Dwaine my man, that totally made my day :D thanks for letting me know
ive known about that chick guy for awhile, i even sent him a hate mail he reminds me of that church lady dana carvey used to do on SNL...
dude, if you dont like it, just stay fucvk outta there i dont like it much, so thats what i do, easy as that
i decided to play nice heres a list of my favourite cliches Feelings are everywhere -- be gentle. Some facts should be suppressed, or, at...
way to go replying 123891472938471983247 words to a 100 word post and then telling me i like to hear my own voice, and then totally "getting under...
yes and you, mr genius are the only one to see the irony, cause frankly youre special! :roll: btw, techincally judeism is a religion not a race
me a prude?!?? HOHOHA if you knew anything about me you wouldnt say that so i guess in your confused little head someone is either a...
my favourite dubya 2.0 is a fucking idiot but yall already knew that
isnt it pretty obvious what happened to her? you see her sunken cheeks? thats cocain damage methheads get them too, years of abuse will do...
fugazi kicks ass and not to forget Ian McKaye is in it, who is a good friend of the man, henry rollins cunt youre a jammy one no?
aaaah you gross fucking cunt who the fuck wants to see some chick eat shit? you sick reject fuck maybe if you werent rejected by every...
i hate everyone, i wish i could kill whoever i want and not go to jail but more than others i hate CUNT cause he is a racist asshole and...
with your extensive experienxe in this field, i would expect nothing less than immediate succes
blow me cuntstain
what happened there was, you were gonna say something funny, but instead stumbled on my huge cock, fell on it and tore yourself up real bad, youre...
yeah, i saw it you cumhole that pic is at least 5 years old
dude, shes like 32 now :D at least 22
in that case i would recomend shuting the fuck up about things you know nothing about
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