Awww... Spoony. It's alright. I'm not here to usurp your... um... board domination or whatever.
*tosses hair* I know I'm devistatingly handsome. That's why I'm shunned.
Lemon in the throat of a vampire? I thought it was garlic. But don't worry. I talk a big game, but I'm really totally socially rejected in...
Why is everyone so cunty about us talking on this board? Perhaps it's because we're not socially inept enough?
OMD... I heart the word "guffawesome"! You are a gentleman and a scholar, and for that, I thank you.
Oh yay. I bet Sean is WAY jealous of me today. Bush is visiting here. *gag*
Headee... how many times must I tell you?? I don't live in MD.
Yes, we're aware. But annoying you like sand in your buttcrack brings smiles to our faces.
Yeah... most DOGmas carols focus on Barb and Cuntney... That was during our Fake Christian phase. *reminisces*
I heart DOGmas!!
Yes, but please no flash photography of the lesbians, as they may attack you, dress you in plaid and force you to spend hours at Home Depot.
We can wish, can't we?
I heart you guys. I truly do.
Come off it you guys. These boards needed a little spice. Think of us as the paprika of fugly.
And she's not funny... hence the crux of my joke.
Oh GUFFAW!!! You're hilarious! Do you know Paula Poundstone??
*shrug* Either or. I'm not picky.
Oh good. I was a-skeered.
Now that Dwaine is gone I ain't gettin NO love.
I heart stalkers, too. I wish I had one.
Separate names with a comma.