Word,Skully you should be ashamed you spelled Skull wrong.Hypocrit.Your like one of those guys that can curl up like a pretzel and suck their own...
Yes,Skully your absolutely right.I don't talk to socks.So reply as Skully from now on OK.
This guy even sits at home waiting to put in his next post so it won't look like it's the same person.
no cause if you aren't the same person I'll kill both of you.If he is you than I'll kill two dicks with one stone.
P.S,I'm gonna fucken kill you too Heavy D if you aren't Skully.
Skully you haven't been around in a while,so we're heavy D now are we.Why don't you tell another crude oil joke,they're the highest caliber I can...
HEHE Skully creates a new character cause he wishes he could fuck Heavy D.
You would know Mormon considering it's you in the pic.
Skully is that you?
I don't think they are fucking,I think she's just about finished shitting.
Have you been watching Sally Jesse Raphael or something?There was a real hardcore one on today.
I'm gonna find your house and fuckin murder you.Poor skully the ol cut and paste is hard to use.
You didn't even quote me right you homo.Use cut and paste,or I'll fuckin kill ya [img]
BTW the O in I'll was a mistake,just like my little mistake in your moms mouth. [img]
HEHE I don't have a sister.But OI'll just use you instead you can be my English Whore.
Slappy Joe-thats funny. Skully-Does it scare you I know and appreciate so much about your people?
http://www.smffl.com/photoalbums/images/JOHNNY%20GEE!!!_jpg.gif HAHAHAHA,rough.!
A part from who responds to you there is no one else here.You a personal friend of Harlans?
Separate names with a comma.