Americas constitution is based on what they call Judeo-Christian principals. I'm not a scholler on the specifics of what the correct efinition of...
Seems the puppet masters would be smarter than to let him look like such an idiot.
Ha ha ha ha! Don't blow a gasket now. Yes your chart from some guys blog is bogus. And knowing how the real facts would be twisted is the...
We must admit that alien technology simply has to be much further advanced than ours. In reality the twin towers are still there in NY. This is...
Next prediction is that the market will be optimistic seeing the possibility of the Democrats losing the House. You watch the stock market will...
My prediction then My prediction then
What a clown you are with your bogus charts.
The all knowing one predicted this back then.
Then it's simple. Put an end to the Community Reinvestment Act, like the Republicans were trying to do before the Democrats took over in 2006.
Looks like Rumsfeld was way ahead of the curve and no one was interested in listening. Now since he is gone the situation went from the frying...
That's it! It's all just like a really big green, brown, white, and blue marble.
Yes ...... I see. No that's not true. :confused:
Yes Nick Berg thought he knew the key to life.
Well I'm just really suspicious of the intent of any "truther". I need to watch this Obama deception video though sounds like a video with...
Don't forget the Pinko Progressives. They are the wizards behind the curtain. :cool: There is tons of evidence Clinton who's election along with Obama's also was funded...
Well we are not that far off really its just that you give those liberals way more trust and credit than I do. Which is not hard I already know if...
It's easy to figure out if someone is just a regurgitation of propaganda a tool for the machine. The basic principal of a good conspiracy is a...
To much to read for my concentration level at this time. Suffice to say then your not a "911 truther" then right? The danger of getting to...
Separate names with a comma.