people, for fucks sake, this is revenue generating link, evertime someone clicks that link, this duchbag makes like a penny what a subtard
whats the URL to this scum forum i hear so much about?
im 28 but thats not the point is it? youre just mad, cause you dont get to play with my "action man" in the bath, arent you?
good god, it would be so much fun to break your neck with my hands right now :D what a cocksucker you are... how do you stand being you?...
aaah come one, you know you love me!
pantera wont be the same again fucking hell :(
Yahoo! Link
so anyone that hasnt posted here for long is a retard? and you wonder why i thought youre under 16? act like your over 30 then, thats the...
no dweebo and we kill kikes :D
i know there are always bigger and badder, thats why i say ive given and reciuved asskickings, i was a dick when i was younger and got into alot...
just goes to show youre a 15 year old geek drugs and poverty is only glamorous in hollywood movies, in reality, drugs and gangsters are in...
btw its spelled with a "k" as in "knob", you fucking dumbass :D english was the 3rd language i ever learned, funny...
theres no edit button wtf do you want me to do about it? you typed like 4 words and it didnt make no sense
yeah to make friends like that you have to be really hard and tough :roll: or you just have to have a studio apartment in a bad...
up to a few years ago, the only people i socialized with where either junkies or gangsters(mostly small time/wannabes) if youve been around an...
we fucking rock
"he´s talk utter crap".....? hohoho too easy and bub-yo i told you to fuck off and dont read my posts long ago yet you do read them,...
oh no! what a greek tragedy that would be!! please dont ban me! or do ban me and see if i give a flying fuck you all (all 5 of you) are...
im sure i wont come close to being the cunt you are, no matter what i do :D
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