A priest and a rabbilive in the same building, and the synagogue is right next to the church. In the entrests of cost-effectiveness, they decide...
just watch "Bowling for Columbine" that's all i'm saying.
... said the yank. I'm not saying i'd PREFER to be canadien, but... free health care, better skiing, and the industry whore of the world, i,e,...
if you hail from the UK, try not to speak like a texan. Capitalize on your nations talents. Speak monty Pyhton.
is it possibel for osX to run on an imac? g3. three years old.
are you, by any chance, Devdev on a new screen name?
what the FUCK is with that signature pictre. It looks like a fucking skittle dancing.
OK. AMERICA sucks (and btw i am a yank and STILL saying this) because anyone, even a 50 IQ dipshit like bush can be president. CANADA sucks...
amen to that Actually, it's not PC's in general i despise, it's WINDOWS. I've just been introducd to Linux, which OSX is based on, and despite not...
They were singers. For being homosexual in that business they give you a medal and a bonus. And PCs are only good for games. Period. Macs are...
by definition, any mac person is automatically a sophisticate, unless you like being a hick of course
The following is a list of things a redneck southern hick will never say: Checkmate But she's my sister! Another beer? No, thank you. Oh I just...
How do southerners like their steak? ON fire with a nigger tied to it.
How many straight San Franciscans does it take to change a lightbulb? . . . . . . . Both of them.
and then, he tied Undertow to his bumper... [img]
remember, punctuation and capitalization are our FRIENDS... ^_^
works better when told in person, but nice punning
<Burp> Excuse me. There's no excuse for you... except maybe alcohol and incest. *** Do asians burn easily? *** Give a man a fire and he's warm...
i would die for my gf, and for that greatest of all myths, the true innocent
Separate names with a comma.