Well fuck me 12 minutes Whode of thought it All by myself Don't wanna be All by myself Oh abyss Oh abyss Staring into the Abyss...
Any one know how to boil a egg ? What ,is it like 3 minutes or something ? I want it hard boiled . For sandwiches Any ideas gang ? My six...
Well , you know , we try G-man , we try. Its one thing being a cold hartless thug capable of dealing out a well deserved base ball batting ,...
Give the poor guy a break Ghosty , maybe hes just looking for a bit of escape from life and a friendly chat ? I'll pray for us all - "Ala umni...
Well Gandolf , it has become apparent I have met a intellectually superior advasary . I am no match for your wit and charisma and must except...
I'm just surprised the mouth breathing shit stain manages to head butt his computer keyboard well enough to string a sentence together. Poor cunt.
Yo Gosty , fannycrack 007 thinks I'm you , what a complete fuckwit eh ? Blimey that guys got shit brains.
Your honest opinion is worthless And the only senses you may have are just your senses of failure , inadequacy , and repressed homo erotic urges...
Spares or repairs 2 Barry Manilows Unfinished project Would suit amateur re-animater or Frankenstein enthusiast. Originally bought to...
I tip my hat to you. *backs away slowly* *opens door* *runs away*
Well I'll say that perhaps I was out of line to mock you. The fact that you have some belief in good and evil shows a genuine depth of character....
Oooh I didn't miss it . It made me feel a bit naughty The thought of you all sub missive while Gosty gave you a few slaps and violated you Ooh...
Shall .... we .... all .... speak .... a .... bit..... slower ...... too ? Listen ..... close ..... selma...... hiyak ..... your........
I can see your trying to express something Fanycrack007 , its just I'm not sure you've really focused enough. Its nice that your trying though ,...
We all live in.. Come on you whores of babylon A yellow submarine Nail me to the cross A yellow submarine Spear me and bring the cup to catch...
All by my self Don't want to be All by my self .... There's little blue monsters crawling all over me All by myself On my face , drinking...
Anyway , howsit going Samey-wack 123 ? Are you American ? That may explain a few things .
Again ....nope .....that doesn't do much for me either ..... Is there something I'm missing here ?
Not sure I understand where your coming from with that one ,to be honest But....yeah ?......I agree ?
Ahh good old battery and rape , it solves so many problems. All by my self Don't wanna be All by myself ... Oh bugger here comes that pesky...
Separate names with a comma.