Happy New Year, chummy! You get that shipment of Cantonese female servants I sent?
Just when you thought you'd unwrapped all your gifts... There's still that forgotten package under the tree.
Happy New Year! *Raises glass* Here's to a better one...
Is it a total Wii rip-off?
...which can come in handy.
Or... Nine years later (to the day) - possibly legal by now?
Yeah, yeah... Fuck off. Just kidding. Hi.
Isn't this the same screen name that posted links to the underage white 'rape lures' and the like?
AND that!
I'm totally stealing this. :)
Nice. Thanks!
...for a moment, I thought I was browsing this Intarweb on my Mac...
Holy Fuck! :eek:
The only other time I went to one of these events was almost a decade earlier at a Best Buy... I remember getting there right at opening, and...
Link that link, Joe... I'd love to read it and share it with a few friends...
Me too. Granted, I don't watch TV, I only saw snippets of it online.
Do you think Perry is laying a foundation for a presidential nomination? Honestly, I'd say he's got the presence and charisma, not to mention...
ferrinfs! ("greetings" if you have your fingers on the right keys...)
Mighty proud of ya. Now take your ICQ spamming faggot ass and stick your entire fist up it.
Separate names with a comma.