good one
to quote pulp fiction: exactemundo! you got it cousĀ“ :wink:
hehehehe :) who knew dr butthole could be funny?
what the fuck is up with this forum? there are like 6 active memebers, yet every other thread is someone selling some crap
i hope you dont die or anything i couldnt go on living if you just fucking dropped dead please dont die on us
what ze fuck is an emo? and what ze fucking hell is gaia?
so i guess, thats a no then? ok, ill try again, deb, be my friend, pleeeaaasse? :(
well actually the car he hit was parked, i know cause i watched mulletboy get his face pwned on it about 20 times good stuff :wink:
werent you the one giving me a buncha shit about my comments on jews?? and your best friend is nazi guy? wow offense nazi guy
look what you did? you made debbie cry it is like the oild times, like 2 month ago! ahh the memories ps. hey deb, wanna be my new best...
so you dont know the diffrence between an insult and a joke? im shocked! :shock: :shock: youre fucking stoopid, all this time, i thought...
they were hitting little kids on bikes with the car door my only problem with that id that they didnt hit a huge fucking truck, so all of them...
i was looking at the exact same thing yesterday, i saw it once long time ago, yesterday, i opened it in windows paint and moved the 2 parts next...
your momma wasnt complaining last night she said my performance was good, unlike yours she should know right? :shock: tell her i said...
jealous? :D you can have a taste after im done with yer biyfriend aaarrrrgh
you didnt miss much, strangly shit now watch your mouth before i come over there and stab you with my dick
i didnt, any chance you fuck off again? pleeaaaaaase?
the king of the jungle! he eats and fucks and sleeps, when need be, he wakes up, bites the ass off an intruder and goes back to sleep kinda...
dude seriously, why do you care? id be happy if she just whipped out her tits and, if she was to get down and show some pink, id defenitly...
well ill be damned, that was actually funny :shock:
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