It was probably one of the suggestions those Russian spies gave Obama when they asked him to please send them to Russia before they were interrogated.
Finally put an end to the embarrassment.
You caught that? And I was trying to be subtle, Seems I have vastly underestimated your genius. :)
No circle just a question. Every act has a motive, what is the motive for breaking into the Watergate hotel? What was illegal about it?
The majority of them yes. And to avoid the friction. They just decide what they want then convince a majority of the population of what they want...
Correct and that is why Obama does not live there. And its the only place with the type of demographics that will not be effected much. For...
I knew you would come around Right exactly Bars should have no smoking restrictions I mean it's a fuckin bar! Now I no sooner want to be...
Yawn. What specifically is incorrect from any of those links.
Would Communist have any motive to get a party in position of power that was tended to agree with their philosophy rather than the one that...
Questions Question 1 Did Barry Goldwater run against Nixon ever? Question 2 What was Watergate all about anyways? What crime was...
Justice on Steroids--for Ruskie Spies, Not Wall St Bigs
Milking more oil disaster Obama is hoping for maximum amount of oil on American beaches. AP: Gulf Oil to Keep Flowing While Cap is Analyzed...
If you had a picture. If you had a picture of the now 12 spies you would be able to place them with actors and Democrats. The connection...
10 Communist Russian spies caught funding Democrat campaigns. This was the whole motive for investigating the Watergate hotel just ask...
Makes sense to me. I wonder if the heat generated by the concrete plays a factor in causing solid methane to turn gas and pressurize to super high...
Yeah, yeah you know your hot for her. :biggrin: You know speaking of the astronomical odds against this kind of a blowout. Take a look at the...
~ 300 Billion in oil imports, 20+ percent of the population out of work. And Obama shuts down domestic drilling offshore. So two numbers are bound...
Here is an unemployeement picture for you. Nancy Pelosi quote: [IMG]
Good detective work Pukey. WTF is aahba some sort of forum bot?
The Branches of the Federal government. And duties according to some. Legislative * Also known as Congress. * Makes all laws....
Separate names with a comma.