the south. Anyone who believes "the south will rise again" with an even population of blacks and an even higher population of hispanics...
I've had the same three carnival goldfish for 7 years now. I didn't know they could live that long...and they are huge. And that bullshit about...
No one cares now. Now that more evidence to the contrary has surfaced. There's still a trial forthcoming. I'll wait for it....
None. Some other guy will fill the post.
Hmm. Am I a terrible person for asking my man to sell his original transformers, in their original boxes? I was quite happy with the proceeds....
Because apparently, i'm kosher :D
I'd go to an AA meeting for fresh grouper. They'd probably kick me out when they found out I don't drink...
I'd never lie.... about important things.
I was just asking for a book referral. The only sex-lives I am concerned with is mine and my partners. The rest of you can fuck* yourselves. :D...
Since Barry's forum got hacked. What was that book on sexuality that you recommended again? I spent an hour at Borders yesterday perusing the...
When you said "toys" I was under the impression you meant contraptions to aid in the making of said babies. But, reading further...Legos. My...
Yeah. I saw the trailer when going to see Xmen on Sunday. I laughed. Poor Samuel L. Jackson. Is there nothing left for him to do?
I had all my porn blessed.
I went to see it yesterday. It wasn't too bad, but i'm not all anal about comics like you are. :P Went to leave and they herded us back in...
I'm pretty upfront about it. I've always wanted two children and my biological clock is ticking.
Depends on the episode.
You lead an exciting life. You are one wild & crazy guy!
Separate names with a comma.