i wouldnt touch those, ever i hate nightmares, now think aobut having a really bad trip, why would you risk it? being scared is no fun at all
was that a male? :shock: i saw the 1st 3 secs or so, before i turned it off, some things, you cant "unsee" ive learned that lesson the...
ah comeone, i thought we had already established i love you? i hate reality shows with all of my heart, i hate the people that volunteer for...
ive often wondered what kind of maggot actually watches these piece of shit reality shows question answered
wow, i never met a person that physicly fears retards :D ive met a few mongoloids in my days, there was even this mongoliod couple that used...
i belive i can fly i belive i can touch the sky i belive i can fuck 14 year old girls and piss on their faces
well, ive seen my share of shitty tattooes, usually a colorful blob of unidentifable shape on some old hippie or you have the homemade...
the last world superpower is in my pants reeetard?
now how can i hate you after that? damnit... :evil:
ive said it before, and ill say it again barry, you are very intelligent and a special person [img] not everyone would get such clever...
fucking awesome nursey too bad he is gone, id love to see him blow a gasket over it :D good job
FUCKYEAH video was cool, but that butthair transplant idea actually had me laughing out loud, not the ass pic, the super mullet pic fucking...
barry, barry barry you fat fuck, gimme a kiss now!
you asked me to go educate myself, turned out im more educated than you are, since i havent seen one single intelligent arguement from you yet,...
check this out: http://www.americannaziparty.com/ from that page, here are their enemies:Negroids, Arabs, Muslims and Gooks notice how jews...
what? so you didnt know arabs are semits too? am i supposed to be surprised youre a dumbass trying to sound smart by pointing out thing everyone...
what is this holocaust thing you speak of? i am the only one in the univerese who hasnt heard of it yet i said it before and ill say it...
wow, youre fucking retarded barry now that was funny
whats wrong with bashing israel? theyre evil! evil i tell you!! and maericans who wanna help them are either stoopid or kikes themselves...
its fun, but not addictive, if you just keep the power constant, say at 100, and just go by the nagle it gets pretty boring, you cant miss for...
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