I am just teasing dont cry!
Not the song my poor anus! I ate some Habenaro(sp) peppers this weekend and my leather cherrio is ablaze. I mean it feels like a white owned store...
I hear ya Lomo! My aunts house got blown away! She wanted to stay at Casa de Browneye till she got her shit together....I told her to kick fucking...
I like artsy girls Fartsy girls I dont really care for!
I love Korn on the Kob with lotsa butter and salt.......... The shitty Numetal band...........not so much!
I was born with a weak gizzard.
No the Jena 6 is nothing like West Memphis Three. WM3 is a straight up jacking of justice. Proof that money buys freedom and our country is still...
I sent Lars your info. You should be hearing from him soon!
You'll shoot your eye out!
Kiss 1983 in support of Creatures of The Night record with Plasmatics as openers. My mom did not want to go so she bought a co-worker and me a...
No but he kind of cut alot of that out!
Their last 3 albums sucked but I heard the new one (comes out Sept 17) and it totally destroys. I am almost thinking it will knock them back up to...
Ram Jam is the ones who originally did Black Betty.
Its weak sauce when you have to resort to talking about someones kids.
He looks like Carrottops fat brother. And its not really losing weight if you have your gut stapled shut now is it........its cheating.:eek:
I heard he tried to break another world record and exploded after his 196th Big Mac.
I dont know how big of a fag that person is but I dont need someone who reeks of month old assdrippings telling me how cool I am....
What does a 70 year old womans vagina taste like? Depends.
Does it really work?
I hear if you gently insert one in your rectum you will clean the house for days. I dunno I just dont like to clean but pills in the anus sounds...
Separate names with a comma.