You're crazy. I could give a shit about what you post on ymmnd. Dumbass.
...completely taken over I guess would be more accurate.
Speaking of whipone one of his lasts posts before this forum was taken over by the tards:...
I take it all back. You are a comic genius. "Which one?" (.5 secs to type too!) So quick on the draw! I can't hope to compete against your huge...
Ouch! I am glad our friend Whipone wasn't here to see me get so thoroughly humiliated :'( :-[
...either that or lead poisoning.
Who do you think your kidding Grim? You're a poster child for dyslexia.
It's probably becuase you are a bipolar. Trust me. Ucicare will back me up on this he has already diagnosed half the forum with bipolar and/or ADHD.
Why is it everytime you say trust me it is followed by some bullshit. There are numerous examples.
Does the vertigo begin after you move your head?
A good core article on reflux diagnosis, symptoms, and treatments:
Okay Joeslogic rightly pointed out that yogurt has been found to be beneficial in both GERD and IBS provided it has live strains of the right kind...
Are you saying you have irratible bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel syndrome? Both have IBS as initials. inflammatory bowel syndrome:...
You're right that it's possible that taking antibiotics can cause Pseuodmembrane colitis by overgowth of a bacteria called clostridium difficile....
Separate names with a comma.